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First of all, WELCOME!! There were so many new folks who have hopped on to my Patreon after I posted the anonymous comic commission to Twitter, and I really appreciate all of your generous support! I was blown away by the response, considering as some of you know how nervous I was to share that side of my interests publicly. ^^; That's why there's a lot more of it here on my Patreon. So thank you for your interest!

I'm going to be pausing your billing cycle in April because I have a lot still I need to catch up with commissions and trades, as well as some IRL events that will require a lot of my attention. My brother is getting married in May, and we're also scheduled to move into our new house on May the 12th (the day we were told, but it could be sooner). I just want to make sure I give myself plenty of time to get everything that I need to finish done before I promise new things to come. Plus I also kind of need a little break after this last batch.

Not to worry though, because during that paused time I will be working ahead to post LOTs of things in May! I am still working on the lovely Arcanine piece that we voted for together for this month and that will be on it's way out before the month is over. I posted a WIP of the concept I had for the Arcanine sisters a while ago that my lovely roses and stars can check out ^^

I will also be adjusting the STARS tier (the $30 chibi tier) during the month of April. I've spoken to my star patrons, and have mentioned that it was getting to be a little bit more effort than I could spare and that I will be lowering the cost for that tier, likely to $15, and offering something more simple as a reward. I'm not exactly sure what yet, but I will keep you posted as soon as I make up my mind. 

Now about a discord server.....

First of all, I'm a filthy liar who said it'd be ready in December....I'm so sorry >.<
I'm gonna do it!!

I'm curious what you guys want as opposed to what I want to do. I want to run a simple announcement style server that's low maintenance. On the one hand, I feel like most people I speak to are in a TON of servers, and it's hard to keep track of everything everyone else is doing so just keeping it sleek and simple is the best. On the other hand, I know some people want a place to be more social with me or with each other, even if it's a bit more work to run. So if you have an opinion, I'd like to hear what you personally prefer. Do you want to interact more? Or are you ok with kind of creeping and occasionally peeping? 



It's fun to chat with you here and there ^.^ but I think you should choose what's most comfortable for you


Think it’d be cool to interact with others where you can share your own art with everyone in a channel while in another one there will be a specific Tiggy art channel with your art. These are just ideas tho! Can’t wait to join when you make the server^^ Keep up the good work!


I try to chat when I can!! But I do watch them like a hawk for good art from everyone so I am usually just hiding


I'm glad you are getting a lot of positive attention for the things you are interested in. I'd def. love a server to interact more with the community, but ultimately, I'd prefer you to not stress yourself out too much because art is definitely an emotionally driven thing so thats whats most important to me. 💙


I know how hard it is sometimes to share your kinks with others! It also took me a while to be more comfortable doing so. In terms of a Discord server, I would like to have more interaction, but do whatever you feels works best for you.


Takes as much time as you need! You've been doing fantastic work and you more than deserve the time off!