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Hi guys, I thought I would take a moment to get you up to speed with everything going on lately:

We announced a game!
Swords : Edge of Chaos is now in development:
SWORDS : EDGE OF CHAOS | 2022 Announcement Trailer - YouTube
I'm developing this game with Thane Brimhall, who many of you know as Pennomi from the Swords Discord - he's been the admin of the website for the past 4 years so the game is in very good hands.
We're releasing a weekly update on Swords : Edge of Chaos @SwordsTheGame

I quit my day job!
Swords and Swords : Edge of Chaos is now my full-time job. Thank you again for all your support over the last 4 years - I really never imagined we would get to this point.
I'm still aiming to reach $2500/month on Patreon so I can keep my home studio space AND hire a part time assistant for myself; but I've been too busy to refresh the rewards available.

The Stars took flight!
If you missed it before, the Stars spaceship has been revealed and the crew has taken flight. You can catch up on Stars | WEBTOON

Making more video content
As you know, I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to making video content, but please watch me draw the latest episode. Maybe I'll change my tune once my page monetizes:
Drawing Swords DXCVII - YouTube

More DnD content soon
I've been getting a little help from One Page Mage to teach me how to DM - so expect more Swords flavoured DnD content as Patreon rewards soon. Check out the One Page Mage Patreon

More Stabatars are heading out now
Sorry I got behind on sending people their Stabatars for signing up - I have now sent most of these for new 2022 signups. If you're an older patron and you still didn't get one, let me know. Currently there have been over 250 made and sent.

Swords is almost at episode 600!

Episode 600 will mark the end of Season 4, then I'll do what I normally do and take a breath, make a plan, and tweak the comics layout a little bit to keep up with social media trends. I normally raise the resolution of the comics each year too, but I actually think it's high enough now!

Gladiator Tier Swor'nament
I know I've been putting this off for a long time now, but after episode 600 we'll be doing that for a while. Even if I have to let other things pile up.

Quest Sprout plushies are arriving!
Lots of people have had their Makeship plushies arrive! There are lots of great photos on Instagram, Imgur and Reddit!
I'm working on my next design with Makeship now - I'm not sure anything will be as popular as more Quest Sprout, but I hope the upcoming ones appeal to hardcore fans of the whole series.

Updating sites
I've refreshed /r/SwordsComic and Instagram with a hot new look- more updates to come

There will be a sponsored drawing contest soon!
More information about that in a few weeks.

2022 is the year a mysterious new character is unveiled, and one that has been greatly missed returns...


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