Hiltshire Construction Project (Patreon)
Hi adventurers,
The Kingdom of Hiltshire is a castle city with 3 rings of buildings and a sword-shaped castle at its centre, resembling the sword in the stone that Baltad left in the Enchanted Forest.
And it's about time we mapped it!
Here's how to leave your mark on the city:
If you'd like to be in Section 1, choose one of the houses pictured (A1-14, B1-13, C1-14, D1-14) - first in, first served
Tell me if it's a Home or a Shop!
Tell me who lives there (Legendary heroes are fine, but let's keep it in the scope of people who would actually live in Hiltshire. No giant monsters or time-travelling robots or Kings of other Kingdoms.)
If its a Shop, what's the name of the shop? What does it sell? (Let's keep that swordy too!)
It will be tracked from here
And that's it! Let's build a city!