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Hey there! I hope everyone is doing well so far in the new 2022! Recently I had my first commission opening of the year and I want to clear up any confusion that has arisen after this opening. This may be long-winded so I have bolded the most important information if you'd rather browse, but I feel I need to address some concerns that have arisen. 

The purpose of my Patreon is to offer all previews of my major projects, WIPs, and a discount for top tier supporters.

First dibs on commission slots IS NOT a Patreon benefit, and will not ever be a benefit. I deeply apologize if this was at all misleading, or a reason you subscribed. I'd even understand if you chose to unsubscribe because of this. While it's true that the last few commission openings have occurred here on Patreon, this has never been a promise to anyone in any tier. I simply can't offer it as an official benefit, because per the rules of Patreon, it would mean that I would have to guarantee a commission slot to everyone in that tier, which would be impossible for me to accommodate. Because I also tend to pick the commissions I want to take, I also don't like the idea of someone having to pay for the *chance* for a commission slot. No shade to any artist who choses to do that way, it's just not how I want to take commissions.

The reason why the last few openings have happened here and not publicly, is because it is WAY easier for me to pick from a much smaller group of people. It has also served as an extra "thank you" for your support. I'm VERY grateful to have such an amazing support system of Patrons who understand, and want support the work that I do! So, a few times in the past I have wanted to express my gratitude by going above and beyond by offering private commission openings.

Despite this, I could absolutely see how this would lead some people to thinking it was an exclusive benefit, which was a mistake on my part so again, I deeply apologize for making anyone feel like they had to be here in order to get a commission. That being said, I will no longer privately open for commissions here on Patreon, and will ONLY take them publicly from now on. By publicly, I mean on Twitter or FA or both. You can still expect previews of YCHs or adoptables. None of that is going to change. You just won't see me open slots here anymore unless I say otherwise.

On a personal note, I am only one person. I simply cannot do a commission for everyone who wants one. Sometimes public openings get very overwhelming for me. I hate to disappoint people, but someone will always be upset at me for the way I do things. Still, I will do my best to improve the process so it's as fair as it can be for everyone including myself.

So, my question to you is; what can I do to make the commission process better? Should I add a benefit for a commission opening heads up 1 week in advance? Should I alternate between artist choice and first come first serve? Should I offer commission in only 1 place (like Twitter only)? I sound like an annoying survey, but your feedback is very important to me because I truly want to do better for you. 

Finally, I have made small adjustments to the membership descriptions so hopefully it's easier to understand exactly what you're getting. 

Thank you if you've made it to the end, and I look forward to hearing from you ;w;



I think maybe a slightly larger heads up for Patreon maybe like a day or two, that way people can have time to decide on an idea and not feel as rushed. And/or maybe have Patreon members have an extended window to submit for a commission that way if they are preoccupied with other life events they still have a chance. Like an extra 12-24 hours, but still keep it artists choice, patrons just get the extra convenience not the guarantee.

Mirrored Knight

Well I think it'd be best if we were just given a heads up to about a week to let us know when you plan to open commissions, but it's your choice which get picked. And if you think it'd be easier for you then I say it might be a good idea to restrict commissions to one area.


I’ve definitely thought about restricting commissions to one area of social media so it feels less like a flood every time. I think a “heads up” benefit would be helpful overall


Wait, so Patreon rules don't allow "the chance" for a commission to Patrons only? I'm just curious about that - one reason I ask being that FursonaPins only opens commissions to Patrons, not the public, and they only open 10 slots at a time, out of like 100-200 people submitting requests. Plus I think like 5 extra slots (and still just a chance!) for the $55 tier Patrons or so. One idea I could suggest for you - if it's in line with the rules (and your morals!) - is maybe open commissions publicly, with additional slot(s) being Patreon-exclusives. Like, if you're opening for 8 total slots, do 6 of em for anyone FA & Twitter, and 2 for Patrons only. Personally I much prefer artists at least opening on FA too. I don't personally like Twitter for art stuff, because it's extremely hard to find anything without just scrolling forever, except for pinned tweets. xD; Thus my suggestion would be to offer commissions both places (Twitter and FA), and pick which ones you want from both lists. I don't personally like first-come-first-serve, because that basically just gives preference to whoever can be around at the right place and right time, with everything written up and ready to go, instead of the artist getting to draw what they like better - which I really think is more fair to both the artist and commissioners! That is, just as long as they cycle through who they pick from...I've had some artists to whom I submit commission requests all the time when they open, and they repeatedly pick the same commissioners... ^^; I definitely plan to commission you someday! :3 Good luck with figuring everything out! ^^


I don’t know anything about FursonaPins or how they operate, so I can only speculate. What I do know is that Patreon is very strict about any kind of raffle system being used on their platform since it could be considered gambling. I could speculate that there’s a technicality that doesn’t include “a chance at a commission” - or perhaps eventually they WILL be able to get a pin somewhere down the line but some people might have wait longer than others? I don’t know. Either way, it doesn’t really matter for me since it’s not a system I want to use anyway. I agree about keeping FA open in addition to Twitter. My biggest audience is on Twitter, but that doesn’t mean it’s the better choice since FA is an actual gallery space, even if it’s very outdated. Bird app is not meant for artists. I also agree about first come first serve. It eliminates the stress of having to sort through bunches of commission forms and personally disappointing people, but people are gonna be disappointed anyway if they weren’t able to snatch a spot quick enough. Plus then I’m at the mercy of whomever I get even if it’s not something I’m keen on drawing which impacts me mentally. I just wanted to throw it out as an option since many artists still take commissions that way. Finally, I know people will always have issues with artist choice commissions, but I feel like I mix it up pretty well. Yes I have regulars that I’ll pretty much always pick because they’re great clients! The road goes both ways if you ask me.


Yeah, it's a raffle for sure - not a random-drawing type thing, they do pick who gets one (and again, often the same people getting picked, which is a lot more annoying when it's 10 slots and 200+ submissions than 20 people fighting for 5 slots lol...) They technically say that Patrons get first dibs, and then it'll open to the public; but with the submission count cutoff being hit within 10-15 minutes, it never does go public. But what about opening (an) extra Patron-only slot(s)? I don't -think- that would violate any rules (I'm not a creator here so I don't really know what the rules say, haha), and I think it would be fair to everyone! Just a suggestion. :3 Yeah definitely FA is meant for artists way more than Twittaur. Hehe, "bird app".. :3 Definitely people are going to be disappointed when they can't get a commission. When demand is greater than supply, that will always be the case, so it's definitely better to be more fair. Plus yeah, I wouldn't wanna deal with the stress of taking a commission I'm less fond of, since a lot of drawing is motivation, and taking the ones you WANT to draw will make them easier to handle and will come out better anyway! :3


It would be a lot easier with a week heads up.


Eh, I give you a lot more benefit of the doubt than average due to the alts usually made. Not to mention the amount of OC work you put in. Contrary to what you think you're actually a very low price to the amount of art shown out. Maybe a vague hint that art comms are opening up would work as a benefit. But no, frankly I don't like paying for the "option" of getting to commission you so I prefer the system as is much moreso. If I was paying double digits a month for patreon? Sure I'd expect differently. But I'm paying a pack of cheese crackers and a Diet Dr. Pepper a month for this, so anything more than a "Thinking of opening comms in a week" would be overkill in all honesty.




That’s part of the reason I keep my Patreon so cheap relatively speaking. 1 Starbucks coffee a month and you get a lot of content from me. I appreciate the feedback!!