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Poll Link: https://forms.gle/u4dkT1ZqzXNqusge8

The character can be of any type. If you have references, please share the links. The more detailed the Concept is, the easier it will be for me to realize it.

The OC Concept is anonymous, only I can see the Poll responses.

If you have difficulty with the concept, you can take cues from existing characters you like.

OC Information Template

- Patreon/Discord Nickname (To be able to contact you):

- Character Name (Optional):

- Height:

- Personality:

- Likes (Optional):

- Hates (Optional):

- Description:

- Reference (Recommended):

If the number of Concepts is 5 or more the winners will be chosen by voting.

If the number of Concepts is 4 or less the winners will be randomly drawn.




Poll Closed