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I don't think we've done one of these in a while?

Ask me anything.


Ilona Bowron

How are you? You sounded a bit burnt out for a while there.


Oh I am SO burnt out. But you don't stop dancing 'till the curtain falls. I dunno, I think if I tried to list all the reasons why it would quickly turn into an essay, which would just feel bad for everyone. There's been a lot of setbacks lately. But I am ALIVE and things can always improve.


Can you tell us about a project that never got published?


About a decade ago I tried to sort of brute-force my way into game development by making thousands of art assets for a game called underVillage, but the programmers who volunteered to bring it to life never really aligned on the same goals as me and so the project just sort of spun out over the next 10 months. There were weird fights over little things. It was supposed to be a weird little town-building game like Don't Starve and Animal Crossing merged together.


Will I ever find true love?


Has a character's popularity ever surprised you? Either a character you didn't expect to get so much community love or a character you thought would be a hit that most people seem indifferent to?