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Been itching to get back into coloring fully rendered pics again, and wanted to try some crazy colors on this one.


POV: You are a hottie this pooch picked up from the bar. He's a bit dumb, but a hell of a charmer, and he smells (in a good way, you decide). He invites you back to his place for some coffee at two in the morning and you eagerly agree. The cab ride get very gropey, and you nearly make him pop by the time you arrive at his place, and he's quick to finish himself off inside you. By the time you pass out, your face is covered in his sweat and slobber, and your orifice of choice is pumped full of dog custard.

He's still asleep when you wake up, and you don't want to be rude and leave without saying goodbye, so you try and pass the time. You fuck around on your phone, but the battery dies soon after and you can't find a charger. You consider taking a shower, but his bathroom is filthy, and he only has one cheap old towel that's a little too damp and smelly (in a bad way). He eventually wakes up in the afternoon and makes you a god awful cup of coffee and a toaster strudel.

You decide you don't want to give this doofus your phone number, and you're a little relieved when he doesn't ask for it. He's cute, but his charm can only mask his trashiness for so long. Although not enough for you to resist offering to take care of that morning wood he's been lugging around his apartment all afternoon buck naked, stiff as a pole, bouncing, and slinging pre this way and that. Your forearms get coated in god-knows-what when he bends you over the counter top. Damn, he's a hottie, though.




such a kissable boy