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TLDR: Go check out the damn Twitter! (jk, not jk >:3)

New videos will focus on quality and unique ideas and editing, with short 30-second videos being released in between as editing practice. Scripts will also be focused on prioritizing writing about themes and'scenarios' rather than just following a set structure. I might also start writing about how I create videos, starting from the basics up to more advanced editing practices, as part of a shift in focus for the Patreon to being behind the scenes and less filtered thoughts about what's going on.



This is just a write-up about my thoughts on putting together the last video, as well as some thoughts about how I'll be planning releases in the future, where my content is going, and what I want to do with the future stuff I put out. If that sounds interesting, read below!

I want to start by saying thank you again for being so patient with the release of this video. While I did work through a good 60% of it during my haitus, I decided that the quality of both the script and the visuals just weren't really up to par with what I wanted my stuff to represent. With that, I decided to restart the entire video and dump both the premier project file and the script into the trash to try again, this time with some more focus on creating a script that was more in line with invoking feelings in the viewer as they were... well, staring mindlessly, instead of trying to adhere rigidly to the rhyming format I've previously been using. As much as I do enjoy putting long, mantra-based videos together, and I still think rhyming is a very potent tool to encourage induction and get the mind to follow along and fill in its own blanks as the video progresses, it quickly comes at the cost of both the ideas I wanted to express and the actual speed at which I could put out content.

Writing 1000+ words all following the ABAB rhyming scheme while having a coherent theme and plot line while still sounding lewd and hitting the right notes without using silly words that only work when rhymed was both a challenge to put in every video and a road block for wanting me to even write in the first place. In the future, while I do want to still explore rhyming as an induction idea, I think it will be kept in the 'toolbox' of ideas I have until there's a really special video I want to put together.

Visually, this video also fell into the same category of wanting to'step 'up' what was on screen, so it helped as an aid in becoming entranced by the video, more than just being a slide show. This was honestly much less of a deal than changing script format, even if it did end up taking up a much larger amount of video work, as can be seen by the photo above showing the extensive difference in complexity. Working with new assets such as a much better 4K resolution spiral was great, as well as new editing effects to give everything another level of polish that wasn't present in my older works. I want to believe that above all, the video editing aspect of my work is one of my strong suits, and as such, I want to prioritize making things look as immersive, engaging, and identifiable as possible.

With each small 30-second looping video I put out, I like to try out at least one new thing that makes it different from the last; whether it's a new color design, way's of presenting photos, audio (a recent favorite addition of mine to my content <33), or new video effects I haven't previously used, I like to use these as small practices in new elements I can bring into the next feature full-length video. And to add to this as well, I will be focusing my future videos on exploring these new ideas, reducing the length of videos and frequency of output in return for making each one more and more potent, unique, and reflecting learned skills over time. The last thing I want is for each video to become too similar and same-y just for the purpose of saying I've released a new full-length video every month or so, disregarding actual quality or whether or not I thought it was actually any good.

Finally, as an additional part of the Patreon content I want to start releasing, I would be interested in judging interest in posting semi-short write-ups about how I put my videos together, starting from the absolute basics all the way up to the granular editing details for specific effects I use. I'm not sure how I want to release these, so they may either be written up in pdf format, on Patreon itself, or even in video form. I'm not sure what tier I would release these in either, but it would depend on the detail and effort put in and how 'complete' they are.

Thank you all for your continued support and interest in my work. It means the world to me, and I love having people to share and explore new ideas with. You all make it worth it, and I wouldn't have come nearly as far as I have without you! <333

That's all. Take care!

Dreddy~ <3




I really appreciate the effort you put in. There's not many folks out there, if any, that have your level of quality. The last video was a super great experience xD I think you should, many of us are quiet or secretive but I'm sure we'd love to see your write up. Might get more of us chatting too :D


Thank you! The kind words mean a lot <3 And yeah! I just like talking about new ideas and some challenges I found trying to put something together and best ways I found of bringing it to life :3 I’ve been chatting with other creators across different kinds of content about the strengths and challenges they’ve dealt with putting out content and handling their social media / platforms. I find it a lot of fun ❤️💕