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As I put the final touches on Miss Fortune and get her ready for public release, I thought now would be a good time to share the next planned animation with my awesome Patrons. RottyTops from the Shantae games!

Poisony Ivy & Harley Quinn have been pushed back for now, but are still on the docket...



The Big Kachowski

can't wait to see this, she's one sexy zombie :P also when will Miss Fortune be ready do you think?


I'm still working out the money shot, but I'm so close it's killing me! This part always ends up being a huge bottleneck, but it's super important to get right. All I can say is ASAP!!!!!!!!!


Another note, I've opted for a new work flow that will allow me to get content to you guys faster. Basically, with Miss Fortune I should have released her with just her default costume, but then patched in the extra content and uploaded new versions as they became ready. This will help prevent such large gaps in between new stuff to check out.


Oh my god Yes! I love Rottytops, and pretty much all the Shantae characters. Really happy to see this be your next project, Liz. ^-^


Yes! Headway! If anyone can make this a great animation It's you Liz! Good luck!