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Cocona has taken the liberty of eating the vanilla ice cream that her teacher, a 12-foot-tall giant, had been looking forward to!

Bad students need to be taught a lesson!

Cocona!!! I'm going to teach you hard today.



So this time it's Cocona-chan's art~!

I got my Covid-19 vaccine last week!

I'm a little scared about the next vaccination, but I want to do my best. 

(Japanese people have high fever)

I have high blood pressure, and my doctor told me to exercise, so I'm walking 10 kilometers every day.

I want to become a healthy body....

Also, the support site has been renewed!

It's just the icons and such that have changed, but

I'd like to do some interesting things in the future, so I'll be working on that as well.

I really appreciate all the supporters! I'll keep at it!



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