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It has come to my attention that a fellow patreon from here has been posting the days 2&3 outside of patreon despite my request of not posting days any further than day 1.
youtube took action due to copyright infringement and removed the videos.

Unfortunately, the same user then posted a new video and even posted the game link in the description for minors to download.

Another copyright infringement statement has been made, and this time the link will be altered and made unavailable at this time.
This user is literally stealing from not just us, but from your donations as well. Your support is being thrown out the window because of this violation, all while leaving it open for minors to download.
I will not stand for this.

If you'd like to report the video, you can find it here.
Don't leave any messages or hate comments, just report them.

I greatly apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you, and all the support you are giving to this project.
Until then, the game link will remain unavailable to prevent further undesirable posting outside of this patreon, and I will let you know when a new link (and it's latest updates) Will be available.



so sorry you’re going through this :( hopefully it’ll all get solved soon!


Screw that guy. I already saw his video and reported it earlier, but that's so disrespectful and rude, yeesh


Whoever you are- you suck 👍

Puff Puff Pomf

It’s really upsetting that someone would do something like this


I’m so sorry that people just can’t respect and understand what you ask for. I hope they stop soon erg. Totally understand your struggle and take your time! Love you YB team 💞


Why am I not even surprised that it was a French guy who did this 🤦🏻‍♀️


Damn this rlly sucks :/


I hate that few ruin it for many. Keep up the amazing work. I’ll keep reporting ❤️


This is just crazy that someone would do this knowing that it’s not for the young audience..


Understandable, i really hope they get in trouble for it and im sorry this is happening :(


I’m so sorry this is happening! some people really can’t follow a few simple rules.

Jeon Jungkook

this really sucks, i’m so sorry!!


I was wondering why the have videos for day 2 and 3 when I remembered you said to not to. Some people are just so stupid :/


:/ . Someone seriously gotta ruin it for others.


People are so gross these days. Tsk tsk. I hope this gets sloved soon


Im sorry about all this:( hope you can work it out!


I saw a different video of day 2 and I reported it right away!


Either to get credit or money, fucking typical


Why do people do this? Do they not understand how dangerous and disrespectful this is? Disgusging


that’s awful love


There is no way to just lock this person is there? This is upsetting and I'm sorry people just can't listen. I love your project and passion for this and I will be here for this whole ride.


What do we report it as? I don’t see any options that would cover copyright infringement or the like. Closest one may be sexual content or infringes my rights but I wasn’t sure if that was correct! 😬 sorry this is still happening to you!!


How about for now, only give it to your Discord members? The adult ones, because if you just put it in Patreon, people who are minors can still get access


it is free to just listen to the creator’s wish.

Rose Honey

I reported it right away

Dakota Doe

Anything else we can do let us know. Sorry people are like this


Honestly it's pathetic that not only do they not take a hint, they also actively support minors to freely download the content. I hope justice is served.


This whole situation really sucks


There are so many comments about people knowing it's theft and not caring. The Patreon isn't even that expensive? Why steal it?


That is very upsetting- reported for now.


Reported, this really sucks and I hope this person gets taken down. Can you get banned from YouTube? If so I hope they do, they seem persistent.


wow this is such bull, im so sorry this is happening


I honestly hate that they are doing this I get people don’t want to pay but they don’t understand paying helps continue the development of the game and it makes me sad on how many people were thanking that person for sharing the link not knowing how harmful it is I hope this video gets taken down as soon as possible I reported it


I'm sorry you have to deal with this...you and your team deserve to be respected, I love all the work you guys are putting into this game. I hope this matter and any others are dealt with smoothly. Keep up the good work!!!💜💜

Veronica Bohrer

Very understandable and it sucks when a person like that is ruining it for everyone and disrespecting your decisions. It will be hard to figure out how to give but I feel it does need to be more restrictive now.


It’s so sad how some people can’t follow simple direction but working in a daycare showed me that some adults are honestly more childish than the actual children


The people in the comments section thanking the person too are like... unbelievable. There is a reason why minors are NOT allowed to play the game right now and it's disgusting that they can't respect that.


I reported. Everyone in their comments is hyping them up to keep doing so and someone even suggested making a Google doc to post the deleted videos


What option should I put while reporting it.??


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=geLucCUG4i0 Joking aside though that’s fucking awful.


It's ridiculous that they would go to these lengths... they're just being petty for views at this point -_-


Do you at least know who's doing it?

Jemalie Gomez

People really just LOVE to ruin good things huh. How unbelievably petty of them.


I reported the video as spam and added a note that it was violating your copyright claims. I am SO sorry that this is happening to you, and I hope that you can find out who this specific user is, and lock them out of your patreon.


Reported, I honestly hope that it gets taken down soon and the user stops.


Understable, it's disgusting that they're doing this despite your requests. There's a Demo and a Patreon for a reason. Take as much time as you guys need! I hope all goes well and gets resolved. ヽ(*・ω・)ノ


It sucks because it may discourage people from supporting the production on this patreon 😕 and now it’s widely available to minors- and that might stop the creation of this game entirely! This is so frustrating, I’m so sorry


Seriously? It’s only $1 a month or more if they want it to be, so you know they’re sharing the link with 100% minors. That’s disgusting and they know minors aren’t allowed in adult spaces. I reported the video and I hope the video and or account will get terminated soon, because this is unacceptable. They know what they’re doing is wrong and they’re acting like they’re innocent 🤦‍♀️


The comments are awful too, there’s a lot of minors thanking them and some people saying they regret have bought the game since they can now get it for free smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Can't they respect the creator? The made the game for you. SO RESPECT THEIR RULES


Reading the YT comments section made me sick and incredibly upset. So many people just knowingly downloading the game illegally. I’m really glad you are addressing this issue openly! And I’m hoping that you can eventually get their disrespectful ass banned for good. Sadly, it seems like I can only report the video/Google link if my own rights are violated aka I need to be you/the creator. :/ Is there any other way I can help you take down the vid...? [Edit] Pff, looks like they’re hiding or deleting unwanted comments. 😒


I'm so sorry this happened to you!! I don't understand how people can't just respect your wishes and follow the damn rules...


What should this be reported as?


This really sucks, I’m so sorry you have to deal with people like this. 😔


...why are some people like this?


This is awful. Reading the yt comments of everyone praising this person is not cool. This person needs to stop and be removed. I've reported it twice just to get it through their brain that this isn't okay. Too many minors are seeing this and they're practically stealing our money here. I hope it gets resolved soon. They're just ruining it for all of us who just wanna enjoy.


Some people are suggesting that you put the link in the nsfw part of the discord to try and prevent this from happening


*Casually reports the User instead of the Video*


Hopefully you find out the name of the Patreon user because it's not fair that they are reposting your hard work 😕 especially to minors.


This is so disappointing. It’s not that hard for them to pay a dollar and now minors have access to it.


Maybe you could implement codes in order for users to be able to access the game? It may be able to help discourage people from trying to access it early.. (I know this would be a difficult task but it's an idea!)


I have like 12 gmails and used them all to report the user


: / It's as if we told a child not to grab that toy, but hey ... I'm even discouraged, I've been waiting for at least day 3 for weeks without mistakes


So tired of minors trying to get into spaces that aren’t allowed for them. So fucking tired


Best to play it without the fixes


you know obi pun is on Patreon... i wonder if they are getting outta this


The way the description says "this game is not for minors" but they link it for free easily for minors to use Where is the logic? There's a pay wall for a reason And the comments are really stupid too. Just wanna know what the proper claim I can report the video under: sexual content, violent or repulsive content, hateful or abusive content, harassment or bullying, harmful or dangerous acts, child abuse, infringes my rights, promotes terrorism, spam or misleading. I wanna choose the right one over a hundred times

Nana Chigusa

It sucks that they’re so hellbent on exposing the game to minors when Fuboo already stated that there will be a SFW version. Also, if you guys are able then please report the account as well. I submitted a report under child endangerment while adding details that this person is exposing children to NSFW content by leaving a link in the description. I hope we don’t get anymore people like this coming out to ruin everyone else’s time :(

Gracyn VH

How do we report the video?


That’s so frustrating


Too bad that that person does not respect your decisions, that is horrible (Sorry if I put something else, I don't know English, I'm sorry for the confusion)


The pay wall may need to be bumped up....you only need like $36 dollars to cover a 3 year span for acess to the game


I hope this will be resolved soon, people need to respect others wishes!!!!!! This could get people in serious trouble... Wtf


This person is trying to cause trouble. What a creep and legit the comments talking about how its great showing they don't care or respect the rules or the 18+


bruh kids just can't wait can they-


Click on the video, there should be 3 little dots going up and down. When you click on that one of the opinions should be report.


I mean i hate saying that but its true


it also seems like most of their followers don't realize that there is a Patreon to buy it as well




That's horrible, I hope his account gets removed


O.O its not the only video


It's a shame this had to happen. Can't wait for the new link though, because some of us weren't able to get the link working possibly due to the change from x32 to x64. Would it be possible to (down the line, not immediately because I understand this stuff takes time.) either switch it back to x32 or make two different versions of it? An x32 and a x64 link?


What can we report it for? We can't file a copyright takedown request :(


Child Endangerment


It won't let us report for infringement :(


I just saw that video on YouTube, went here to say something about it. Happy to hear you're already aware but I'm sorry this person is being problematic. Seriously disrespectful


CHILD ENDANGERMENT PEOPLE....it covers sexual content and nudity


People just have no respect for other people wishes and that's sad. People even state in the comments that they would respect the creators wishes but still download instead...😒😕


This is so frustrating


Glad you found out. Seriously awful and I don't understand what this person gains out if it


Thank you so much for addressing this, it was getting me frustrated.


I just reported for spam/fraud and made sure to explain the situation, it's one of the best options we have


Don't know why they would have the mind to even think of doing this when they know there are people on here who wait patiencely while the creators hard work is being violated even after kindly asking not to spread the link of the game.. there's a reason it's not allowed for minors 😒


I just reported this video and I've been trying to report the ones that went past day one as well. This is disgusting. I'm sorry this has happened. Oh, and reported the user too. To the person who's doing this cause you have to be on here still to get this stuff. Go. Away. No one wants you here stealing a person's hard work.

Laura Castrillón

I have put a removal, but I do not know if they will listen to me. Geeez, I think you guys are incredibly unlucky with Cyberbullies.


Hmmm, I’ve reported the video as “sexual content” —> “content involving minors”. And in the additional details box I’ve stated that it contains an illegal link to an adult game. I wrote that with the (illegal) distribution of the link/game, minors have free access to something that is not intended for them. I mean, the game DOES have suggestive content so far so it’s not a false claim Ig, and I just think that a report that involves minors will be more quickly checked up upon. Also, I have reported the channel/user. I did it under “child endangerment” with the same reasoning I have above. Alternatively, I think you could probably report them for impersonation since they distribute something that they do not own (aka the game). Either way, the more reports flood in, the quicker YT will act, I hope... [Edit] Oh, and it’s probably a good idea to report the GoogleDrive link as well!


What should they be reported under? Harassment or infringes rights? Or something else??


People really gotta ruin it for everyone. So disrespectful. :/ I'm so sorry this has happened and I hope it will not continue.


They literally said they'll repost with a new link if something happens to that one. Ugh. Dude if you're reading this, it's not everyone else's fault you crave attention. Go get it somewhere else


Bro why they can't follow the desires of the creator? its sad, even now that you had to put down the links, the people who will enter the patreon now is not going to be able to play thanks to this one person :(


Theft especially makes no fuckin sense. Seriously if some can't spare $1 a month and decide "it's ok for me to use a pirate link" then they've got problems. Anyway time to report the user & video for whatever i can think of.


Thank god, some people are just the lowest of low. Absolute scum


Reporting rn. I’m so sorry this is happening- just be sure to take all the time you need. This is a frustrating situation, I’m sure. sending all my love and prayers!!


Report it, and the user, for whatever you can think of out of the optioms. So far I've done the spam & sexual content one.


Ive been reporting it as sexual content involving a minor and describing the fact that it’s an adult game with sexual content that kids can get


Wow, not only is it just so disappointing that someone would make this avaliable to minors, but also distribute the game illegally :/


Obi pun, if you are a patron, please explain us why you are doing this. You know you don't have permission to upload gameplays, much less to take a link and hack it. Please. Stop.


The only way for them to seek proper action is by contacting YouTube through their Official Twitter (which is dumb but it's the best bet in terms of response time). You're clearly trying not to expose kids with this content and yet this creator is handwaving the whole issue. Since this is a repeat offender, they're probably doing this to get under your skin/out of spite. Don't let them get to you. That's exactly what they want.


They probably think that since no one else is posting videos of day 2 and 3 than they'd get more views that way if they're the only ones doing so. Not caring if or why there is a reason behind it


I think that's the thing that's pissing me off the most honestly. Just a total disregard for Fuboo's wishes, our own investments, and the safety of minors


There are only “positive” comments because the user is deleting “negative” ones. I happen to have two YT accounts, and none of the three comments I made show up.


and this is why I don’t like kids </3


Also can you go and filed a copyright infringement on your game? He has been doing the same thing


I was thinking the same thing, I wonder what’s going to happen after their video gets removed. They’re on here too so they’ll probably just keep doing it since they didn’t get the hint after their other videos were removed.


If you want to report the user and have their entire channel shut down so they stop posting videos, click on Obi Pun, go to the About section and click on the little flag under stats. You can choose "Report User." Their entire channel seems like it's dedicated to posting YB Day 2+3 anyway ...


After Day 1 there should be a 15 second unskippable warning before it asks you how was your day with YB, saying that people are allowed to record and post Day 1, but after that it is not allowed and to respect the owners wishes to not post the other days until further notice just in case this happens again. When there is a clear warning not to record it might be easier to take them down. Maybe some people aren't aware of the rule that you can't post 2/3 and they upload it without knowing it might do harm. It makes me sick to know that people who do know completely disregard the owners wishes and do it for their own needs. I totally respect owners wishes, and I think those who don't should be banned from Youtube or Patron from posting it, even when the channel is full of minors when there is a warning it's not meant for anyone under 18!


I reported the channel for child endangerment. What they are doing is so harmful and disrespectful. I hope this situation gets resolved soon, and I'm sorry you have to go through this. :(


This is terrible...reported their account on YT. 3':


Yes me too ,it make me so angry too see how disrespectful poeple are :(


I just blew up the video's comment section with the statement. I don't know if that will do anything, but at this point I'm so sick and tired of that channel that I just got fed up. I'm prepared for the wave of angry little kids coming my way. -_-


Is there not a way to find out who this user is on patreon?


You know what? The link should just be put in a locked website that requires a 1 time code for patreons. Like, it's a randomized code sent by email. And the actual link address is hidden and just changed to "YourBfGame" so that people can't just copy the address down. And the link can't be copied. Idk. Stupid people being dumb calls for stupidly tight measures. I don't know if this is even possible.


Just to let you know, some YouTube called LunaStar has posted what I believe are walkthroughs of days 2 and 3. Thought you might like to know.


Unfortunately I just found another account on YouTube that show day 2 and 3.I reported it but I’m afraid other accounts like that will pop up https://youtu.be/_71XfuNxUfM


Donde reporting the video AND the account


The stupidity is spreading . . . ;-; Oof


This is awful. Why can't they just respect your wishes?!


Wow this sucks. Like there is a dollar option to subscribe to your patreon soooo I don't see how people decide to do this? I would also like to note that this game is specifically for 18+ and having the game link and videos of it on YouTube will make it near impossible for minors not to see it or try to play this game.


I let the people know in the comments where to find this patreon if they want to support the game while still enjoying it and all the cool art that comes in the posts here.


should I report it for copyright infringement or other ? I really want to support this so if anyone would tell me


Sorry to see this happen :( I really hope it gets taken down soon. SMH, people just don't listen..


Do you know when mac gets day 2&3 I’m in no rush but it’s been a while :).


God, fucking disgusting. Children will be children.


The problem with that is that not everyone is on the Discord. But honestly, if that's what will keep their paws off this game than so be it.


It's unfortunately going to be a while now. :(


All the people commenting on the video, thanking/asking for more uploads , are just a**holes for supporting them. It boils my blood seeing minors (and adults) racing to DL it….no regard at all for the rules…


As much trouble as it may be, I would look into having a team of volunteers or staff that create one-time download links. Lots of download sites offer it- I believe that even Mediafire does, which is a pretty common one, and I think I've seen it on Mega (which has damn good encryption/protection). As much as it sucks, I've seen a lot of artists and such resort to it. Hell, a lot of furry artists only give access to files with usernames watermarked on them (so say, if George132 gets access to the image, it has George132 on it, so if it ever gets shared the artist knows who did it).


I really hope this is sorted soon.. I am honestly disgusted about ppl asking for a new link after it got taken down, as if we mean nothing and the game/art provided means nothing..


this sucks.. they did this because they are being petty for losing their videos.. now they just doing this out of spike... IDK if their banned in Patreon... and even if their channel is somehow banned.. they still try and do this stunt again..


Minors always cause problems in spaces where they really shouldn’t be in and it’s a shame because it’s to protect them as well…


I hope this gets dealt with soon.l, such a dick move. Also... What do we report the video as?


Done and done, hopefully this gets resolved soon...


If only there was a way to track who leaks these links. Like if an automated and unique signature that doesn't affect game files and cannot be removed was applied.


I'd report the video as spam, sexual content (since it's an 18+ game) & violent content (he murderers people). I'd also report the user for the same things as well as the child endangerment option. When reporting user make sure to leave that note at the end of each report.

Tyler the Destroyer

There's always someone who has to ruin everyone's good time, smh. Hope they get banned.


Hey so I was wondering if the concept I discovered on this website : https://digify.com/blog/pdf-document-tracking/ could be applied here somehow?


Muy simple expylsalo


Reported it as well, hopefully it gets taken down soon. 😐


Well this is amazing, imaging supporting an artist to then public their project without consent, and the video and the link are still up and I think I saw kids commenting on how they were downloading it. Also I tried to report it but I don't know how to fill the file, because if I write ''copyright infringement'' it assumes I'm trying to report on something that's mine, anybody that has reported it know how to do this?


Fr tho, they say 'I'Ve SeEn woRsE I CaN HAnDle iT.' But they don't get that the law doesn't really go by that logic. ("-_-)


The issue with that is is that they can dl the file and still technically upload it. Probably. I mean you just DL it once


It’s a dollar a month; if you can’t give that much then idk what to tell you. Not like a 20$ month or something or 60 game ya know


I really hope this gets resolved soon


Reported their video as well as their channel since they seem to have no plans of stopping.


Try Sexual Content, Violence, and (optional) Spam. Then if you want to report the account I recommend Child Endangerment with a description. That's how I did it


Reported. I wouldn'tn be thrilled with this at all either. Especially as someone who is a content creator in private (mainly just stories I want to be published eventually).


The people pulling this crap and not respecting Fuboo's wishes need to realize what they're doing. Especially the viewers indulging them. I hope they get a perma ban for leaking this stuff.


Theres another account posting playthroughs of Days 1-3 with (obviously) minors asking for more in the comments. Here’s the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_71XfuNxUfM&feature=youtu.be


I’ve been reporting it as ‘Sexual content, ‘Violent content’ then ‘Spam’. I reported the channel as ‘Spam’ as well since they have no intent on stopping 🙄


OMG why he's doing it again??? I could only report his new video out of Spam/misleading information. But I reported it anyway. Doesn't he feel shameful of himself using Y/N as pfp while doing piracy?


I feel like removing the link is gonna have more people posting the days on other sites so people can have access to them. Hopefully I'm wrong though.


People disgust me. Literally disgust me. However i'm gonna agree with @Shrike on the removing link thing..Perhaps just ban them entirely from the patreon (If thats even able to happen), whoever see's the video is just ruining the game for themselves at that rate.


I'm sorry this happened. I reported it immediately. The comments on that video are many who don't understand what is going on.


Why do people insist on ruining it for others? Eh... reported them... I'll keep my eye out for any more.


I reported them as well, can't believe people are doing this. Too bad you can't see whose doing it, hopefully you find this person and ban them ♡


I completely understand and I’m sorry for all the stress this may or may not of caused… I’ll continue to be one of your biggest supporters! It’s not your fault these people cheat others. ❤️


Oh stars not them again -__-"" And they didn't even changed their profile pic! That art piece belongs to an artist that said not to repost their work.


Can’t YouTube just delete their account? Cause that’s not right .-.


I'm sorry that some people think it's ok to ruin it for everyone, all of the comments supporting them makes me so mad 🙃 They're probably going to do it again if able, so I hope they were swiftly blocked and banned.


It’s so insane that people go to such lengths just to ignore a creator’s wishes.


gosh I started getting recommended those vids and I was pretty annoyed lol glad it's being addressed, didn't know they were LINKING THE GAME though ffs


They have it on Google docs though.like they're linking to the actual file tbey downloaded. So changing the link won't help.


I'm so sorry that happened, it's really crazy to me knowing that people will really go to great lengths to ignore a creator's wishes. :(




I just visited and wanted to report but then something didn't work so I tried again and saw that it had been taken down. :3


Please take your time, it's worth supporting the game, even if we don't have a link to it. It's more important that you can make the game without the stress of someone leaking it. Looks like the video's been taken down, so hopefully this stops that rogue patron in their steps!


I have reported them. I love this game. I feel sad this person is doing this.

Lady Snowjob

Please dont let this slow down your stride on creating more content. There will always be Trolls. I'm still waiting to see Peter's home. :)

Pastel Possum

I thought I lacked braincells till I heard about those a-holes


Good news, his channel and videos have been taken down!! Now for the other ones :3


So sorry to hear this is happening, I don't understand how people can be so selfish and go to such great lengths to ruin something that's meant to be fun and enjoyable for the right audiences. Even in time it'll be for everyone if they can just be patient and let the creators work on this in peace and without constant issues halting the project while it's still in it's earlier stages. The people who do this out of spite and their own selfish reasons should take a minute to realise the long term effect this will have, they gain nothing from this. That said, I think I speak for the majority of your Patreons when I say that no matter what, even through times like this, you have so many good people's support who do/will continue to support the creators as much as they can, especially through times like this. And we will do whatever we can if it means finding as many people who abuse the simple rules like this. So to the creators and general supporters: Keep up the fantastic work, lovelies! <33


Honestly, with people abusing the privilege, I'd completely understand & be okay with you no longer providing beta access. Just keep working & maybe throw a sketch or two our way


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. With the amount of time and energy you must put into this it must be heartbreaking to see people pirate it, especially to an audience that was never supposed to see it. I must admit I watched day 2 on Youtube before I knew it was against your wishes for people to post that and watch it, and that's what got me to look into the game--I'm saying this because I'm hoping that some good will come out of a bad situation. Maybe it will bring more people to your game through the proper routes, even if their first exposure wasn't as you'd hoped. That being said I hope this issue doesn't persist. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK, I'm sure all of us here really appreciate it <3!


Have they/the person(s) leaking been banned from the Patreon?


I'm sorry people suck :( Do whatever you have to, many of us still love and support the work you're doing. I'll definitely support the game with or without access, I love it that much <3


I am very sorry for what you have to endure, you still have our support and we will wait as long as necessary, in the meantime I will go to discover how to download a game because I have not even been able to install Minecraft and that's depressing, by God I didn't even know how to install lol, I need to sleep haha ​​man I'm pathetic hahahaha, well in conclusion I'll wait for what I have to wait, mua kisses

Elise Pierce

There's always one asshole who has to ruin it for everyone.


Heres another account that posted day 2 https://youtu.be/ZOLVxBb-7Yc


It's so upsetting that people are willing to ruin it for everyone for their own selfish reasons. Please take your time and don't let this discourage you. ❤️❤️


Honestly, I have seen similar situations like this ending projects all together. I wouldn't be surprised if YBF gets canceled is stuff like this keeps happening


People are dicks that don’t respect the rules, I hope they get their shit taken down soon. Mad respect to you, the Team and everyone here wanting to solve this situation quickly just sucks that it even happened in the first place.


Then why are you here? Never mind, I read your edit. All good


That sucks tbh minors really don't seem to care and understand YBF is not appropriate for them and unfortunately seems to affect all the supporters of the game that are of age. Thanks for keeping up with the game regardless of the whole situation much appreciated! <3


I think I remember seeing those around; the videos are currently all removed (as of checking), but they'll probably try again. It's incredibly disappointing that they couldn't even be bothered to respect two simple rules: no exposure to minors, nothing past day one - and there's even an SFW version planned out for the future, which can be shown to the general public, and will even be just as dark. I get the impatience, but my god, it's not that hard to just... not do a thing. Yeesh. I hope you were able to find out which patron it was and remove them, or something similar.


I think the guy was just being spiteful because he posted days two and three in a video and it was removed so he just decided to completely go against the creator

Katrín lilja

I swear, why the hell are people out there doing this? Is there any way you can take harsher actions against them? Something to make sure people don't do this in the future

Katrín lilja

I might even recommend locking the game under a bigger donation, it would deter at least the bottom feeders, maybe not everyone but it could possibly make the culprits think twice when they loose not only more money but their perks as well. Or maybe even have people prove they are adults?


Is it really so fucking difficult for these assholes to stop doing this kind of shit?! Can they for the love of god, keep their own grimy hands, and the grimy hands of minors, off of the game?! Hopefully they lose their whole channel, it seems to be the only way this kind of person learns.


I’ve just reported a number of channels doing this and posting it with links and claiming that they are the creator.


The link in the post, its luckily already gone. So rude that people do this, you work hard for it and they get all the views


uGH, Why do minors always have to ruin everything? I am so sorry they are bein' a pain to deal with. I will be sure to report anyone that posts the link if I ever see them. Thanks fo'informin' us ~<3


Same here, I never clicked on them since I wanted to experience the rest of the days myself and support a fellow artist by joining the patreon. I wasn't expecting people to leak the link though :/


im so sorry this is happening it must be stressful its sad that some people refuse to respect boundaries and try to find loopholes, you have our support 100%


First the bug on day 3, now this... I really wish YBG fandom won't get ruled by minors cause they have ruined so much from adult fans in other fandoms. Like it's hard to discuss about dark topics online without having at least one kid joining in...


Might need to rethink of a new way to share the link, because it clear that this ain't working. an idea is to make a discord of people you trust and share the link with them. Yeah less people play it but it more protected from YouTube and young eyes.


That video got lucky token down! I really don't understand why ppl are always so disrespectful to creators... EDIT: There are other YT Channels uploading the Day's 2 and 3...


Yeah that would be a good idea, my friend have a German LGBTQ+ server, he get daily requests of ppl who want to join, he is checking everyone with his Discord Moderators, you literally have to prove them your age, and stuff (before that you are not able to do anything on the server, you can't see it at all) well it's actually work, his server is minor friendly. (they do not allow NSFW at all, which I kinda like, a pure SFW Server) But the Con is, you need to spend a lot of time into that Server, by checking the first ppl joining. (that's also the reasons why his moderators are the most trusted ppl who are willing to do that.)


I just read 236 comments to find the people who are screwing up, yes I have too much free time. I thank all those people who found them, I will continue to report their content (without insult promised) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgsMlnhrRip3gKR3CbVk3TQ/featured https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA/about Report me if I forgot some. In the meantime I send you all my support.


I am for proving that they are Adults, just gonna say, there are rich minors... They don't have a problem with spending more money while braking the rule


God people like this make me mad


Actually that might not work as they can create a new Channel. It's the same with VRChat, ppl who got perma banned because they uploaded 3D which are by creator forbidden to be used there, or Hackers etc. They just make a new Account and keep doing their BS. Including NSFW models in public areas, NSFW is just in private worlds allowed, streaming and stuff is forbidden too but ppl do anyway...


thanks for posting links everyone! i've been reporting the videos or channels whenever i see a new link


Idk if it has already being said but here's also two channel on which you can find day 2 and 3 as well : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgsMlnhrRip3gKR3CbVk3TQ/videos and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxM5X_T6Yg0lf2mxdy8k2XA That sucks (love from France btw)


Awh man that sucks, but you are not the one who should apologize ; it's the dickheads that don't follow your requests who should. It's completely understandable that you're taking action against what they did, and I bet that the fans don't mind it at all.

Lady Snowjob

Maybe add a red text on the game screen. Like under Construction- Do not stream or duplicate. If this game is illegally distributed email blah blah blah---


Don't worry Fuboo! u dont have to apologize! those dickheads will always be there..., anyways, cheer up!~ <3 we love you and support you no matter what!


The vid is gone. :)


I find it sad that parents are "ok" to watch horror movies with minors like Friday the 13th with blood, murder and sex...but when it's a game...it makes a drama. I really like your project and I can't wait to see what happens next . ♥ ♥ ♥

Lady Snowjob

That is because games are immersive. You can make your own decisions a d play a role you wouldn't normally be into.


Guys!{For Those Of You Who Dont Know} “Obi Pun” { The Guy Who Was Posting Day 1-3, past day 1 } we got him to take down all his videos!😁


I'm angry because I haven't gotten to play day 3 yet without crashing. Then someone posted it to ruin the convenience for everyone else. I was very excited.


what the hell?! That's awful. Thank you for reporting them


who is to say it's even a minor. It could be a grown adult full knowing and doing this because it's the internet and they feel like they can


what's the best way to report since we can't claim copyright?


Do you have a tiktok? Ive been reporting posts on there, but they've yet to be taken down


It was finally taken down!


Shame assholes have to ruin it for everyone else. Not you're fault tho Fuboo, no need to apologize.


Don't apologize, Fuboo- we know you're dealing with a lot, and it sucks that some people just can't respect the creators enough to not leak content. :/


Thank goodness. I kept thinking about this while i was at work


My first ever Patreon subscription, and only to play the game I got extremely hooked on 😂 cannot wait when you will post the new link, I start working next week so would be amazing if I enjoyed the rest of my holiday with the game 🥺


I'm so sorry this is happening to you ... people are so disrepectful.


That's so rough. You and everyone on your team deserves better. Maybe there's something we as Patron's could do to verify ourselves to be of age or something? Regardless, may this all be resolved without extraordinary hassle, and know we're all rooting for you. <3


Wey, me puse a trabajar para obtener dinero y poder jugar el juego legalmente por así decirlo y estar al tanto de las actualizaciones y pasa esto justo el día que pude comprar la suscripción, que mala suerte tengo! QnQ


Do we know who the patreon user is? Can't you remove them or block them on here? (I'm not exactly sure how all patreon runs from a seller point of view, sorry)


***their channel still has the link!! its now under a google drive, in their channel description*** Im not sure what you can do about that, but they're still distributing the game


Obi Pun still shares that google drive link on the channel info tab *rolls eyes*


Why are people such assholes bro???


I know it's off topic but I hope we can have the IOS version soon, I really wanna play the game and I only have Mac _(:3」∠)_


Reporting the user as harassment/cyberbullying this time. They know what they're doing.


This is so saddening. I wish there was a way to find out which patroen is doing this


I am baffled by such actions, honestly. Like, I get it, you want to share with people a thing you like, but you've been told NUMEROUS times to not do it like this. Because - REASONS. You want to share the knowledge about the game? Freaking tell about it using WORDS. Or send a link to the patreon page, or twitter. And only to people of apropriate age. It's not that hard to understand, is it? The only reason people keep doing so, is because they're disrespectful a-holes... I'm sorry, I went on a tirade and I can keep going but there's only insults left. So, I'll stop with that. Anyway... I'm glad I could download the latest bult, when I did. I'm waiting for the further updates and I'm sending the rays of patience and inspiration to Fuboo.


"The bad news is that their YT name is different from their patreon name, so I can't block them." - Fuboo on the discord server


Honestly, I believe you're speaking the majority of our thoughts. I agree with your rant and I got some venom of my own I wanna spew but it prolly wouldn't be a good idea here lol The frustrating thing is a game like this is so damn hard to find (at least for me) and then of course someone or something has to come by and ruin it. I just want to enjoy stuff peacefully bruh...


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA/about LETS MASS REPORT THE CHANNEL ITS SELF


ugh... that's so sad! I really wanted to play today, and I just joined. But I'll wait anyways. Good luck with this! Hope all this mess will end soon! And thank you for your efforts! <3


Ah! I just joined and wanted to play! Noo!


Is ok we understand ans so sorry to hear that, people do that are discusting. You and your team work really hard to gave us a great experience, and you did, the best nevel horror I never play. Thanks you so mush again and hope to play soon.


Gdi, what an asshole move. So because the video got taken down, they‘re really straight-up posting the link in their bio now?? With no warning for minors even. At this point I‘m sure they‘re just doing it out of spite and pettiness.


I reported the channel and i reported the google drive link

Marigold Bells

can people just not do that


i hate that type of person, I hope everything goes well:(


The video is no longer available. But seeing this is their second time doing this, be on alert that they'll do it again. They need to learn they are putting the whole project in danger. There are only so many times you can poke the mama bear before she snaps and eats your face.


I'm sad now


I mention maybe there should be a 15 second warning before the start of the second day to let people know you can't record anymore after day 1. Maybe something like- "Greetings! How is the game treating you so far? As of now, we ask one simple thing from you. **STOP.YOUR.RECORDING** Fuboo and the crew humbly ask you to refrain from recording the rest of the gameplay until further notice. Despite the game's growth in popularity and providing us with more positive feedback, we humbly ask that you stop recording. In the remainder of the gameplay, there will be content that is not suitable for minors under the age of 18. Thanks for following the creator's rules, and we hope you enjoy your time playing." It might be easier to prevent this from happening or to take them down if this kind of rule appeared in the game. If someone records or sees this rule and they ignore it, they will be easily targeted for disregarding a rule written CLEARLY for the world to see. Sure it may not stop these types of people from being fricken semiliterate twats, but fans even newcomers of Your Boyfriend will know the rules and will defend and honor the rules given until Fuboo herself announced it's ok or until a SFW version comes out. I wish you all of luck!


What do you guys think of this? Imagine peter’s voice to be scream’s from the first movie??


Someone said they're still being spiteful and put the link in their channel description


LunaStar?..... idk why, but that name sounds oddly familiar..


I agree with this. I'm glad they didn't get the full Day 3 without bugs


Like someone already said, I'm completely ok without seeing the game until it's completely finished, especially if it means protecting the privacy of it


The same person just straight up put a google drive link to the game in their channel bio. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA/about


Has there been another bug fix for the new issues after leave YB in the alley?


It's okay, don't worry! If I see anyone posting day 3 again on Youtube, I'll be sure to flag it! Because this is disrespectful that someone is sharing it like that. I'm 100000% ready to wait until this game comes out and pay for the full thing then!


Have you considered posting the download link on itch.io? You can put a password on the download link, and post the password here for patrons.


I think the person is a patron :( but their username is different from their youtube name


I'm glad that the link was removed for the time being, seriously not cool of that user. Find a hobby or something, other than just being a completely disrespectful jerk to everyone here and more importantly the people who put their hard work into this game.


sad that one person can fuck it up for the rest


what a pos person, it is literally just costs a dollar to access the game


Aw man i just went out and got my lap top out of storage to try this ;-;


Oh no, and here I am just finding out this fun looking game exists today. :'( I'm sorry somebody is creating such chaos - I hope you guys are able to work everything out and get another link up soon, can't wait to try out the game! <3


Oh! espero que todo pueda solucionarse pronto!


:( oh no!!!! hope this gets resolved soon


Just as I get my gaming laptop fixed, shoot


Yeah I figured this would happen... Well I've been patient before. I can wait a little longer and enjoy the content already in the patreon.


Man people are so annoying why can't they just respect it


oh.. well in the meantime, can't wait to get the new link as soon as everything's ready! just joined and was looking forward to checking out day 2 and 3 :'>


Hi, there is a channel in tick that puts 2 and 3 days,here is a link to this person.https:/vm.tiktok.com/ZSJKfotFg/ REPORT !!!!((((


does anyone know where I can find day 2 and three? I just joined today and would love to play them!


I'm sorry that people aren't respecting your wishes for the game. I dont mind waiting a little longer. ♡


Unfortunately you can’t right now the link just got down :(


i have an idea.... this might be overkill and i don't know how it could be implemented but if you could have the game require a unique key or user ID as a log in of sorts when starting the game and have it require a 1 time connection to a server just to access the game for that session, you could effectively block users who abuse the system by sharing their UID while checking the amount of log ins within a set amount of time. probably too much but it's certainly a way to discourage these sorts of people from trying to share in the future


that's so unfortunate dude! hopefully things get on track soon enough. <3


Obi Pun changed their YouTube name to: Your boyfriend day 2 + day 3 link on channel desc. Please continue to report the user so the channel gets shut down! You can also report them more than once for different violations. (I've reported them for Sexual Content, Harassment and Spam, and in the notes for each, I put "Videos have been removed for exposing minors to an 18+ game and Copyright Infringement. This user has put a link to the game in their Channel Description for minors to access the game." https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA/about I hope Fuboo is aware of the Google Link the channel is providing and can report it as Copyright Infringement, having the link removed as well. This sucks >.<


TYSM for letting them know this because I doubt anyone would look at their about, I just reported them about this case as well <3


I hope these people stop because of the time being wasted trying to stop them from posting days with out permission is taking time away from the creators that could’ve been used for further development of the game.


It looks like the video was taken down… i’m not sure about the channel though. hopefully everything is working out ok!


Cant wait to play the demo :) I'm sorry about people disrespecting you like that! Gonna be super stoked when I can eventually buy and play the game as a whole


So sad the time I finally decide to get the game bad actors decide to ruin it for everyone. I hope all goes well in securing the game!


Is that why your Twitter is private now too? I’ve been trying to follow you for days :(


offline game doesn't require internet to play. This is abuse for people who actually pay


I've been trying to follow them for weeks. I'm sure they are being very careful and I understand that.


Awe man, I just joined now too so I could get day 2&3. What a jerk to ruin this.


Because of that kind of people, i have still never played the game ! seriously im so angry right now,


even the link for the demo don't work, so if that kind of people still doing this and i never try the game im gonna be a peter who kill everyone who give the link !!!


My God, I read here that you can get the end of the day with the death of TK, how to do it? And about the scene with coffee and Lucy who comes to our room, I have already explored all possible routes, but I can't get it :(


really sucks that these people have been spreading the game to youtube, hope it gets dealt with soon :)


Hello!! I played the game few days ago and it was going well but now that I'm trying to play it again it's not letting me like the endless staring contest with Don is back (depends how I answer in the other days) and it also freezes just before the scene where we see Lucy's dead body and on the diner scene also depends how I've answered before. I'm sad T^T


i truly hope these people stop impeding process, and respect the creation of this game,, its also affecting others that want to play it which really sucks :(


Out of curiosity, is there going to be an option to toggle the voice over on and off? It’s be cool to choose if we want voices for the dialogue. :)


I believe I downloaded the most recent one before they took it down. I think TK still being worked on cus when went down the denial and being at TKs house it said path under construction.


I clicked the link expecting to write a report and it was taken down! That’s good atleast!


Why would someone even want minors to play this very weird ...


The person who doing this have made another channel where they started posting the link again https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA here is the channel for reporting, I hope their channel will disapear once and for all


@Hazeeror I never did that ! I say that i never play the game even the demo because then i tried il don't work or people posting the link so we don't have it anymore ! Don't say something you don't know like, give a little bit of respect and don't say anything stupid like that !


Hey, Fuboo, I think reporting the file itself to Google might help in taking it down. I'd do so myself, but am not sure how to report copywrite infringement as a third party. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fzBs6JHnjv4sZq5okUrfPSoPUKVqipvL/view


Oh nonononon I didn't ment to you I ment to Sonicfon, I mean why would someone share the link not for reporting but so someone could download it. Sorry if it came off as I thought of you.


@Hazeerror oh, im so sorry then, i was thinking that you was talking about me! But then @SonicFon send me that link i didn't used it ! It's a illegal link so no thank you, i want to play the game without doing something bad or what so im just gonna rest in peace and waiting


I’m loving the game so much so far! Minor spoilers: I absolutely LOVE whenever Peter speaks to the player directly, knowing he’s in a game. After doing a stalker route, hooking up with Lucy, not calling the cops, not telling TK what’s going on, and lying to Don about what’s happening, I got the van scene with Peter, and the dialogue was really different and interesting! But what was so cool was when he questioned why I the player decided to take this route. Out of curiosity? He asked. GOD DAMN-


is there a certain tier i gotta join to get the download of the game if so what tier

Samuel torres

I am so sorry that some one did this Just glade the video got taken down

Samuel torres

Oh and do you need to be like 5$ tier on just 1$ tier


hopefully the issue is over soon cuz i'd love to play the game too ;v; i'm not sure if it would be allowed to ask a fellow supporter for a DL but if so, please contact me?


the channel " Your boyfriend day 2 + day 3 link on channel desc" posted a link of the game we need to report them


well ... shit x,D


Here's the link to that channel if anyone's having trouble finding it: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA/community (Also what do we report it as?)


I just reported them. This sucks!


hey, are the rumors being spread true?


They haven't posted about that rumor on Patreon and I doubt they will. If they were truthful about seeking litigation, they can't really talk about it in a public platform.


I just looked, and all i saw was: This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Melissa King. Wish people didn't do things like that


Hope everything gets better... This game is really great. And would like to see Twitter open again if possible (crying) I follow it but it seems to be waiting for approval


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA/about they are STILL trying to send out copies of the game, now its in their channel description. If you are reading this, come on now, that's just petty.


Hope things get better :(


Foboo take them to court and sue tf outta them theyre annoying af and stole a lot of money from you and this community and put your franchise in danger, now ppl probally wont buy the game thanks to them


I too hope that the situation smooths over and it's really messed up to the maker of the game T^T I just signed up today for this Patreon today and I was really hoping to play... I too would like to ask if a fellow supporter could send me a DL of the game please if that's okay


You should be able to download the game when the link is provided even with the $1 tier


The $1 tier should be enough to get you access to the game link when it becomes available


Although there are a lot of awful things happening around you, don't let that prevent you from achieving your dreams. There's always someone who isn't interested in what you're into and will do deception things. The patrons on this page support you, your making an awesome game, and don't let hatred stop you from achieving great things. My mother has always said that if you are hated for what you do, it really is just because people are jealous of your creativity. True some people don't like the whole Kidnapping and Stalking which is understanding but people need to remember that this is FICTIONAL. If people don't like this idea then they are feel free to leave this game be and go play something else.


Heya, the link to the demo doesn't work for me :( I'm just wondering what's going on? I really wanna play!! 😭


People can be so disrespectful of the amount of work you've been putting into this, if only they would listen and stop uploading chapters that aren't allowed. We're putting a lot of donations into this and it's only going to waste with these situations.


I'm so sorry that people aren't being respectful. I've dying to play your game before I leave for basic training. I hope people will learn to respect your wishes.


I had to bitch to my best friend about this. Like, being an artist is hard enough, but when an artist is making not just good content, but a whole game? And people have the gall to steal it and distribute it to people who specifically have been asked to not interact until they're legal... I know violence is never the answer, but this person needs a firm smack upside the head.


would anyone happen to know when the link will be ready again? i’m so sorry you have to go through this also!


Hey Shi Neko! Unfortunately, that's the problem we're facing right now. :( A fellow "supporter" sent a DL out to the public on YouTube, when it was not allowed to be shared outside of Patreon. As of right now, there are no working links. The creator will post a new one here, hopefully when the issue gets resolved and the public link is finally removed.


As it says in the post, there's someone in this patreon disregarding the creators wishes to not record and publish Day 2 and 3 on Youtube. There seems to be more going on so in the meantime they removed the download link until further notice.

Crystaled Chaos Dont Copy My A.U

people can be so stupid i cant believe they'd go and ruin it for everyone but im glad it got dealt with but i do hope the game comes out soon cause seeing videos of it is killing meeee, peters voice is like a big yes for me idc if he were to kidnap me cause of his obsession id let it happen AHHHHH we could be psychos together


I miss the weekly update


Obipun has posted a game download link on his YouTube community page https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fzBs6JHnjv4sZq5okUrfPSoPUKVqipvL/view Is he even allowed to do that?


After i get a job ill have to give to patreon more to balance it out 💪


Only the devs can claim copyright. I reported their channel as harassment and left a note that they are having a link to a pirated game download that dangerously opens up 18+ content to minors


aww man.. i wanted to download the game 🥲


When is the link available again?


doing everything but giving Mac users a link


Kids will find a way to ruin everything. And if they're an adult it's more pathetic, seeing how it's only $1 to access the game. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.

Lady Snowjob

People are apparantly supportive of the videos.. They are the ones encouraging the infringement... its sad...


thats so sad :( i liked game so much when first saw day1 on youtube, and even first time in my life got patreon to download game and enjoy it, but that happen...Hope youre not that much upset and link will be aviable soon!


I really hope this gets resolved soon


It got deleted yayyy


Finally? Really? Great! Now let's just hope that some of those who downloaded it "" for free "" don't share it in the same way and respect Fuboo's request as much as possible. ):


How downlade game ?


Ждать пока дадут новую ссылку, старую снесли потому что игру слили на ютубе


damn i was working a lot for the past week and couldnt donload the fixed 3 day, so sad =C


Dude, there's far more important things for them to be dealing with right now. Just be patient.


Be quiet, groomer

Samuel torres

Me to cant wait for the new link. in collage and have a lot going on cuz I just turned 19 last week so couldn't not download and have so much home work so when I go to download yester day I was vary sad that I couldn't


They're not a groomer, their twitter is for the fictional character only.


Wish i was able to read this beforehand.... i just signed up and donated to patreon so i can play the game....... looks like i cant. wow.


Same boat as you, but you gotta understand that sometimes links just don't work and it takes time to fix. It's not the creators fault... technology is just weird and buggy sometimes. Best to just stay patient. It's only 1$/month anyways. Not even enough to be registered as a loss.


im beyond disappointed. i loved this game how is it that you’re a groomer and lesbophobic…and you let a racist on your team? come on. do better.

Samuel torres

Man I hope they put the link back up soon with collage I don't have much free time and I was so exited to finally have time to play but then this guy/girl just comes up and ruins it for every one I am sorry this is happing to you


the rumors arent true. It was just an angry minor who wanted to cancel the game just because they werent allowed to play it. All that "proof" is fake.


Guys Peter is supposed to be shit. Waaaahhh your psycho boyfriend who sleeps in your closet and licks your period pads said something bad. Grow the fuck up


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwWHWV2O7KS__gmIVgzKcA/about This channel is still up but I have reported them. Please, let's not let them get away with this. Also if you follow the game link click on the top right where there's 3 dotted circles lined up and you click on that and click on "report abuse".


how do i get accepted on the twitter? I've requested but idk if i gotta do something else??


I... i'm not surprised. But now im curious what all the fus is about.


I love the game, I will pay 50 bucks next month 💞


I'm absolutely devastated. Perhaps you should leave the current patch for lower tier patrons and only have new updates to high tier. As expected in this day and age people new to raise and kill new fads. I'm sad that people are abusing you and this amazing game. I'm terrified to see this project "flop" so please stay strong and take any necessary precautions. <3


don't let people try to get angry at you for this! it's not your fault at all, make sure to not feel too discouraged!


I cannot wait for this game to be released again, I finally have a laptop and im now able to play it. It shall be worth the wait I know it!❤️


A new one on Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@foxy_di?lang=it-IT

Marigold Bells

I can't believe people are seriously losing their shit over that "lesbophobic" post. I mean, really? YB isn't meant to be wholesome and pure and idealistic, he's literally the villain of the game. Claiming that a creator is condoning their character's actions, you might as well say that every creator who has ever killed off a character in their work before is a murderer. And by that logic, every time you've killed in a video game, you're obviously a murderer too. It's such a stupid take to have


what would this lesbophobic post that I'm seeing you comment on? where was this posted?


OMGosh...thats just...wow, they are getting creative now, thats not even what tiktok is for, its kinda funny. I'm not familiar with Tiktok, how do you report that?


Phobia means to fear something. YB fears absolutely nothing. It's getting on my nerves too.


pleasse I need game, i love peter


Hey guys, I reached out the Official Your Boyfriend Facebook page yesterday and let them know about Obi Pun putting the Google Drive link on his channel. They responded in a just a couple hours and said they will address it immediately! They also said, "Things happen, but having a great community to keep an eye out for what's right has been wonderful. We love and appreciate you all so much." <3 Keep reporting leaked content. It's probably best to contact the Official YB page and let them know so they can take action! :)


So sad :(


I apologize for my English because I speak Spanish and I am using the translator, I am glad you noticed, I have tried to throw that channel but I would prefer that they find the person in charge so that they remove it from the platform, it is damn unfortunate and I hope this does not affect too much your work, I will still try to support more


I guess I’m confused. How does a FICTIONAL character who loves you no matter your race, age, gender, attitude, hair color, or even how bad your feet smell saying that he’s going to love you even though your a lesbian 1: make him lesbophobic (literally meaning he’s afraid of lesbians. Sort of contradictory when he’s in love with you), and 2: how does that make the Fuboo lesbophobic? And 3: why is this the topic of discussion right now? People really be out here just searching for words people said years ago to twist and make them look bad. Exhausting.


I just want to cry ... :( I decided to mean the last money to buy a subscription to play this wonderful game and here you are ... it's gone. (thanks to the translator who was able to translate everything for me) Yes, I know why you can't download now, but it's still a shame (


I never even got to play as a MAC user :(


Is it possible that Inverted can hire someone to watch over YB social media on her behalf? One of the biggest demotivators to creativity is looking at the comments section of anything


I feel like I'm missing out on content since I didn't follow before they privated their Twitter :/ Also it'd help if the Twitter were public so we 'd know links aren't available before subscribing.


Disappointing that a patreon would leak content smh. People should know to respect the privacy of the paid only content. (Also, I'm new to this Patreon! I decided to follow so that I could see when the demo is gonna be on steam instead of checking steam every day lol, and to support the project because I love the art style.)


Just discovered today from ManlyBadassHero, and I am really excited about the game! Looking forward to updates

Samuel torres

I keep looking at this post to see if the links are back Cant wait for them to be back (Hopefully soon)


Yes! He made a good video. Hope you enjoy the game and the community! - just a member :3


i cant wait ughh


Please dont cancel the game, im literally in love. We will support you


Oh man, when is the link going to be back? It’s been a week. I’m dying since I never even got a chance to play


Not everyone can afford 10-15 monthly. Some can't even donate to the Patreon as is. Why not have them id themselves as adults in other ways?


Me again... @foxy_di ignored my message and posted day 2 and 3 on his Tik Tok channel, please report them, respect is already dead and buried. https://www.tiktok.com/@foxy_di?lang=fr&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1


Wouldn't be surprised if they were an adult. Adults aren't always better.. or more mature, for that matter. Probably a miserable person.


They moved the link from description into this section: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgwYUXTk60BSflUWSxh4AaABCQ .. And as you see, people actually like it. Look at how many people have already downloaded it, apparently. Or.. is this a new channel? Am beyond pissed rn. Is there really no way to find out who this loser is?!


the only way of this game for not getting "pirated" is literally just make a game website xd


btw emily alot of people are from different countries of the world so 10$ to 15$ is a big deal for us


Honestely i dont even know why she complains about minors playing the game, teens they can have debit cards. they are options for minors to get this game. The only way is so unrealistic, would be to check everyone who runs the program their id but we know for a fact that wont happen. people wanting a game they will go to every merit to get it, i bet a lot of patreons are minors themselves. So yeah i really think this whole issue of banning the game of youtube and such is not such a good idea. this game is becoming more and more popular that means more and more are going to be looking for it. Most youtubers if there is 18+ scenes would censor it. Welp that is the end of my rant


Bueno, honestamente me da tristeza porque justo hoy me uní a esta comunidad con el fin de poder jugar el juego... Que rabia que la gente sea tan descarada en robarle el trabajo a los otros, es esfuerzo. Los niños también, insisten en jugar y me da pena... la verdad no creo que solo jueguen mayores de 18 años. No hemos jugado todos los capítulos o visto todos los gameplays necesarios para saber de que trata, por lo cual puede ser muy crudo como cruel para que un niño vea esto. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que los niños no jueguen esto. Aún así por favor no cancele el proyecto, podría ser un éxito, por favor apoyen a esta comunidad, denuncien tiktok, facebook, si es necesario para que los niños no se involucren en esto y la creadora no tenga que abandonar el juego.

Samuel torres

I wish Everyone would stop Stelling from you I am sooooo sorry that some one would do this to


I thought the point of the patreon was to purchase access to the game . . .? Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. I thought the whole purchasing access was to help fund the game, and everything after that was just bonuses.


Oh my god, this is unbelieveable, I honestly feel disgusted, people stealing YOUR work for people to put out links just for minors to download. This is honestly horrible, I hope no one ever does that again tbh, also, keep up the great work, your work is awesome! ❤


She complains because it's an adult content sexual game and she (like most) don't like the idea of or feel comfortable with minors playing it. If you don't get that I don't know what else to tell you.


has there been a new link yet?


The video is down, thank the lord!


This is sad cause I subbed to get the game and now I can't :(


Same :,( Looking forward for new link with all of you


It makes me kind of sad, since there's no link for us patreon members but the ones who unrightfully got it still have a working link, I get why the link was taken down for now, but I cant help but feel a little upset about it, just my 2 cents though! I have no problem with being patient though, I'm still happy to support you as a patreon member <3


Hello, I just became a member today! I have been OBSESSED all week with YB drawing him and daydreaming QvQ I have been sniffing through the page trying to find links to play the game, are they all down right now? Please please please I have to know what happens in Day 2 and Day 3 and have been fighting the temptation of watching these videos since the creator doesn't like them TAT


The links were taken down specifically because these people were leaking both the game and links to the game.


Just yesterday I joined and unfortunately I can't play the game, when will I put the links back? :(


Please,today l joined because Peter is so cute(l just watched DAY1 ) Maybe l can't pay next month: ;/ So what time will l play the game (sob)


so when are they putting the links back? i really want to play again....:(


I really wish people would stop rushing Fuboo to put the link back up, she will in due time, I’m sure of it. This situation is so much more serious than it looks on the surface. They have to ensure minors are safe, and that you are not being ripped off. That’s a hard balancing act. Again, good luck to the team and Fuboo. You guys are awesome.


I know and shes really busy setting up and preparing to sell at Artist Alley sept 25 so I assume she wont put anything back up till after those events she has. Her priorities are clear and I just hope shes successful in all that shes doing!


This may be kind of HUMOR,too. I like your work very much, but please don't joke about disasters and human life. If you think it's nothing, no wonder Peter doesn't like you


Me too! My best wishes go to her and her success! :D Happy days are coming, I can feel it!


can you elaborate please?


sorry, I understand why the download link does not work


So that's why I can't find the link to download the game, it's a pity, I hope I will be able to enjoy this work soon. I will wait


Seriously, I'm getting tired of posting links but there are ✨gems✨ everywhere. Here are some fairly limited minors _https://www.tiktok.com/@urboyfriendpeter/video/6995419633079618821?source=webapp_messages&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 For them, I wanted to show my support, this person needs help and a hobby, because making montage of Peter burning is not a hobby. -https://www.tiktok.com/@hatemeasmuchasyouwant?lang=fr&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 I hope they will find someone.


Oooh now I know why. How sad that someone would do this. I hope they won't do it again and have learned a lesson :/ I will wait with patience, after all it is for safety <3

Lovely 146

I can't understand why some people can't listen to what the creator wants. Please respect what they ask of you, I feel bad that this happened


What the hell? It's not even their game to give out, respect creator's wishes y'all!