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So (obviously) The last week and a half have been focused on the highest voted choice of the first of the last three polls, which was a JOI Centric 'Jerk Hero' Type video!

Been creating alot of new assets and learning alot of new techniques about how to do this type of video, so initial uptake was a bit slow. But, I've managed to get my head around it (read: beaten premier into submission with over 15 running video tracks) so should be smooth sailing from here on out!

I'll update you as progress goes, but will currently say I'm about half way done overall, with the teaser video posted being only one part of it in total!

This WILL be a public release once it's fully finished due to the different nature of the video theme and type, however the next voted video topic 'Hypno Virus Installation' will be a return to my regular videos, and a Patreon Exclusive only!





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