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Hey guys!

I’m just popping in to let you know that we’re gonna be uploading a new build shortly.

But, this time around we’ll need to remove the older build first before uploading the new one here.

All you need to do is re-upload the new build onto your computer once the link is ready for you guys!

So, if you’re brand new and looking for the link or trying to play the older build and it's not working, don’t panic! We’re getting the new one together and available for you. ^__^

Also, a doodle of where everything's the same, except there's a path where you take your abuse towards him to the next level.



No matter what he does, I'll never do that to Peter :c




this drawing reminds me of the song 'body' by mother mother




what is the new password? WelcomeBack is invalid

AngelMhariHedgehog .

I only just downloaded the game and now I have wait for a new build? 🤣 My luck is terrible!


Judging by the comments, I'm the only one who still has access to the game?._.


wait so the new build isnt out yet?


Understanding the whole situation, I suppose that this is revenge for the murder of the TK (and this is a serious reason since this is the closest friend) and for all the pains that he caused. With each pain, MC anger grows. It will be clear here why this happens.. At least as I understand it.




Awe. Poor baby. But interesting development for the abuse path.🤔😯


revenge for my my friend lucy:(


What did you all expect?This is horror game after all and this game have two villian:Peter and you. Actually it makes me happy that many people don´t want take it so far.But thing is...he will do this same to YOU.He will cut your hand or leg if you try to run but...if we did same to him,it looks like we are killer/villian from start (which makes this horror game more scary) or that is revenge for all things he done to our friends and us.In one side he deserve it cuz he killed people we loved and then took our freedom and be abusive to us (no matter if he are kind to him or not) but in other side I understand why we don´t want to be so violent to him cuz after all he done,we are NOT him.Maybe he done this terrible things to us but put him in prison is more justify like make him suffer like him.Unlike Peter,we know where is limit. Tell you true,my heart felt in pain when I saw this picture.I know that all is just game and horror one but...idk,maybe it is stockholm syndrom but I don´t want hurt him so much.I love Peter as character,doesn´t matter how toxic it is,I understand his behaviour,that he only want to be loved and he do anything to gain love.Is torture for me see him like this.He needs mentally/medical help,not this.It will just made him more desperate and lost.


i could never do this to him :(