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I'm more for a basic zip up tie, but bow ties are cool too, I guess.

Anyways, a few things that need to be issued, As it was brought to my attention this morning.

First off, missing messages.
Our media director recently caught up on replies, only to get complaints of no responses to messages from supporters. This is very concerning on our end. If you have yet to receive a response from us, ping us again and we will attempt to reply once more.
We understand that this has been happening for a while with other patreon creators, Frustrating that this issue has yet to be fixed.
Again, if you are waiting for a response, reach out once more and we'll attempt to reply once again and hope our message goes through.

Second, the offical Your Boyfriend website is in development! We have the domain name already, we just need to start putting it together. We will also start making both the web comic, and YB merch available there as well.
Right now we only have two prints, 1 sticker and two magnets. So, starting next month, we will try and fill our inventory with more variety, this will also include other characters from the first series. (Don, TK, and Lucy)
We will let you know first hand when it's available~!

Lastly, I hope you all had a very happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, you get the idea.
A new year is around the corner, so we better buckle up and get ready for what's on the horizon!

P.S. Yes, you  be seeing the drafts and sneak peeks of these comics~.





is the natalie glitch being fixed :0? i love the game i would like to play further from my route tho


Happy belated holidays Fuboo 💛


I can’t wait to see what you guys have in store! Happy holidays Fuboo!


We need an origin story for Don’s box collection obsession 😩 jk 😂


Oooh I can't wait, happy holidays to yoy too Fuboo!! Super excited to see what happens with everything still


Super excited for the comic! But also a bit worried for the development of the game...


Happy christmas holidays as well 💕

Veronica Bohrer

Happy holidays!! Can’t wait to see the merch!! Man I wish I can make some Merch for you guys XD


That's all great and all, but I personally would prefer to see the game out first and then see merch announcements.


While all of that sounds really exciting, I hope the game remains the priority. I'd rather be able to play a glitch free game than be able to buy magnets


agreeing. there's not much point in buying merch of something that barely even exists & that a lot of people paying you can't get into at all


Head is reeling rn


Since a few people have mentioned the thing I've been thinking for a couple months now ... I totally get it: This game exploded bigger and faster than anyone expected, and the inspiration to create more and bigger is there. I hope you and the team you've brought on board will take a breather and address the game - the single biggest thing we are here to support - first. Trust me, the fans will still be here ready to gobble up that sweet, sweet merch when the game is playable. ;-)


As a few others are bringing up, this is all good news-- but... development has been slowing down a lot lately and I'm getting really concerned. There are MANY people who can't access the game at all despite being registered patrons for, according to the comments on the pinned update, at least a month and the game itself going up to, realistically, the end of Day Two with the Natalie glitch now. Merch and a website and sneak peaks are great but... can we get some patreon-wide confirmation on what's happening with that? Or patreon registration? Glad to hear that the missing messages are being acknowledged, though.


I have a theory, Lucy = Sarah Y/G. Ex. Hates her family so much, she ran away. Peter, also doesn't like his parents, especially his mom whom he lied to Y/N about on the grave. Lucy looks like Sarah. She called her darling and that she loves her in front of Peter. Then he starts calling Y/N darling in the friend route. Both Lucy and Peter have a high sex drive. Lucy hates being called by her name like Peter, she yells at Y/N about it in the friend route. Lucy ends up disappearing in many routes and she never explains where she went. Lucy said she got in a fight with Don before he died. Lucy is the last one to see Don (most likely.) Lucy has motive to kill if she is forced away from Y/N and onto the street. Maybe she only has sex with people at night to curb her lust for Y/N. Also, Y/B might be chloroforming Y/N to keep her away from Sarah, and it's not to cover up murder. I don't see why YB has to Chloroform Y/N if they are into him. It would explain why Y/B is so mean with Lucy. Not sure, if they both were involved in Don's death, in some routes, or act solo in others. However, there are a lot of things in common between Lucy and Peter.


Shouldn’t you be finishing the game before doing the comic??


Your really cool


When is episode 3 out of beta though? It would be nice to receive a timeline, even if it's rough.


I feel like a lot of people are worried that this will become another Yandere dev situation. Which is understandable. We haven't had any good yandere content and this is the first game in awhile to really show promise. Not to mention triple A games have been coming out broken and glitchy. Cyberpunk, FNAF have come out unfinished due to unreachable ambition. Which don't get me wrong I enjoyed both but the quality was questionable for something with a budget. But I just don't think many developers realize how this stuff hurts the community. It scars us and makes it hard for us to give our money away when even the big dogs can't get it right. Though I need you to understand that these fears are rooted in love. Because we want you to succeed, we want this project to succeed but we've been fooled by people that drowned in their fame. We've watched big promises give little reward and it's ok to dream big but it's ok to do it in steps. It's ok not to overwhelm yourself.

Shudder Shock

I'm very excited for what y'all are working on. But, like many supporters, I'm getting concerned about lack of game updates. Yes, I understand games take time and my support is going nowhere, but Day Three has been glitched for some time, with no timeline on when it will updated or complete. Y'all are working hard, and are making something amazing. Merch is a lot of fun, but I just hope the game is still being given priority.


could we have yb dolls as merch?

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

Also , just remembered something. Lucy looks like she did the EXACT same thing as Peter when she got us high. Peter hides in our closet, wait till we go to sleep. Then he molests us, and does a type of "outer course" / dry humping/grinding on us to get himself off. Lucy looks like she was doing the SAME exact thing when we were barely conscious and confused as to what was going on. This was when Lucy crossed the line and Peter kills her. And stabs her 50 million times , unlike don. Both are guilty of drugging us too for personal gain. But the "eat my ass" comment and Peter's response would come off creepy....lol

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

If you look at the games history tho. It's kinda always been slow in development. It started as far back as 2019 maybe Abit further. And it's only gotten to day 3 that's really glitchy an unfinished. And it takes almost an entire year to release a new day on average. Animations, and other things that will add more in-depth experience (which I'm 100% in full support of ) will already more than likely make it take longer tho.


Is the game priority tho?


"A Festivus for the rest of us!!!" -Frank Costanza


For a moment i thought i would be the only one who got that lol

Marigold Bells

Merry Christmas Fuboo 💖


New sub here. Couldn't actually get the demo to work, it said the password wasn't correct? Anyway, whatevs just wondering what was up

Shudder Shock

The mods may still need to manually add your email to their list to give you game access. It took about seven days for me email to be added when I joined, just as a rough timeline. Hopefully, you'll not have to wait as long! ☺️


Hi, I've been here for a little while now and still don't have access to the game as it says my details are incorrect. Any way to fix this? As I would love to start playing the game


Does the game update itself or do we need to re-download it for updates? If we re-download it, we'll we need to wait again for our email to work? (asking for when day 3 will be added)


From what I've seen and previous FAQs, you need to redownload it to get the updates/check if your e-mail's in.


Everything is for the game, including keeping content up to create hype, attract more fans which garners more attention, and keeping fans invested.


One big difference is that the games code isn't purposfully more difficult then it needs to be and the creator of the game isn't the one coding it. Yandev codes himself because he doesn't trust anyone else to do it for him which slows down production of his game. (Though he is most likely doing that on purpose to keep production going forever as it garners more money then if he released the game) With the Your Boyfriend crew, you've got writers, you've got coders, you've got incoming artists and animators, and they're all going to be payed and payed fairly. Another difference to yandev, as he mostly has "volunteers".


I have never heard of merch being made for a game that is barely even in beta to begin with. It really does not make sense to not provide us with updates about the game's development in general. People are paying for the game, not the merch or comics or the other side projects that are being made. I am aware that different people are working on different things, but merch being made while the game is still riddled with bugs and not even 20/30% done is odd. Merch does not keep people invested, game updates do.


OMG! Yes! You said it so much better than I did. (I should have waited for your comment, and then agreed with it.) ;-)


I have been a patron for a good 2 months, it automatically canceled my membership today but i have the money but i never canceled it at all. It has my history of payment and stuff but i kicked me out. Is that normal and will i have to wait again for the game to allow me in. Sorry to ask this of you guys, as i know you are incredibly busy with production but if you could get back to me that would be a big help, thanks.

Kokichi Oma

I'm sorry but it's been a month and I still can get it! Hope you can help me out if u have time! Thank you and sorry

DsyCollins (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-10 13:04:01 Im sorry but I support to the victim, FUBOO O AND HER HUSBAND PEDOPHILES.
2022-01-08 03:59:17

Lyvia Shelton

wow you're an idiot to comment that on many posts how about you shut up and not waste your money saying all these things to people. You're not doing anything,


Dude,, regardless of one’s stance, it’s poor taste to bring it to a patreon comments. Quit spamming and let people come to their own conclusions. We all have our minds to ponder without having others doing it for us


youre own conclusions? Bitch the evidence was there stfu.


@PotatoBread I'm neutral here until further updates, but YOU THINK THAT THIS IS HELPFUL? YOU THINK SPAMMING LIKE A CLOUT CHASER WOULD HELP THE CASE? This is something that has be decided IN COURT, not on social media. This is between them, not us bystanders. Stirring the pot isn't helping anyone


See this on twitter: @heresyourproof2


I'm helping with the Spanish translation, what do you do?


hmmmm go f... yourself, liar. I am interesting in the game


You're trying to convince people to believe something that requires no belief. Does the victim have a lawyer? Are they taking this to the press? You wanna spread awareness then tell us the trial date. We will be waiting.


The thing is, people have been framed lots before. Honestly if it come up false, you should be punished with the liar. Youre starting things when we havent heard from a court or all sides even. I want justice who ever was wronged and honest. Your actions are pretty childish and just strike people as a hateful troll. Why dont you wait like everyone is and be patient.


shut the fuck up lol