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Taking the elevator up or down during the high traffic hours at conventions is usually a long frustrating slog, but the incident Friday night that sparked quite a story by the next morning gave "elevator con" a new meaning. One particular girl had a bit too much to drink, and getting impatient about getting to her floor, dropped to her knees and dared every guy around her to whip 'em out and see what happens. Everyone in every crowded line on every floor of the hotel got quite a show, as the box full of debauchery toured up and down the building, taking in nervous patrons and spitting out very happy ones. The rumors going around seemed too good to be true, but if the tale was unbelievable, the pictures trending on social media sure weren't. All of Saturday was full of whispers about the drunk girl in the elevator.

"I wasn't there, but I saw her come out of the elevator. She looked like she spilled a bowl of yogurt all over herself!"

"My buddy was in there! First time he'd ever been sucked off. Lucky bastard!"

"Are you serious? Is THAT why the elevator smelled so much like jizz last night?"

"Dude, that chick up front? That's her, that's elevator girl!"

The elevators on Saturday night were even more crowded than the previous night, no doubt full of desperate men looking to see the event play out again for themselves. But even if Saturday didn't get crazy, this mystery woman already gave more than a few otherwise hopelessly horny nerds quite the experience to boast about to their friends.


Sorry for the over-indulgent description, I just had so much fun with this piece! I'm trying to build up a roster of characters, instead of just drawing my own over and over again. This one is named Molly. I'm not gonna dump a long description about her character, but hopefully it'll manifest itself eventually as I draw her more.




You art is this perfect kind of hot and sweaty , gay or straight it’s just so damn hot