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The [FUNKY KATANA] Technique shows off a warriors true soul!

Leave a comment below telling me what your [FUNKY KATANA] transformation would look like and you're in the draw to appear as a guest character in the next Funky Katana themed episode.

- Leave a comment below describing what your Funky Katana transformation would be
- Make sure you are following the Swords Patreon account
- A winner will be drawn when we pass 2000 subscribers (This includes paid and unpaid. As per Patreon rules, this is not a raffle where money is exchanged for a chance at winning something.)




Color of my soul! Funky Katana! A singing cat of nine blades. Basically a cat with nine blades on strings singing as it slashes at you


Colour of my soul! Funky Katana!! Sword of ten trillion calories! (It's a sword made of flaming burgers).