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live stream thingy!

What am I gonna do today?


Adam Costello

Where Peter does his testing of products I assume


Thank you for the happy birthday! it means a whole lot to me :)


couldn’t watch live because this was streamed way too early in the morning for me, but i watched some while working today!! hopefully one day timezones wont come in the way lol


I got forty minutes in, and am still extremely confused what this live stream is about?? I assumed it had to do about Your Boyfriend, but all I could see was you playing with any other game but that?? What was the point of this two hour thing? I don't mean to sound mean but... I am so, so very confused and disappointed


This is what paying $15 a month gets people invited to apparently…


nahh I thought that day 4 was going to be released at the end of April as you said 😔

A -

It's just a livestream to hang out with the creator. Not necessarily YB-centric. I am a little confused on why I'm seeing it, since I'm not paying for that tier.

A -

It's a little disappointing, but I'm sure they have good reasons. Probably hit a few snags along the way.


Yeah like way back in Dec. you’d think it was hours long to play through day 4.


I'm looking forward to day 4 too. But I understand they must all be very busy. Still excited for it!


i thought day 4 was supposed to come out around now but if it’s not do you know when it’ll be out 😿


Is day 4 coming out


Starting to feel like she makes these random announcements for the release day just to keep stringing us all along instead of being upfront about her true intentions. If you’re behind just say that, it’s better to be clear with the people supporting your project financially instead of how you’ve been handling things.


We all have to be patient. You can’t rush games or else the end result could have bad glitches. I understand that she mention the programmer was going to share something at the end of April but maybe something happen and the programmer isn’t 100% sure about the release date and can’t share any exciting news YET and she’s just waiting for that news. If C4 is going to be much bigger with more options, animation, paths, music and so on then the previous chapters it will take time to make. As she said in a previous post “currently working on the positive path.” I assume it took a lot of time just to make two paths so maybe the positive path will be just half time consuming to make. But it sounds they’re working hard on it

A -

I agree, patience is a virtue. That said, it would be lovely to hear something about if they have a new release date planned or even if they don't really know yet.


Nothing wrong with wanting accurate and non sus updates though, especially when this project is being FUNDED by US. :)


Since it's now a few days past April I wish we got yet another update about the delay...something just to let us know what's going on


this project is being funded by your patreons, the least you can do is give us an update on what's going on with Chapter 4.... i'm very unhappy that your giving ur fans the runaround and streaming like nothing's wrong...


i'm starting to think that YB creator is stringing us along just to take our money, because you don't treat your fans like this.


no, i'm paying monthly for this. So full transparency is needed if they want my continued support. Sorry I can't blindly throw money at people on patreon without caring where it's going. I'm not going to "just be patient" when they've told us that Chapter 4 is coming for months now, now we're at the beginning of April and NOTHING, not even a simple update. It's ridiculous.


Just be patient, you never know what's going on


I have the $5 tier and I buy a lot of their merchandise so I wish they would just be honest with their fans :(


Yeah, we just wish they said something to us because they said the end of April and with it now a few days past April we wish we heard even just a small update or what is happening even if they can't share all the details. Something... anything would be better than silence.


I agree, but there’s only so many times you can tell someone to be patient


You lot act like it's not 5/3, it's only been like 3 days? May just started, I'm sure they are almost finished, i've never seen such a impatient group of people before, it's a game...it's not the end of the world. You all also act as if they don't have other things to do...other then make this game. 🤦🏼‍♀️

A -

An update from them would be lovely. I think that's the issue most people have. But anything could have happened. They might have had some kind of medical issue or family emergency for all we know. Hopefully everything is okay.


Why is a simple update so out of line to ask for? Don’t tell me or anyone else what to feel when we’re funding this game.


No, I’m not rushing anything. I want to know about the progress on Day Four, not the pretence that everything is fine and nothing happened. And then you can develop the game as long as it takes


It is ok to take more time to work on this game. It seems that Day 4 is not 100% complete because I saw an update that the positive path for Day 4 is still in process, but I still want a simple update about this game.


It's not the end of the world we just want to be kept in the loop because they announced end of April like how they did end of December. Just a small update so we didn't feel out of the loop. As soon as it got closer to the expected date and they knew it wasn't gonna happen they could have said "Sorry all, something came up and we need just a bit more time or even ___ amount of time. Sorry to break the news."

Tokromance (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 10:33:32 Their first mistake was giving a specific date when they had no guarantee it would be done. Their second mistake was not announcing there would be a delay. Now they have a lot of pissed off people looking for answers. The only thing that will satisfy us now is the update itself. Which is why they are keeping quiet because they might be feeling like it’ll only make the situation worse if they give an update that isn’t Day 4. Unless they’re insane, the next post is going to be Day 4 or at least related to it. It would be hilarious if it was another merch post tho 💀
2023-05-05 04:20:52 Their first mistake was giving a specific date when they had no guarantee it would be done. Their second mistake was not announcing there would be a delay. Now they have a lot of pissed off people looking for answers on their hands. The best thing that will satisfy us now is the update itself. Which is probably why they are keeping quiet because they might be feeling like it’ll only make the situation worse if they give an update that isn’t Day 4. Unless they’re insane, the next post is going to be Day 4 or at least related to it. It would be hilarious if it was another merch post tho 💀

Their first mistake was giving a specific date when they had no guarantee it would be done. Their second mistake was not announcing there would be a delay. Now they have a lot of pissed off people looking for answers on their hands. The best thing that will satisfy us now is the update itself. Which is probably why they are keeping quiet because they might be feeling like it’ll only make the situation worse if they give an update that isn’t Day 4. Unless they’re insane, the next post is going to be Day 4 or at least related to it. It would be hilarious if it was another merch post tho 💀

Julie Poulsen

I think you mean a specific timeframe and not date cuz they just said towards the end of April no date was mentioned…. And at this point people are also disappointed cuz most where hoping the demo would come this week which it is now looking it isn’t it’s probably not before next week at the earliest would be my guess🤷‍♀️….. but yeah I agree that it’s not too much for people to ask for a simple update whether they’re expecting the delay to be a week or 2 weeks more they will get a lot more good will and patience from just letting people know what’s going on 🤷‍♀️ and I very much understand why those who pay the the tiers above 1$ and up tiers are pissed about this silence


Of course, but if your just gonna get super upset and rude to them, then thats whats dumb.


Yea a time frame would be a better way to put it. I only pay a dollar which is why I feel like that meme where childish gambino walks in with a pizza while the room is on fire. Hope they give an update soon.


ppl are so pressed about the demo please leave this poor team alone theyre doing their best LOL, i think it makes more sense to have a good game than a rushed game


why are you paying money to support them and comment on their patreon if you think that even?


[Citation needed] Unless you're talking about *that* issue, which has been dealt with LAST year.