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Hey everyone,

I know the last update was late, and while I won’t go sharing this stuff with everyone as Patrons, you have a right to know why your product was delayed.

My old man's health has taken a turn, I won't go into specifics, but I may need to be more available to help him out. It’s been a busy couple of weeks.

But with me being home more frequently, I will also be around my computer more. Which means I have decided to increase the amount of writing I do.

Because I am selfish and I enjoy doing it.

But yeah, because of this, I will be posting two Polls in the Patron soon enough one will be exclusively for you guys and follow the standard rules and the other one for anyone who wants to drop by.

Treat it like a regular Vote, but you get to vote twice as much. Double dip, do it! You deserve that extra dip.

Mmm, dip.


And by the end of it, who knows, we might have another fic showing up with early access updates every week.

Depending on how things develop in the coming weeks, I might also try and do some other stuff.

But yeah, the polls will be open for as long as need be, probably for two update rotations. I think… we shall see.

Cheers, all, and thanks for your understanding.


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