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"Hey hey people, Seth here. Have I ever told you about ____?"

Hope everyone's doing well! Still away on holiday for another 2 days but got some work done in the during the downtime! From what it seems so far this will probably end up around the 10 minute mark as opposed to some of my longer vids, just due to keeping everything a bit more 'fast' paced.

Additionally, as you most likely saw my video embedding host is now permenantly broken which really isn't cool. If you have any suggestions for this I would be grateful to hear them, but from now on I'll be uploading a GIF of the video and the actual link below in the text field unless I can find a suitable alternative.

Looking forward to picking up pace on the next video over the next coming days, been a little bit since I've released a full length public video!

Take care cuties~





*Nods head obediently* I can’t wait to get lost again. I hope you’re enjoying your family holiday.


hey, is everything going okay? I'm getting worried since it seems we've skipped at least 1 update

Hope Cat

Hey man been a hot while, you doing alright?


Yo, you ok? Been a minute, hope nothing happened.


Hey there, you alright? Been a while since you let us know something. Hope nothing bad happened during vacation.


I guess Dreddy pulled a Sluffle…


I just hope he's alright

Dredgen Ivory

It's been three months and I can't help but think this is the fate of furry hypnosis creators

Hope Cat

Can confirm Dreddy is alive, but goodness I hope we get some content from him soon we're starving.