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Hi, Speed here. First, let's talk about progress, then I will tell you why this post was late.

I'm on scene 20, I added a flashback scene of Maya and MC in it. It wasn't planned but I thought this moment was right to show this scene. It increased the scene 20 quite a bit but it's worth it in the end. I also added a render in this post, you can see young Maya here with her friend Nelly (a one-off character).

I'm 65 or 70 percent done with this scene. I wanted to finish writing the ending of this scene today and send it to our proofreader but it's been a long day. I will be doing that tomorrow.

And only 20 frames are left in scene 19 to be rendered. Note this scene has almost 300 frames. When I was buying my computer I focused more on the GPU, so my GPU can handle all these frames but it takes time to open every frame, and because these frames have more than 3 characters they take time to open. That's why rendering was taking so long.

Now, I also noticed that writing the scenes has been my bottleneck after I got this new rig. Before this new rig, I had an older laptop that I used to write on whenever I was free but to buy the new rig I had to sell it, which is why it's taking so long for me to finish writing scenes. I can either write the scene or make frames.

Important stuff:

1. I will post the last previews in a couple of days. I want to put a few lewd shots of scene 20.

2. I haven't forgotten about monthly renders after this update I will work on it.

Now the reason for the delay:- The past couple of days were rough. Last week I upgraded my AC, and it didn't like the old wiring of my house. I found out that a 1.5-ton AC unit can melt your cutouts. It took some time but I finally got it fixed. The temperature has been hitting the 40+ mark every day for the past two weeks. Two days without AC made me hate those people who deny climate change or global warming.

That's all for now, things are still looking good. I hope to finish this update quickly and present it to you guys.

As always thank you for your support and patience.



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