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More to come~!

Also, YB's previous avatars will be getting a facelift.

Here's a comparison from the games first release to the upcoming avatar appearance.




Omg I didn't even notice! Wtf Peter!!!! I wouldn't be able to ignore that either if I was there. It would be an itch in my mind until I fixed it! What an absolute gremlin!


yall just got kidnapped and this is your main concern XD

Lady Snowjob

Wait, if YB makes money doing internet videos.. where's his camera

Nook Miles

Guys I think he likes roses, just a hunch


I'm extremely confused over the reasoning of having the TV on the table instead of the dresser... ô_o' The space living room space feels crowded due to it. o-o'


it looks.. normal?.. wait he has coats-?.. boi wears the same thing everyday--...

Hermione Sherlock

Is it just me or does his closet bedroom looks more depressing than the rest of the house? (; ̄ー ̄A


(VIBRATING) GET HYPED. Also omg the roses <3


I love his house so much its so comfy, cute, cozy and I love the style :D <3 He is so amazing :D <3 I love how he has a heat lamp for his Snake <3 <3 So adorable :D <3


Why does he have two lamps in his bedroom?


Love this. Also he almost looks like his about to fall off from the bench.


is day four out already??


I want to drool on his bed so bad.


Oh my GOD Peter I can't believe you've got the TV on the coffee table and are using the media table ad the coffee table. I swear I'd be busy rearranging the furniture the whole first day. I cannot with this man.


You're not going to get very far moving things - he's going to be watching the whole time. You're making yourself at home. You're accepting his requirements. Your meeting all of his standards. He is only able to keep from snuggling you for so long.