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Happy New Year everyone~!!!!!

I would like to thank you all for your support during the past year.

I think it was a year in which I really felt that I could not have done it without your support.

I sincerely hope that this year will be a good one for you...

...... So, it's 2021!!!!!!

It's been a very fast year for me in 2020 ......

I've been living a life of ups and downs since Corona in February, and it feels like it's gone by in a blink of an eye.

There is still no sign of an end in sight, but I would like to change my mind this year.

What kind of year was it for you in 2020?

For me, it's been a year of rethinking my painting in many ways.

Around June, I realized that I couldn't go on like this, so I started to study more about painting.

In mid-November, I was finally able to draw what I wanted to draw.

In 2021, I hope to learn more and be able to express myself in a lot of lewd ways.

I'd like to close this New Year's greeting. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you all again this year on nekotewi.

The next update will be about Anna from FGO, look forward to it~!




Happy New Year to you too! 2020 has been an "interesting" year for me, just doing my best to stay safe. Thank you for your art as always, and looking forward to seeing more of your works. If the situation improves, maybe I can say hello to you again at a convention later in the year!