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Hello! i keep advancing o my super secret project hehehe...

I was working hard on it these days.

I'm doing interfaces, mechanics and completed my first minigame.

Was hard to do but... i made it! and is pretty funny.

I'm exited to launch this game for the public!

But need some work yet....

I only work on it on my free time, so it advance a little slow.

I still need work on wolf complex so i dont want to double the work time hehe...

I don't know what i will do when i launch this game and everyone fall in love with it and start asking for updates frecuently...

But you know what? i don't care, i like how this game is going, and i'm gonna to launch it! i can comfirm you are going to love it.

The knowledge I have gained allows me to make this game better than Wolf Complex... but don't worry, wolf complex was my first project and is normal is a little bad desingned.

I still loving wolf complex and his characters so i'm going to complete it, the updates will not decrease. (I hope)

I will keep you tuned with more info soon!



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