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As we all know, Patron has a feature of linking discord together, allowing patreons to access the discord server provided by yours truly.

But in my case, it just refreshes the page and nothing happens when I try to link them. =__=;

So, over the span of a week, I have been opening a new link to various tiers with the least amount of support to the most, this way our amazing mods are not flooded with so much traffic when I send out the new link.

To today if the day you get to join the new your Boyfriend Discord!

Just be sure to read the rules, be respectable, and enjoy~!




idk if i can even comment rn patreon dosent want to update my payment this month. i’m getting fed up i just wanna send y’all support 🤦‍♀️


It’s telling me the link is invalid help T-T


I cant see any channels other than rules... anyone know how to fix that?


Same issue with me as well, not sure how to go about fixing it though.


Heya, I can’t see any channels besides the rules💞 and I cannot Dm any mods as well for the 18+ role >\\<

Kaden Bailey

Is joining required or anything? We'll still get getting updates as usual here, too, right?


I'll try DMing a mod as soon as I get home with the required info. Can't wait to get in 🥰


For everyone confused about seeing only rules chat If you read down to number 7 in the rules I believe You have to message a moderator first to prove that your 18+ Then you'll get access to some of the other channels ☺️


I’m having the same issue as basically everyone else. Can’t see anything but rules.


bless 🙌💜


Wow a whole server of hundreds of people, I really love YBF but I'm terribly scared of such big groups.


TYSM! ;;


I am so excited since I can see more fans like me and I hope things go well but I am Abit confused to show I am 18+ and I am 23 😓😓

Lady Snowjob

The intro section doesn't show up. I want to follow the discord rules, but I'm not seeing it on Mobile


Yeah, still don't get discord at all. x__X

Nat McGarry

Gonna get in touch with one of the mods tomorrow as I've forgot to bring my id with me on shift aaaaah!


My ID pictures were taken before Covid and I look a little differant now, hopefully it works OK not sure I got anyway to prove my age


I, like many people, have the problem that apart from the rules there is nothing :")


Hello! Instructions for being able to see the rest of the server is in the rules.


If you only see the rules then you need to read the rules for what you gotta send to the mods to verify that you are 18. After that the rest of the discord opens up.


If you only see the rules then you need to read the rules for what you gotta send to the mods to verify that you are 18. After that the rest of the discord opens up once a mod gives you the 18+ role


Thats how the settings on your discord is set up. You can send a mod a friend request and they will be able to verify your age for the 18+ role


is there more than just the rule or no?? Because i'm stok


yes, you have to send a mod a piece of ID with your face and DOB along with a recent photo of yourself to gain access


How do I do the mods?


i dont know what i have to do :,c


Saaaame. I feel like a boomer, but I'm a millenial. xD


Thank you! I was happy to join and see the mod was super kind! Just needed my ID and a photo of me, easy peasy.


I was able to join the discord but it's only showing #rules so i'm not sure how to write an about me or how to get my info verified. anyone know why this is?


Well you can DM one of the mods, considering under the rules there is a list of mods that has their ID, so I'm assuming that you'll have to message one of them to confirm your info to be able to access the rest of the discord.


If you only see the rules in the discord, that's because you haven't been given access yet. Read rule 6. You must dm a mod for access. Rule 7 only applies after you've already gained access to the rest of the server.


can i really trust the mods to show my id and stuff?...cuz i get nervous over showing these stuff to strangers...


I can’t get in contact with any mods, none accept messages from non friends and won’t accept a request so I can’t send my ID :,)


It says both of my emails are in use already. ....!?


I wonder if everything is okay on their side, the Tumblr and Twitter hasn’t been updated in awhile


Hi! Will important updates be posted only to the discord? I understand the need for safety but I do not feel comfortable sharing my ID online.


Yes, same here. I know we're supposed to verify we're 18+, but I have never been asked to show an ID through online before...especially for a video game. There should be an easier way, such as having a bio from another website we use or something like that. Nothing good can come from sharing an ID online, even if portions of it are blurred out...

Crystaled Chaos Dont Copy My A.U

especially if its being shared through discord members i understand you need some form of ID to prove we are 18+ but let alone sharing an ID to a discord mod can never be fully safe either so is there any other way to prove that we are 18+ without form of ID/Drivers license/Birth certificate??


Do we have to be part of the discord server to have the update or they're still gonna be send here ? I confused...


You can censor or blur out your personal info on your ID before you send it.

Jeon Jungkook

dw they’ll still be updates and links here, it’s more easier that way

Jeon Jungkook

atp idc about anything else but waiting for a link to the game for macbook users, it’s been months


I was banned without warning. Can someone fix this please? The moderators aren't doing their jobs.

Jeon Jungkook

Why would I buy a ‘real computer’ just for a game TT good luck to you


Even if they are "busy" --They are making profit from this--so I'm just curious when I will be given the access I will be paying for monthly, and showed pics of my ID and everything... An Update on whats going on from the creator would be very appreciated...


The link is invalid anyways… but do we really have to show our faces to mods? That’s scary. It’s really unsafe to show your face to people online… ive never had to show my face to strangers just to join an 18+ discord. having a patreon should be proof enough because minors can’t open bank accounts.


No, but minors can convince their parents to subscribe to something that they know nothing about.


I can't get in touch with any mod, I mean in the server it says to not sent any friend requests to the mods but when I try to reach to one I have a message that says that I can't DM them 'cuz i'm not a friend


... I've never really been on a discord, so I don't know much either.


One of the mods made a twitter about ban questions, maybe you could ask them?

Cheylee Kapinos

It might just be your own settings preventing you from dming them. I think you may have it set to friends only on DMs

Cheylee Kapinos

Well I have had a bank account since I was a least 14 because my parents opened it for me. So it is possible, I guess


It does work for me, so it really might be your settings, as Cheylee said.


HELPPP, MY GAME IS FROZEN in the first part


For anyone who's joined the discord, do you think there's useful stuff in the server (eg. more updates) that we should join for? Because like many people, I'm not comfortable with sharing my personal information online.


I think updates will be on here. Discord is to communicate with other fans etc.


you mean the moment when you're in the bedroom?, If yes, click on the clock of the bedroom.


Right I was gonna join but then they asked for Id and giving it to random mods like no????


i am but o the park, its the first image the game showed me and its stuck, what can i do?




It's for the team to make sure the community stays 18+. You can delete the images right after they have verified you and they have to verify so many people, I doubt that they even take a second look at your stuff (besides you can black out everything and just show the Picture, Name and Age!)


You can cross/blur out info like your drivers/id #, your full address, and other things to keep a form of privacy. That’s what I did with mine. I understand why they needed to, and just leave my face, name, and birthday.


打开了后要给管理员看身份证确认年纪才进的去(you have to show your ID to enter the discord)


I may just be stupid but I am confused on where to find theember Info tab on discord to start the process


I am wondering, is there access to the discord cause it's an invalid link