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Welp, time to get back to this and refuse to eat, drink or sleep until we get this finished and available to play again.

. . . Okay, maybe we'll surround our computers with various snacks and drinks. That counts, right?

Anyways, we're back to working on fixing Day 3 and making the link available to you once more. Also I've recently been looking for more people to help me with my social medias, finally found someone to help import the game to mac, a sound director, narrowing down YB's new voice actor, and finalizing path's that have been missing in Day 3.

We are estimating 4 day until we get the new link, that is if Steam doesn't keep us waiting on authorizing the game.




Господи осталось 4 дня потерпеть и смогу поиграть УРА 🥳




IM SO EXCITED! Please prioritize your health! We are here to stay<3




Take care of yourself before the game were all excited!


so exciting!!!


excited! take as much time as you need though as your health always comes first


I’m so excited! I miss my boyfriend! 😉


Please eat, we need you! ☺️💜


Great! I'm excited to see the results 🤭


excited as hell!


You're all doing such an amazing job, please don't push yourselves too hard!! 💗💗


Oki Doki boss uwu❤


Yessssss 😍😍😍😍😍


Best news that just made my weekend! Keep up the good work and please, please don't forget to take care of yourselves... ❤️❤️😣




Super excited to finally play! 😍 You guys take the time you need!


Don't work too hard❤️


Dang it, I'm so excited for the news!!! Please, take care of yourself and don't overwork


You guys are awesome!! Don't overwork yourselves though ❤️❤️ can't wait to play 😊❤️❤️

Jeon Jungkook

Just made my weekend seeing that you’ve found a programmer for putting the link out for mac users :) thank you so much for your hard work fuboo




Steam? Really? Omg im so exciting


The work ethic is admirable but please make sure to look after yourselves as well!


wait so is the new link out?!


Ohhh I'm looking forward to this! I joined late, so I haven't gotten to play at all yet, but it sounds like my first play will be with new content! So excited! I look forward to it whenever it's ready :)


OMG SO EXCITED!! Thank you for your hard work ! ♡♡


No, not yet. They said they're trying to get it on Steam.


Please take care of yourselves and I am excited to see the rest of day 3


My heart is ready but also not ready for this emotional rollercoaster 😭


Hey, do not overwork yourselves! You don't need to be working on this too hard!


aaaahh how exciting, I can't wait !! I wish you many successes and encouragement, a lot of strength so that everything turns out very well! Your game is super interesting, but I want you to not always overexert yourself, I say it so that you don't neglect your health because I know that making a game is not easy at all hahaha it is very stressful :'u


Please take care of yourself as well!


Please please I am begging you do not sacrifice your own wellbeings for us, we can wait as long as it takes but we need for you and the whole team to be happy and healthy first, we love you!!!


I really hope you keep your health in good... You need rest too. We can wait till everything is ready.


That's fantastic news! I can't wait to see what you have in store. Good Luck and take care! o(^▽^)o


Thank you for your hard work! I hope y’all still take care and not strain yourselves hard with the crunch ❤️👏 Most of us already knows it’s worth the wait!!


Everyone working on the game is so amazing. Love you all! Please remember to take breaks, and drink plenty of water! ❤️




does this mean that the bugs in the new link will be fixed? im still having the problem with the landlord in day 3 - with him staring you down


Best of luck, Thanks for your hard work! ❤️ We respect that :D

Lady Snowjob

I came across that too. It happens to me if I start to speed though the text


You all amazing, thank you! ❤

Veronica Bohrer

Thank you for your hard work! Just make sure to have those rests in between!! Will always wait patiently:3


If you’re looking for social media help I work as a social media manager! Would love to discuss what you need help with 🤠


Thank you so much! Looking forward to them!


You all BETTER be eating plenty of nutritious bountiful snacks!!! And getting rest in between! Please know that if you guys are planning to push yourselves hard, just know that we love and support you! Please take breaks and I Hope the team is doing well!


i hope you all are eating!! you guys deserve it with all the hard work and effort you're all contributing to the game :D


Please do take care of yourself ❤️❤️


Can't wait to play! So happy updates are coming more often now, it did feel confusing when I subscribed on 10th of December when the link was taken down and there were almost no updates. Now I am actually more calm in waiting for the new link and to try out all 3 days in the best shape possible.

Samuel torres

I can't wait to play day 3 (Just joined the day the link got taken down) but please do not rush your self we can wait as long as you need. you did just go thru a lot of bull crap so try to not overdo it Have a good day. Sorry for the bad translation (Google translate sucks)


I'm really exctited to play Day three but please, don't overwork yourself ! Take care of yourself !


That’s wonderful to hear! Remember that it’s okay to take breaks!


Soooo excited 😆 I can’t wait to see the new changes in the game so far. 🥰 I already memorized all the current routes 😂


Y'all better eat and drink! We can't run you to the dirt if you're dying of hunger, can we?! And then where would we be! But - we've been patient this long; we can wait until Steam throws stuff at us. also, i see that TK's fate and i'm NERVOUS;; they're my favorite, I don't want to accidentally kill them!... though i'm gonna have to to complete my route tree-map, but STILL.


Steam? Hm.. I've been thinking about this, idk if it'll be important, but Steam Germany at one point decided to get rid of a large number of 18+ games. Why? Because you can't really prove you're old enough, they don't want to endanger young people by letting them get access to those games, so.. now no one here can. Unless they previously owned the game. Which is why I can't play Seeds of Chaos, for example. >:( I just get a "Oops, sorry! This product is not available in your country right now." And hell, does it piss me off! I'm turning 30 next month, I should be able to play whatever I want. Either way, will have to see if it'll work or not. I see you're still working hard despite all the problems. How admirable. But please don't overwork yourselves, you're not machines. :) That said, I'm looking forward to the fixed version.


Steam might be a interesting idea to think about. I mean you are able to set the age on the page, people wouldn't be able to steal it from you. The only thing you may need to work on is the recording.


"This will determine TK's fate"...NOT TK! I knew eventually it would come around to TK getting hurt well more hurt, but like not my sweet TK! I look forward to more content but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious about all the possibilities to the characters I've already grown attached to.


All i see is "three options to determine TK's fate" and im a bit annoyed (not in a bad way) that i cant see the rest of it XD


Don't work yourself to death, I'm sure we can all wait, make sure you eat and hydrate yourself.

Michael Diaz

Yeah so my wife was telling me about all the BS that was going on because of a vacation…. like… that has anything to do with us or the game. So I prefer to just mind my own business and support the project if I want to support the freakin project and not worry about anyone’s personal lives. Take your time. People were calling Day 3 rushed after all, right? So it’s not like we want the rest of the game to be rushed. I mean heck, we’re practically volunteer beta testers who are simply trying to motivate you to push onward. Idk where people get random entitlement from. lol


Take all the time you need to get yourself right! No need to bum rush from a perceived expectation!


Girl, listen to me. We can wait ages for this game, we want it good of course but we also want YOU good. Shit's happening and people are quick to jump to conclusions but you do what you believe is right and we'll follow your lead. If its completed in 6 months, good, if it's in one year, good, if it's in 3 years, GOOD AS WELL. For my part, I'm staying.


thank you soooo much!!💖


Take your time, be safe about where to upload it, get a stronger foothold on your IP with copywrites and good luck!


Thank you all for your hard work! Please take your time and care for yourselves!! We can wait c:


take your time pls, we cheer u :)


when the link for day 3 is available will the links for day 1 and 2 become available as well?


Aww this is good news. I hope you're not overworking. I am sure that people who are really interested and support you will wait as long as you need. Love ya


I’m so excited!!! 🥰🥰


Will there ever be plans for a mobile or ipad version???


i think that's something that will come when the games finished or further developed


I’m really happy we’re sort of getting content everyday, it gives me something to look forward to and be hyped about


Sooo keen, you take all the time you need, lovelies! <3 (Gonna buy the shit outta this on steam when it comes to)


Yay! Thanks for your work!


I believe they will all be under the same link, like last time.


It's a joke, really. Day 3 has been announced for 8/20, was SO BUGGED it was unplayable. We waited for a patch while you made soo many promised like about putting more and more content into it. After an update, the day was STILL bugged and unplayable and on top of that, the link to download the game soon was gone for TWO WEEKS (still not there), making the new patreons literally paying for n o t h i n g. And you have the audacity, after ignoring everyone on your social media, giving no updates whatsoever on why you are struggling SO MUCH to give people what they paid for, to come back and be like "uwu gotta start working sooo hard and finish Day 3, might as well don't eat and sleep :'3". That's. Bullshit. I'll be honest, Day 3 was a hecking trainwreck. Bugs appart, the writing was lazy, boring, and so, SO disappointing. It was NOT finished, I don't believe you when you say it was done. It feels like a last minute rushed homework just to save the apparences. You are not just making a little game by yourself just for fun now, A LOT of people are paying to support the development of the game. With so much financal support, your lack of transparency is concerning. The amount of ressources and the finish product are not adding up. (That's personnal, but I think hiding the number of subscribers on your page is kinda shady.) Of course, I canceled my patreon support All of it starts to feel like a scam with empty promises. I trully loved the concept of the game and it's really heartbreaking to realize how you treated such a talented and kind fanbase.

Samuel torres

Sir kindly shut the fuck up You are such an ass she just went true so much bull shit I bet you would never be able to go true the shit she did. I am a game dev btw and it is fucking hard to make games even with fucking support and when it just suddenly get supper popular it is a HUGE stressor so unless you go true whet she has then SHUT THE FUCK UP (Sorry for the bad English) have a nice day.


Do what you guys gotta do. We will always be here. It takes time to create something so nice and I am happy to be here for it. Don't listen to those haters. You folks are working really hard and have lives to live outside of this mess so take care of your health first and do what feels right to you. <3


Please Dont burn yourself out! I know we're all thankful for every update and everything else. Last thing we need is a burn out! Make sure to take care of yourselves and take your time ❤ I can wait patiently


remember to give yourself breaks and dont over do yourselves! it takes time to create great things, we will all be here supporting you through the journey


take care of yourselves! we appreciate you guys working so hard to get the new link ready <3


Umm there is one bug that prevents you from passing day 3. When I decided not to kick out my roommate, the next day when I talk to Don, the game crashes and you can't move on and the text doesn't appear. (Sorry for the not so good English).


Is there a way to add a save option !


good job


Found a person posting a link that is allegedly up to day 3. It's linked on their channel community tab. How do we get it removed?

Jovana Smallwood

Wait did day 2 already come out? I am so confused. Can anyone send help T.T


Where do we find days 1 and 2 then?


I think it's unavailable now. It should come out with Day 3.(Please forgive me if my English is wrong...)


The links have been taken down because people shared them online to minors and recorded videos of days after 1 (which the creators said not to do). Once the creators find a way to safely distribute the download(or once Steam approves their game), Days 1 and 2 should be available to download with day 3 (At least I think ^^)


I am very excited about this news!


WHOOHOO!! i hope it’ll come out soon then!!٩( ᐛ )و


I am so EXCITED, thank you so much for this update!

Paola Dubinskiy

God i am SOOOOO Excited. I can´t wait XD


I want TK to live..


are you guys still trying to find voice actors? I would love to try out


Can we have more than 5 days? Cause I could seriously play 100 days and not get bored.


Okay! Awesome just don't over work😅❤


Same! Lol I might just be weird but I could play this game for peter for 100 days


where do i find the password game?


Can't wait to see the new routes that'll be added to Day 3! Take your time, as my mother always used to say: the easiest (and most annoying) mistakes are the ones you make when you're under pressure, in a hurry, etc.


Cheers! Wishing best vibes to the hustle in your computer snack nest