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Hey you cuties ~

Hope you've been enjoying the short format videos so far! It's been alot of fun getting the chance to touch alot of different themes and topics in a distilled format like this, and I'm grateful for the chance to get to work on it!

The previous short format GIF aswell as the final one to be psoted will be non-timed Patreon exclusives!

With that said, I'm happy to announce that the next release will be a full length, public video!

Going to do something fun with this vid, possibly more JOI focused but still with that heavy, mind melting, thought emptying hypno touch you know and love ~

Already have a title and thumbnail made for it, so look forward to seeing it announced soon!

Finally, To those new and experienced with my Patreon I always love to hear any feedback good or bad on anything I make. I can only inprove with your help, and getting your thoughts and what I did good and what I can do better is the most valuable thing I could ever ask for. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment, or send me a private message to express your thoughts! Look forward to hearing from you!

Otherwise, I hope all of you take care of yourself to the fullest, drink plenty of water, show your affection to a loved one, and take the time you need to care and lvoe yourself the way you deserve <3

Yours always ~

Dreddy ~



Need a length video with a VA


Honestly all of the gifs were good. I’m looking forward to the full length video of course but take your time if you need it!


VA's have been something I've been keenly interested in since I did my first collab. Trust me that when it happens it'll be amazing, both for everyone here and for me to get to edit!!