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I know the month is coming to a close, and I know I haven't run a poll yet this month. But then I thought, it might be more fun for me to take some requests and just do as many sketches as I possibly can before the end of the month!

SO- I'm taking requests! It can be fanart, kinky requests, your OCs, my OCs, really anything goes. I'll take as many as I can and post them as they're finished. Only rule is that it can't go against my TOS. 



Yeah im on the extremely pregnant Marzie having cravings train.


i hope 2 characters is ok. if not just do kira. i'd like to see kira and marzie squished together, showing off their huge pregnant bellies and huge milky boobs to the viewer. this is kira's official ref: https://youtube.com/shorts/D9Ee3plW9kc?feature=share these are some pics knight_dd made of her for me. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50701918/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49902569/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/48744254/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/48430407/


Oh my gosh! I was thinking, Duchess from The Aristocats ^^ all cute and busty, possibly a cute lil pregnant piece to! 💜 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2c/7c/6b/2c7c6b4d0a02de9a041c68d59c4aa796.jpg Another idea would be as Easter is around the corner, would love to see Marzie dressed as an Easter bunny Queen sitting on her throne of eggs haha ^^ Though I would die to see my OC drawn in your style, I'd much rather commission you for it than to just throw her in the hat ❤️. Just feels odd putting it down on a request ^^. Will definitely keep an eye open for when you open comms again hun 💜