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YB/YG approaching you after killing someone in cold blood with a crazed smile and psychotic look in their eyes.


YB/YG approaching you after killing someone in cold blood with a calm grin and empty look in their eyes.



I honestly don't know.... It really depends on the overall situation and whether I think he is about to kill me too. Does he still have a weapon in his hands? Why did he kill the other person? What are his vibes (I tend to sense and notice things that most ppl don't, like micro-expressions).

Yellow Soap

Both depending on route 🙏🙏


im just messed in the head and would find them both attractive lol


Calm look is horrifying


Idk, both are hot


The crazy eyes would be terrifying in the moment, but the calmness would be terrifying to think about


I think if Peter murdered somebody and calmly walked to me with no expression on his face and greeted me, I'd pee myself. But if he murdered someone and speedwalked to me with a crazed face i'd smack him.


But either way I wouldn't stick around to find out if he has a crazed look or not, I'm booking it. I know I can't outrun him, but I'm not gonna fuck around and find out


Crazy would be hotter but technically calm is scarier


omg i gotta see both


"Calm" until day 4. For Day 5 "Crazy" because it contradicts the image you had of him until then. It would be more shocking to see him freak out when he realizes his time is running out to become "your boyfriend" if he hasn't managed to convince Y/N by then.


Crazy Is kinda hot haha, but calm are def terrifying


Gosh,after I readed last words I couldn´t stop laughing XD But,yop.I would do same XD