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Rottytops Personality: free spirited, energetic, headstrong, untrustworthy, crafty, and manipulative. A tease and a shameless flirt. Sassy and tomboyish. Loves to ruffle feathers and guide people down the wrong path.

Intro Segment: Idle pose next to zombie caravan with various arm poses and facial emotions to emphasize dialogue. User clicks dialogue bubbles to progress.

- *Sigh...* "Being a side character is such a drag sometimes... Ugh, I am soooo bored!"

- "Well I'm not gonna just sit here waiting for snack cakes to show up on a whim."

- "Looks like I'll have to entertain myself tonight!"

- "Hmmm, what to do, what to do...?" (Rottytops begins touching her cleavage, which sparks her lust as she looks down seductively).

- "Ooh...I have an idea..." (With a sexy, lusty gaze).

- "Maybe it's time for a little self pampering..."

- *Gasp!* "And maybe I can get some assistance!"

- "I think a sensuous midnight rendezvous is in order here!"

- "Time to access the web using my chit chat spider. I'll put the word out and see who bites!" (Spider comes down from off screen. Rottytops interacts with it briefly before it zips back up).

- "In the meantime..."

Potential DLC Content: "I love a little role play, what should I dress up as tonight?" (She flips over to screen left with a finger on her chin. Option buttons slide up. She'll have a response for each choice once clicked).

· Tan Line Island: "My favorite! I adore being a sexy temple princess! Did someone say fan dance?"

· Human: "Hmm, I can't recall where I got this one from, but I totally love it!"

· Pit Crew: "Ooh yes! Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!"

Pose 1 Segment: Leaning back against caravan with legs spread while in idle. Dialogue clicks progress the animation here.

- "Now where was I?"

- "Oh ya! That's where." (She continues touching cleavage).

- "Hmm...this top is a little restricting..."

- "Ok shirt, you've got to go!" (User clicks to expose her breasts. She continues lightly touching her cleavage to neck area).

- "Ahh yes, that's much better.."

- "Ooh, I'm gettin' all tingly!" (Rotty moves a finger to trace her breast and circles around the outer edge of it).

- "Mmmm... how delectable..." (Eyes close).

- "The only thing that could improve this situation would be a helping hand..." (A crack appears on the ground. Two zombie hands spring out of the cracks and idle next to Rottytops).

- "Well well, speak of the devil!"

- "What's shakin' bacon?"

- "Care to join?" (Smirks).

To be continued...



Will Rottytops get herself off? Find out in our next episode "Sexual zombie! Rottytops Gets Off!!"