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Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've made this kind of post, the reason is because so far things are going well (although there have been some ups and downs). I am making this post because there may be some changes in the future.


Since I opened Patreon I've always tried to improve the service I offer, and given also the various problems with Leackers, I want to try to move to Early Access. This means that all the characters that I will create will be available one month earlier for Support, after which they will be made public. I want to make it clear that this will be A TEST.  My goal at the moment is to keep my income stable, if I should see that by going to Early Access I should have a lot of losses I will go back to the method I usually use.

How Early Access will work:

- Early Access will be introduced this summer and will be on trial for 3 months

- At the end of the three months I will decide whether to continue with Early Access or return to the current method

- Should I continue with Early Access ALL characters released so far will be public

- During Early Access ALL characters I create will be available a month early for Support, after the month is over they will be available for everyone

- Some characters will have exceptions: There are some OCs of mine that I care about particularly and I don't want them to be used improperly by other people, so these characters will remain Patreon Exclusives

- OC Exclusives will continue to come out, but they will not be made consistently


There is a reason I want to keep my income stable, and it is because I need it to self-finance a Project of mine. I don't want to make this post too long so I will tell you more about it in these days. What I can tell you at the moment is that it will be an SFW Comic that I will be making with Kiokatsu.

Sorry for the long post and thank you all for the Support.



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