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Hello, i'm working on wolf complex right now and some ideas arrive in my mind.

But after thinking on it for a while... i get a little concerned.

How is going to end this game? i mean, i know the ending that i have, but i have multiple doubts.

I was thinking on continue as now, like completing the school, addind more characters etc...

But I'm not very convinced about it, i discovered the only characters i love of this game are margaret and ezio, so i don't really know how add new characters in this story.

So i think, what about Concentrate only in them, i mean, i want a ultra good ending for them, but what if that is not the ending, what if in certain point of the story, they graduate from school, and they go to live together in another house?

I think this, because to be honest, the game is very badly done, there are many poorly designed and poorly programmed things.

The school have no sense, is empty.

The strenght and intelligence stats are useless.

The maggie stats big part of the time are useless.

And there are so many things that are useless.

This is because i do this game while i was learning about making games...

So, there are many things that i can´t change or just i don´t want to change, because that means a lot of time i could be using in advance on the game, instead just remaking it.

This game is bigger than probably i can make, i just take more than i can chew.

This don´t means i'm going to delete the game or something, is just a change of view about it.

Maybe is better change the main gameplay to one more simple but more detailed?, or i continue trying to finish all the things i already put in the table?.

I don´t know... so many times i was thinking on directly deleting the school part because i feel it don´t give nothing to the game.

But how i already used it for the story and main gameplay i can´t just eliminate it, so i was thinking on giving the game this "Second part".

Changing the entire gameplay in middle of the game as part of the plot.

Obviously this means finishing the actual things i have already done, but... why do you think?

Do you like the actual no sense type of gameplay? i just can´t fix all the problems this game have without making the game again from the start.

Or you prefer i do something new? trying to end this chapter of schooldays and centering in something more fresh.

Or maybe finishing this and launching this new view of the game as a second part or DLC?

Putting away a year of development is not easy, i would like i can do all i wanted in first place... but i'm just not happy with how i'm developing the game, the code is a disaster, every single change i need to do to fix something small is just anoying.

That's because i'm so exited with my new game reckless love, because i'm doing it after i learned programming, and is starting a way better than wolf complex start XD (Expect a demo soon)

So that's all, the game is not going like i want because the horrible amateur code i created 1 year ago is the worst thing i ever made, the bad desitions of the past are raising now... in the way, i don't want continue this game anymore, and i don´t like that feeling.

So any help? please put it in the comments, i need some orientation about the game future.



one thing i think you can do is simple, you could tell us that your postponing main development to iron out bugs and rethink anything deemed "useless"


yes, but i think is not necesary, i can just make one new thing and a rework in every update, at the end, is the same, i have not urgency on finish the game so i can take my time


Ultimately it's best answered by yourself, concerning what will best motivate you to continue working on the project. That said, there is always the cost to benefit comparison to judge. Will rebuilding from the foundation be critically necessary or will the work be completed best by finishing with what you already have. If you are over halfway to the goal, then the benefits may not ultimately be worth the effort to change things now. You can always complete a piece of work first and learn from all the mistakes before restarting, but only you know which path will satisfy yourself.