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A one pager I did quite a long time ago, when Hearts & Iron and giants were a gleam in my eye. In the style of Jerry Mills of "Poppers" fame. I published this in a little volume called Tales From the Queer Side, my first zine.




Can't count the number of times I've been in the same position and wondering later if i should have approached someone. But a lack of good self-esteme and too many years of living in redneck areas where i played it safe left me unable to be forward with that hot muscle guy. Even when I was able to make friends with him i wasn't able to tell him how hot i thought he was.


I think a lot of gay men can relate to this!


These are so cool to see.


I know exactly the material you're thinking of! I actually still have those collections of 70s, 80s gay cartoons. Also especially Leonard and Larry, some of my first gay crushes.


I imagine there are more “straight” guys like that out there than we think.