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Apparently my plea for having minors stay away from the game has fallen on 'Don't care' ears.
And honestly, I'm both disappointed and furious, especially now that it's come to my attention that some of you are minors yourselves and are trying to gain any access to the game through here and posting it publicly without my consent.

If you want to do a let's play of the game, do not do it beyond Day 2.
This is because Day 1 is already available to the public as a demo. But the rest of the days posted here are forbidden.
If any content is leaked outside of this patreon without my consent, your support will be removed.
If further violation continues, my attorneys will be notified and will contact you for further legal actions.



I wish the minors would just stay out of it like :/ it’s for good reason too :///


So sad and frustrating.. so sorry this is happening.


I'm so sorry this is happening I really love this game and I wish people would respect your rules I swear kids these days


Yeah! Say it like it is! Icky minors doing icky things smh


that's so fucked, im so sorry they're doing this to you


the game is really, vulgar she’s just tryna protect backlash from parents and guardians 😅


I’m sorry to hear that people are ignoring your wishes, that’s extremely frustrating.


Why is it so hard for minors to just stay away??


I'm really sorry that's happening;; really hope the minors understand it's for everyone's sake;;


I’m sorry this is happening, I really wish they would respect your wishes and just stay away.


Wow this really does suck, kids need to just be kids and stick their noses out of things like this


I'm sad that this is happening. Why can't minors just stay out till the SFW version comes out.


I'm so sorry this is happening fuboo :((


sorry that this is happening to you- it’s blatant disrespect at this point. wishing you the best and waiting for day three <3


So annoying, i have seen myself a minor on TikTok say "i will play the game even if theres a warning it hasn't stopped me before and won't stop me now" and i got SO MAD ITS RIDICULOUS


The fact that you’re thinking about coming out with a teen friendly version should be motivation enough


the minors are gonna end up ruining the game for everyone.


Honestly wish the minors would listen, it's such a simple ask of respect for both parties.


That’s fucked up, I’m sorry that minors won’t stay away. I hope they will start respecting you more. This is why I hate kids sometimes smh.


Hopefully you can get this sorted out. Minors are stubborn when theyre in places they shouldnt be.


Why do they always think they're entitled to this stuff? I'm sorry this is even happening.


i think it’s tiktoks fault, a post about this game blew up there and got a lot of attention from the minors on that app


Oof, I'm sorry. It really is discouraging when children can't just listen and respect a Creator's boundaries. I'm very sorry you've got to deal with this 😬


I hate it when children ruin adult things. Stay your age and stop trying to act grown.


The way I've seen minors say "idc what the creator thinks I'm still gonna play it cuz I handle it" makes me so mad. Like please respect the CREATOR wishes geez.


I wish people would just respect each other boundaries, I hate that minors have no concern for someone’s boundaries at all. I’m sorry you’re going through this ,we are here with you🤍


I'm sorry you have to deal with that :(, no matter what I'll always be here to support you

Alyxandria Harrigan

Minors are going to ruin it for everyone else so please JUST LISTEN!!


mfs can be so annoying i’m sorry :(


Apologies fr your work is amazing :( I wish people could respect ur wishes


I think there should be a age verification thing just to make sure everyone is of age and older. I know it sounds difficult but maybe you should talk to someone who know more and look into it because it’s honestly sad atp that ppl don’t wanna listen


Wish minors would listen to you im sorry you have to deal with this


some people are just too dumb to listens to others 😓 im sorry this is happening, ur just trying to protect everyone the best u can


I hope things ease up for you, I appreciate all the work you're putting into this game and I'm sorry.


Consent is key folks, it applies to EVERYTHING!!! Respect the creator of the game. Y dejen de ser tan mamapichas creyéndose grandes. Hay razones por las que las restricciones de edad existen. Ubicatex


I’m so sorry this happened. I wish people would be decent and actually listen to peoples rules.


Minors don’t understand that not everything is for them smh


Sucks that people are so selfish


Ada girl! Can’t just let minors win like this.


They're going to end up messing up the fun for everyone else and really limit what others can do. This game is meant for adults for a reason smh Sincerest apologies to the creators on their behalf


Minors need to listen. There gonna be the ones to ruin it for everyone


I'm so frustrated that minors are trying to ruin this for everyone. Along with people leaking day 2. I really hope that the game can continue being made though... I absolutely adore the community in the discord. It would be painful to see that go because children are stubborn.


i’m so sorry, minors never f**cking listen. You should probably only release the game files via patreon so minors can’t get their hands on them.


Kids need to be taught manners nowdays


That’s gotta be so frustrating to deal with. Too many times have I seen content creators just shut down their NSFW stuff because minors kept trying to slip through the cracks.


i don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to respect others wishes 🤦🏽‍♀️


I'm so sorry that minors just won't listen and respect that it's an adult rated game! Thank you for everything you're doing for the production of this game!


Minors need to listen for their own safety. There will be a safe one at some point for the minors too, why can’t they just wait a little more time-.


Bout to need pictures from driver's licenses to play because kids can't stay away smh


I wish minors didn't feel so entitled to stuff like this, they really don't understand the danger that they put not only others but themselves in as well. A game for them is coming out and while I understand the impatience I wish they had more sympathy towards you.


I'm sorry there's so many people out there not listening to your explicit intentions, especially since there will be a version for minors later if they could just BE PATIENT!


That’s so stupid, so sorry that happened.


Ugh, why are minors like this??? I'm so sorry this is happening to you,, we'll try our best to help you to keep them out of the community, so so sorry!


Why can’t kids learn somethings aren’t meant for them. 😕 either way they need to learn respect.


We are all so sorry that you’re having to deal with this :( Like everyone else, we’re all here for you. Minors need to understand what RESPECT is.


I found out about this game and now give support because I found out about it on TikTok. Those who post about it for the most part make sure to specify that it is NSWF/18+ but there are minors in the comments saying they do not care, will be playing it, etc... It stinks. They also get mad when people tell them that they should not because it is an 18+ game. Just oof man.


I wish minors had enough respect and decency to follow your wishes, I’m sorry you have to go through this :((


Why do minors? It must be rlly annoying to deal with them


its children for me like pls go to a playground or something instead.


Ugh, this is the first really nice dating/horror game in literally ever and minors gotta try to ruin it 🥲


I highly recommend Cammodelprotection and DMCAforce for legal takedown services if this gets too out of hand to handle on your own.


i’m sorry, but kids need to stay in there lane especially if that’s what you want, it’s not a game ment for kids


Idk if this would be much of a solution but you could try doing something similar to OnlyFans where you require legal ID be shown to prove age Picture of of the patreon and the legal photo ID along with the age Like I said I'm not sure if that could work but its just an idea to try to better confirm the adults and discourage the minors


I was hoping that wouldn't happen. I'm so sorry that youre going through this!! Minors, please... BOUNDARIES ARE HERE FOR A REASON!!


almost every post i’ve seen about this game has a 18+ warning and an explanation that you are uncomfortable with minors viewing your work and to respect that. it sucks that so many people are trying to keep them from this content but they refuse to listen :///


shes just trying to do the right thing. and they have to fuck it up for everyone else.


What I find concerning and troubling is how YOUNG some of these kids are. I remember being a horny teenager desperate to get my grubby child hands on "that good shit" because I was full of hormones and curious and shit, but the drop on age over the last years is truly sickening. TL;DR: I wish there was an age-verification system on patreon 🙄


So frustrating


im sorry this is happening to you and your fanbase , i dont understand it :(( minors should understand to respect a creators wishes AND its for legal purposes , i will do all i can to help this fanbase as much as i can !! ❤️


I think keeping minors away from this type of content, especially of the demo is free, is pretty much impossible. There are many loopholes for them and kids usually lie about their age so there's no real way to keep them away from the game. You've been doing the best thing so far which is spreading awareness and call out post


Some people seriously need to learn respect.


this is such a bummer, and these kinds of people are what ruin the fun and enjoyment of entertainment created for adults. unfortunately that all comes with internet accessibility and parent's/guardians roles in their youth's internet usage. you, my dear, have done everything right with putting up warnings and pleas, and unfortunately it will fall upon deaf ears. i just hope that these children will learn respect and boundaries someday. wishing you and the team all the best <3


Children just don’t know how to listen and respect people and it’s ridiculous.


I just saw comments on a TikTok about this sort of thing and it sucks you have to go through all of that. Hopefully this will teach them to respect creators wishes because it protects everyone from both sides not just one.


I hope everything gets sorted out without too much issues and that minors will respect your wishes to not get involved till they’re old enough or when the SFW version is released. Also can’t wait till Day 3


So sorry you have to deal with this! I hope everything clears up soon or the minors realize they need to step off. Wishing you luck and make sure to take care of yourself!


Omg are you serious?? I'm so sorry that happen to you, this is why I am talking about minors need to listen for what we have to tell them "DO NOT ENTER" no minors interect with +🔞 but instead I'm sorry to say but these greedy little gremlins don't listen and leaks everything just like on tiktok so many +18 content put a warning sign but these kids don't listen to us adults I love this game very much and I do hope things will get better hun and again I am really sorry that happen ❤️❤️❤️


If minors ruin this I’m going to be furious.


or honestly, when the full game is released everyone has to send in proof. pictures and ID. just like in the discord server .


I'm sorry that you're having to face this issue. I know a lot of people like to think it shouldn't apply to them despite the laws being clear.


I want your game to capture your full vision! I hope you also post this on Youtube as well to put minors in their place.


Im sorry this is happening to you. Honestly they should have just respected your wishes, but they aren’t and its truly sad. Because its not a game for kids, and you have said that multiple times, but they just wont listen.


Every video i've seen on tiktok has people posting 18+ warnings, its a shame that so many people are trying to do better but the kids won't listen. I get it, i was a dumb teenager once too and i didn't always follow rules, but it was selfish and im just glad nobody got in trouble because i was an idiot. Its not worth it. I'm sorry you have to deal with this


I'm so sorry... It's frustrating that they don't listen and only care about getting the content for themselves, not having any regards for how it harms you and others as well. I hope you're able to come up with some sort of solution!


Is it really that hard to respect the creators wishes??

Dynasia McCoy

Unfortunately I've read that a lot of minor's justification for ignoring your request and gaining access to view content like this is "I've seen worse", and this isn't about that. This is about an adult that deserves respect when they make a request asking people to respect their wishes, it should be respected without question. I completely agree with going after them with legal actions, since they want to be grown they can suffer the consequences. They won't be satisfied until the producrion of the game ends and nobody can play regardless 😒


I hate how minors are ruining this for everyone, it's so sad to see good things go bad thanks to rotten kids ruining adults fun..... but I think we need to really lockdown this game like keys to a liquor cabinet.....


Ive been seeing some of the comments minors have been leaving on tiktok videos about the game and its so annoying 😩 like this is why we cant have nice things.


I'm so so sorry this is happening to you. I wish that minors coukd respect boundaries and not engage in adult media


That fucking sucks so bad for us who are of age. These kids need to learn some type of respect.


I'm so sorry I Wil report any account I catch in discord


I'm so sorry you're experiencing people share this without your consent. I'm also really upset minors continue to participate in the fantom despite your warnings. I know I can't do much despite attempting to persuade minors away from the fandom for the time being, but I really hope that things will resolve themselves soon.


Seriosly they continue doing that? omg thats step the line


Unfortunately this being the internet, it makes it easy for the rebellious kids to do just that. We aren't trying to make any of you feel excluded we are just trying to protect you, our rights to express our love for the game, and the creator. Please for the love of all that's holy, just respect the creator's wishes, it's not that hard!


This may come off as selfish but tbh, idc. This is very aggravating. I have 4 kids, 8 yrs old & under who listen better. & my 8 yr old has severe ADHD. As a 24 year old mother who NEVER gets a break from her kids, adult things, like games, or writing my own fanfics is my only 'adult' escape. I don't get adult to adult interaction any other way. Minors, PLEASE stop ruining it for me & other parents like me. Stop forcing your way into adult only spaces. These are adult only spaces for EVERYONE'S safety.


Why do minors try to ruin things that are specifically not for them thinking it’s a joke to play games when it’s 18+ it’s pissing me off smh sorry that this is happening to you


Minors think they're entitled and get their grimy hands on everything. I think it would be best to take down the links for now and do an age verification check.


The fact that adults can't have minor free spaces is ridiculous. This is why we can't have nice things 🙄


I’m so invested in this, if edgy minors ruin this I’m gonna lose my mind


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this, the disrespect I’ve seen from minors is literally insane - they think everything on the internet is free reign.


I swear kids these days.. They always got to ruin good things... Like if it says 18+ and you know you are no where near 18 yet you still click on the button to the page you are not supposed to be on and, you know, you are getting the creator in trouble, and will ruin it for everyone, because, you know, your parents do not and I repeat, do not. want you to be on certain sites that to grown and violent for your eyes. The thing is, why are you on Patreon where do you even get the money, how is your parents not get a bill of a notification from their card???? Sorry everyone this is just pissing me off because they are not respecting the choices and rules!!!


I saw that gameplays on YouTube posted without permission! So offensive, i even commented on the videos telling them to take them down, it seems like the owner of the videos is on the official Discord sever, it's just so disrespectful that they ignored you like that!


I’m really happy that you’re so firm on your rules about minor safety. A lot of creators don’t value that. I’m sorry this is happening to you. I hope whoever is doing this stops. 💗


i dont understand why minors have to stick their nose in adult business... i know i did stupid stuff as a kid but i didn't flaunt i was partaking in 18+ works/games... it's not a good look.


If you’re a minor and reading this, wtf? Listen to the comment section. We don’t care if you’re being edgy or whatever, this isn’t a safe space for you.


Im truly sorry you have to deal with that kinda stuff 😔 i hope it doesn't discourage you from continuing to make the game


im so sorry youre dealing with this! I believe these kids are coming from tik tok since the game is kind of blowing up on there.


Bruh I’m so sorry this is happening. You don’t deserve this shit.


This is absolutely infuriating, and I am genuinely upset that these ignorant little shits are not respecting your wishes. You genuinely care about the safety of these kids and the fact that they disrespect you like this is beyond me.


because the game was made for adults. it makes the developers of this game so uncomfortable because the game and community should strictly be 18+ in addition to that, its nice to have a community where its just adults. having minors take part of a community that isnt meant for them in the first place makes people in the community feel uncomfortable as well.


I'd like to bring to light of an amino fanbase trying to be started on the amino app, and it says in its rules that nsfw wont be allowed bc theres a lot of minors who use amino and will be in the fanbase, when you literally said you dont want minors interacting with the fandom or game point blank. Wether you want to report this to be taken down I don't know but it angered me, many people arent respecting your wishes and its so annoying.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you, why can’t people just understand that this game is 18+ and not for minors? Honestly it’s not that hard to respect a creators wishes.


Why minors always act like "Heheheh I'm so edgy, I'm gonna do things im not supposed to do because I'm so mature for my ageeee" ?? I hope everything get better soon... 💕💕


I am considering using my tiktok platform to spread this message, as it seems alot of the minors are coming from there, I think they are disregarding the plea for your wishes thinking it's an overstatement but what they don't understand is that it's not only for the safety of you and the game but theirs as well


What's wrong with people.. I'm sorry you have to deal with this 😥


Truly unacceptable!!!! If I catch one of them ISTG


Bruh :/ wtf is wrong with them.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


Good for you! 👏 If minors won't respect your rules, remove them. They don't understand how 18+ content affects them and their developing brain. Don't be afraid to put your foot down. You are helping both your community and minors!!


I'm trully so sorry people can't even do the minimum and accept the creator's wish, but if i'm being honest...i knew this would happen, i've read comments like those all around tiktok for example, some minors actually listen, some, mostly don't really care. If your a minor and your reading this, kindly get out, it isn't funny, you are not quirky, you are a child, you shouldn't be here.


Damn these kids won't let us have shit I guess, fucking hell :/


I am so sick of minors invading adult spaces! They have no purpose being in an NSFW community.


Minors have to be one of the most annoying groups online. They can't and won't stay out of 18+ spaces and ruin it for those who are old enough to consume the content. It's just plain sad and weird.


Why do minors always try to ruin things by trying to insert themselves where they aren't wanted or allowed?


I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, i did see this coming as some kids don't really understand what no means , i agree with everyone in this comment section. don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, man. its clear you're trying to better things for both adults and minors, didn't u say you were also gonna try make a game in the future without all the 18+ aswell ? , why can't they wait :((


The thing that gets me about minors invading the yb fan base is, there's intent to make a version that's safe for them to play. But they won't just wait for it. And by interacting with the fan base they are making people uncomfortable. This space isn't for them

SP00KS 👻

I’ve seen people on tiktok saying they don’t care and they can handle it. and if I’m gonna be honest I used to have that same mindset bc I played boyfriend to death too young since I had the same mindset of “I can handle it” but it DID have an affect on me that I didn’t realize until I got older, and wish I did. it’s upsetting seeing people carry the same mindset with this and that aside it’s just outright disrespectful to you to not respect that, especially because of how much legal shit can get stirred up. hopefully they just listen and back off


Proud of you for taking such a firm stand, many creators would just shrug and say it’s a part of Internet culture. I’m so sorry you have to make it though you deserve to be respected


I am so sorry that this has happened to you :( stay safe


Damn kids... you've made it very clear that it's 18+! What can we do to help spread your message? We want you to continue this game freely with as many adult jokes a swears as you want but can't go on knowing a child is playing without your consent. Damn, next thing you know parents on gonna put the blame on the game. NOT ON OUR WATCH! We the GOOD Fandom will spread your message.


Wow as a kid i wouldn't have even touched something that sais 18+ i was too scared to get in trouble...


If theres an amino make sure it gets taken down I know that site its really overrun with kids, I'm sorry this is happening to you man! Sad people cant respect wishes :(


sorry you have to do this, there is no way to know who are minors as passing our identification like a discord?


:( why is it so hard to respect a creators wishes


Right! I wasn't even allowed to watch some Cartoon Network until I was old enough like 16 years old to watch regular show.


Please do. Someone on that platform needs to say something. Warnings clearly aren't enough. If you know others tiktok creators in this fandom, encourage them to do the same thing


Not only minors but also homophobes I've seen a few on tik tok


Because a lot of parents nowadays are too soft or lazy to actually discipline their children or monitor their activities. This type of behavior isn't new. But it's worse now mostly to lazy ass parents


Sorry that this is happening to you :( sadly there’s for for sure way to keep minors out, but I’ll be on the look out because this game is just too dam good!!! 💕 do what you must k? Full support!


I’ve seen multiple minors post about it on tiktok and act like it’s funny like this is a game you worked hard to create and they can’t even respect that.


I've seen some TikToks, at least in spanish that always says that the game is r18 and minors dont have to interact but, those minors says they're antisystem and break the rules. Is kinda sad to see that, cuz i've interacting with ppl of my age (20 y/o +) and its really fun sharing stories and theories, minors just go sayin some stupid things :( hope this problem resolve soon


The comment section before this was clearly full of minors. They’re ignorant and ruining it for everyone else.


I'm sorry this is going on for you, i wish there was a proper verification or anything that could stop them from getting through, it isn't hard to respect a creators wishes and its damn disrespectful for not doing so.


I wish more creators were as responsible as this with their 18+ content. Minors don’t realize it’s for their own good and it’s incredibly frustrating.


I make videos on TikTok for YB content and have already had to ban just lists of kids who say “I don’t care” and shit like that. It’s creepy as hell and for my / others safety it’s necessary, especially for kids. Not ever adult is good and god knows what would happen if a kid lied to get their way into an adult community. I literally fear so much for kids that they don’t realize it’s also for their own good. :/


I wish they’d realize this ISNT trying to gatekeep, this is quite literally for their own safety.


man, when i was their age (and i hate using this argument but) i just read smutty fanfiction and kept to myself. but man this pisses me off, especially with leaking the game past the demo. thats just fucked, but yeah give them the boot my guy.


Feels like minors playing Boyfriend to Death all over again and it's so frustrating


Why is respecting copyright and a creator’s wishes such a novel idea to these people. You have been told multiple times this game isn’t for minors, and to be frank the fact that you have the audacity to share content SPECIFICALLY FOR PATREONS with the purpose of getting more support for Fuboo and the gang leaves me stunned. Whoever it is should be ashamed of themselves, you are not ‘mature for your age’, you’re a CHILD. You are not entitled to content the creator says is unsafe for you! The lack of care makes my skin crawl!


Where the hell are the parents in all this? Jesus do a better job of monitoring your kids


Please tell that to my 8 year old cousin! She plays OBEY ME! and has a thing for Lucifer. It's freaking me out!


Most are too soft and want to be friends with their child or they're too lazy to give a fuck what they're doing. Minors trying to infiltrate adult spaces isn't new. It's just worse now because there are too many shitty parents doing a piss poor job in raising their offspring


I’m so sorry this is happening :( I wish the minors would just respect your wishes


I think its best to leak the Day 3 and the rest on discord, the 18 and older channel, to prevent more minors coming in to leak and play the games. Or if you want you can make a new discord link for only those who are older, and send links, art, etc. If minors want to join in they have to prove they’re 18 and older.


I had no idea that the game days were getting leaked! That's such a scummy thing to do! >:o I'm so sorry to hear that all of this is happening.


That so upsetting, I'm so sorry people are doing this!


People, unfortunately, can be selfish when it comes to leaking content for getting views and such. And then people watch it and don't try the game themselves because they saw what will happen. I hope you're doing well and I know you can get through this.


Why can’t people respect others boundaries. When someone says “No. this is not for you” that should be the end of it. So annoying.


They’re now going through and making all the videos private, as if that makes things ok. This person knows they’re in the wrong and still won’t just remove the videos and apologise. Unbelievable.


I had shared some stuff from day 2 out of excitement, but I will definitely private them completely and address the issue on my tiktok. I'm so sorry you're going through all this crazyness, it's like boyfriend to death all over again.


Por eso estoy en contra de que dejen a menores de edad con aparatos electrónicos sin supervision de un adulto... Esperemos se pueda arreglar todo, y nosotros como fandom hay que ayudar a que los menores de alejen de este, ya sea bloqueandolos de los dibujos/videos/contenido general...


I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this, Fuboo :( I hope your health is not affected too much by it.


I hope you don't mind me putting this here, but I really wanted to sincerely thank you for going to such efforts to make sure that only the appropriate, intended audience is accessing your work. Besides being an awesome creator (I love what I've played of the game and what I've seen of your work), you are an awesomely responsible person and I really appreciate that! :) I'm so sorry that some are disrespecting your efforts. :(


A lot of the minors that 'Don't care' are self entitled little bean bags from tiktok, the amount of arguments I've gotten into with them is ridiculous, they just refuse to be respectful to your wishes.


This is a message for any minors (17-) that may be reading: save yourself from unneeded trauma and stay away from 18+ works. You may think you're mature enough, but as one of those people who had that mindset, you're not. You're only making things worse for yourself. Save your playthrough for your 18th birthday or something, and save yourself the grief.


Yyyaaassss girl!! Take that stand!! I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself. It's tough being an artist whose boundaries are not respected. I support you!


In fact I feel that the main problem is tiktok. With fandom growing so quickly, and tiktok being a platform where it is PLAGUED with minors, most upload videos without putting an appropriate +18 restriction I am doing my best to comment and try to help minors be aware and at least some understanding of tiktok stop interacting with the game. (Use translator, I hope my point is understood.)


im so sorry this is still happening- minors dont respect shit istg


I sincerely sympathize with you that such a situation has arisen. Minors usually do not understand when they are banned for a reason, but for special reasons (I work as a teacher in a school and I know this from my own experience). I sincerely hope that, nevertheless, prudence will prevail and this situation will not cause so many negative emotions in you. (Sorry for the mistakes, I am from Russia and I am writing with a translator).


I'm so sorry that this is happing minors don't respect anything


I wish they would understand that restricting them from this content is for their own good. Plus I can only imagine how uncomfortable you must feel seeing minors interact with the fandom. Its when they comment on my fanart and im like, EEesshhhh


Some of the comments I’m seeing by minors on places like tik TOK about this game are horrible. You have put so much work, love, and care into making this game and are even going as far to make a safe version later. As an aspiring game artist going into college, your game has inspired me so much. Thank you for all you do and we will do whatever we can to kick out those minors


It's genuinely a huge shame that minors think that doing this is at any form acceptable because 'its just a game'/'they can handle it'. The game ends and starts with you and your say should be accepted, point blank no argument.


I'm sorry that this is an issue. I hope that it does not cause you too much more grief and that they will kindly fuck off until they are of age. I remember being a kid and insisting that I was old enough to interact with adult spaces, and it did not end well for me. The bottom line is, everybody should be respectful of your wishes where your game is concerned. Take a step back and breath if you need to.


im sorry for all the traffic your receiving !! hope you take some time to yourselves

Try It

This is frustrating. I really don’t want kids to ruin the chance for this game. The creator is even generous enough to make a sfw version and they’re still being entitled shitheads. Is there any way for us to help?


This disclaimer should also be on Tik Tok. A lot of minors there want to get away with playing the nsfw version and don’t get that it’s gonna get the game revoked for EVERYONE.


Omg I been mad at that too like I been seeing ppl doing let's plays and in my opinion it's irritating especially when they put the link to the game in the bio. I honestly don't think let's plays should be done cause of the suggestive themes on the second night. I can't tell how many times I seen minors play this. I even got after my lil sister for trying to gain access to the game. I took all electronics from her. She turns 18 in a few weeks but I told her she needs to wait


I am really sorry that you and your amazing game are going through this. It is really annoying that minors do not understand that these warnings are for their own good. I know it is not that much but you have my support and the support of the people that follows you and your projects. Thank you for standing all this, you really are awesome, I will try to let you know if I see someone sharing your content (that is not day 1) . Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work!


The unfortunate fact is that the kids now a days aren't taught what we were in the early 2000's. The anonymity of the internet gives the kids "power" because "Haa-haa, I can't get caught..!" without realizing their online best friend could be a tracker or a predator because they were in that mindset and got too careless. Our online culture has drastically been changing due to minors getting access through the quick "Are you 18+?" questions since sites can then put the blame on those kids if anything DOES happen since they'll be lying in the face of law by admitting going through that safety question. But then those sites can also put the blame ON THE CREATORS, who didn't earn any of it, it was supposed to be safe space for THEM, it's the sites defenses fault, AND THE KIDS OWN FAULT FOR LYING, that the kids got in. So I 100% understand that this is a huge issue. If a kid got hurt and everything led back to this project, parents might try to sue and cause YOU as an CREATOR hell of a lot of problems, where you should be allowed to indulge yourself in (almost) what ever you want, safely, without the kids access. The game's gaining popularity and love due to it's simple yet pleasing aesthetic despite it's dark premise. No, you shouldn't change it, it's your style, I'm just pointing this out because I know kids usually latch onto something they can easily draw themselves. But the point is, Day 1 is VERY MILD if you play it "right" and can't "find" the other more dangerous routes, and I believe far from what we'll be getting in the future with the soon to be released Day 3 (1 week, I'm personally excited and hope the download links won't crash down.) and later down the line with Day 4. Day 2 already proved it. So the kids think "Adults are idiots, this is fine" without knowing they're being the idiots and going to get themselves traumatized beyond belief because their brains CAN'T actually handle nor properly comprehend what the game's dishing out. Because they're yet to understand everything in correct context. (You know the feeling when you were a kid yourself and your mom/dad was laughing about something that was said in the movie but you didn't find it funny, later in life getting the joke yourself.) As a creator, there is some responsibility you have to take, and you've already taken it. There's literally no more that you can actually do that wouldn't affect your own doings or others. One thing that we as a community could do, is to try make it loud and clear that the game is 18+ in a way that caring parents would find it. Though then we run in the problem of idiotic parents wanting to cancel the whole project- ...fucking hell I hate this situation. Sorry about the ramble/rant, I just really don't want this project going down like others have in the past because a kids snuck in, it's been so frustrating. I literally have a friend on twitter with over 3k (3 000+) blocked kids/underaged people due them to posting YBG content. They're adamant on keeping the space safe for themselves and those who follow them. But for YOU that point of monitoring would need to be CONSTANT on every site you've posted, and some don't even need to include the age publicly. So yeah, this situation is a mess and a half, and I really hope bad things won't happen from it.


I 100% agree with your frustrations over the situation because you have every right to be. Going against the wishes of the creator is an incredibly shitty thing to do and it can really get you in some legal troubles down the line with the +18 content. It was also very strange to see a couple of lets players play through day 2 without so much as even having the videos age restricted. Surely when these people signed up for the patreon they were greeted by the +18 warning in both the patreon and also the game itself...? IDK man. Just seems like a lassie faire attitude with these kinds of people. Lastly I think you may have done a typo in the "If you want to do a let's play of the game, do not do it beyond Day 2."? Did you mean to say Day 1? Because otherwise that would be inclusive of Day 2 and all of the scenes within that day. (My friend pointed this out so I just wanted to be sure the message was crystal clear.)


Minors really need to understand that when people say 18+ they say it for a reason. Adults barely have any fun things and when we do have fun things, it gets ruined. This game is the only thing to distract me from my work. I really hope it doesn't affect the future progression, because if it does, I will literally cry.


Maybe you should do a Email & Credit card verification obviously credit number crossed out just showing their name on the card proving they are 18+?


I dont think that would be fair for the people who dont have discord/ dont know how to operate it😕


Why can’t they just wait for the sfw version- It’s so frustrating.


I think tiktok is the main reason so many minors have joined the fandom


maybe credit card verification is the best option for now, since that way at least they'd get discovered by their parents if trying to use their card


its the cringe gacha kids


why cant minors just let us have this one thing?


I am on tiktok and have had to block so many people for both exploiting Day 2 and for minors wanting to play and there are minors that have commented on YBG posts saying stuff like "I know I shouldnt be watching this but ahhhhh love this game!!!" pretty much admitting that what theyre doing is wrong. However there are also minors begging for everyone to wait for the SFW version to come out so they can enjoy the game but not traumatize themselves and/or cause issues for the 18+ creators. A solution a few other supporters have said were to do some form of verification. Whether thats ID/credit card verification (of course hide all important things) or an email verification. It is so sad that people actively ignore a content creator's wishes and do what they feel they're entitled to. For someone who also makes 18+ content, when a minor tries to gain access or share my content to minors/others, it is so disrespectful and I have had to make strict verification guidelines to protect myself and others. And how another person said, this game helps after coming home from work and having a game that us adults can enjoy. I hope and pray that minors dont ruin this for us. Just wait for the SFW version. And remember that we all have your back and support all decisions and wishes you have when it comes to YOUR game.


i dont get why minors would do that tho, i though theyre kids but they should respect and bondaries


Yeah honestly everything went down hill once YB content has been getting out to tiktok, especially now that its getting a lot of views. I saw this one person blaming it on fans AND the creator for posting/promoting YB content on tiktok when we all know its a place full of minors and I agree with them, you cant blame kids for getting in the hands of 18+ games when your posting content of it where minors reek from :/


they see something booming in public and are being attracted to it sadly


I'll always be here to support you


You know it really sucks when children keep doing this and then antis get mad at the creators for not "protecting" them, like clearly they don't want this to happen but they have to take responsibility for other people's actions. It's really unfair.


I’m so scared the minors are gonna get this game canceled or something all because they were to selfish to just wait


Real talk it's super admirable of you to actively keep minors away from your content. There's a lot of creators who say "18+ only" and don't enforce it. Hell there's a lot of creators who say "18+ only" and don't even MEAN it, but are just saying it cause it's what they're supposed to do. So the fact that you are staying true to your word and keeping minors safe is really big of you. Keep up the great work <3


Maybe try toupload the days on discord as you can monitor who’s 18+ just an idea for you I’d hate for you to get in trouble because kids can’t listen


I hope it will be a better environment. I will definitely follow your rules. If the amount of support needed to play the game goes up, I will gladly support it.


Oh stars. Ive had a few of my friend who are minors curious of the game, but told them no, that they need to wait. It's awful that this keeps happening, and hopefully this can be worked out.


Maybe having some sort of verification for people here could help? I know I've blocked a couple ppl on tiktok cause they were minors/posting day 2 content. I know there's one popular minor who makes a lot of yb content and they don't listen when people tell them its an 18+ game. idk how to fix it but a verification here could really help.


Canon that Peter doesn’t like kids at all 🤞🥺


I feel sorry that this is happening. Some people just doesn't really know the word "respect" anymore. 😔😤


So what your saying is that people can't do lets plays? No hate but how is the game supposed to get out there and get popular if people can't post about it (video wise). If that makes any sense. But i do get the minor part. anyways keep up the good work and good luck with the game I hope i dont get banned for saying this `>.<


ca we help in a way or another for that matter . since its really important , like reporting minor on posting YBG content or thing like that . and if you have other idea that are able to help either way, I think that we'll be all happy to help you with that , Ho and love your work and wish you the best!!


I've already told people that if they are minors that they should overlook this game for now, but my words aren't going to stop them. I'm sorry that you have to deal with the backlash from people not following your requests. Hopefully this all gets sorted out! <3


Did you not read? You can do let's play for Day 1 OR the Day 1 Demo. Further then Day 1 is spoiler content. If you're a YouTuber, you can promote by saying "I cannot play further than this but hey, if you guys interested and NOT a minor,you can support the creator by subscribing to their Patreon for more updates on the game!"


Do kids not realize how much trouble they could cause by completely disregarding what you say? Jeez, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hope things get sorted out soon.


It’s all fun and games until some minor gets offended/shocked/traumatized and raises hell because “EwWw tHiS gAmE Is rOmAnTiCiZiNg ToXiC rElAtIoNsHiPs” and try to get the game and its creator cancelled or some BS... I completely agree with the other users who suggested some sort of ID/credit card verification and/or only distribute the game over Discord’s 18+ channel. Of course there will still be minors slipping in cause sadly those verifications are about as flimsy as the “Are you 18+ y/o?” pop ups, but I hope at least there will be noticeably less of them and those who do have enough respect for you and your work to not post it on TikTok for clout.


Some don't care. I had an argument with one on tiktok and they straight up bragged about it.


I’m glad this had been posted on the patreon, I asked a mod about it a week ago in the discord as I was noticing more people posting videos for day 2 on YouTube and thought it was shitty that they were 1. posting unreleased content and 2. posting content that may be unsuitable for certain ages. Bringing legal ramifications into this is a good deterrent but if only there were some way to limit what patreon members can download the game files as I’m almost positive there will be nsfw content in day 3 and as we’ve seen on the discord there are underage members of the patreon.


This is actually a good idea since you have to show your ID to get the 18+ tag


I’m sorry this is happening to you, I’ll make sure to flag or report any videos leaking the gameplay of Day 2 if I see any


Im terribly sorry that kids think they can do whatever they want and go against your wishes im sure everyone here has wanred many people already that this is only for 18+ but they dont care and honestly its just disrespectful


The fact that minors say that they don’t care like cmon respect the creators wishes don’t play until your 18+




I have a question, well I'm an adult, I'm 30 y/o But I wanted to know, May I post screenshots of day 2 in my personal profile of facebook? I wanted to post some screenshots of only some parts of day 2 to talk about it with my friends on facebook, but first of all I want to make sure I'm allowed to do that :'3


I was just thinking about that. I saw the video on it and the first thing that came to mind was 'oh god, the kids..' I've been on the internet long enough, they really have this sense of entitlement. It's frustrating. They just don't realize how much trouble us adults can get into.


What sucks is that I've seen another person leak Day 2. One person deleted it off youtube while another leaked it on Twitch (which is still there). This is honestly upsetting to see. It's not hard to listen to the creator. It's not hard to listen to their wishes. It's not hard at all. The fact that people think it's okay to do this is just gross.


I saw one of the YouTubers I subscribed to post it also and I have screenshot proof. Does that also count? Is that also something not allowed?


As someone who had to learn that 18+ warnings are there for a reason the hard way I'm frankly just really weirded out that kids would not only disrespect your wishes but BRAG about it too like damn, I may have made the mistake of first playing BTD when I was 16 years ago but I at least had the decency to not interact with the fandom since it was an 18+ space goddamn


Damn now i wish my computer wasn’t busted, I couldn’t play the game so i watch the lets play :( . But ofc its their decision and i agree that there are some very ignorant kids in this situation. Also i think the youtuber should put age restricted in their videos before, since uts so easy nowadays for kids to ignore the 18+ warnings


I get being into something, but these kids need to understand that not everything is for them, especially if its something marked as 18+. I know it sucks not being included in something, but that's how life is, because guess what? this game will be here once you turn 18 and you can play it then if you're interested still, but please kids, for the love of all that is good, respect the creator's wishes.


Dude, I can call you on discord and turn on the broadcast of the game for you through my computer. You will tell me which options to choose, and I will press the buttons. Boom. Gameplay. btw, sorry if my english is not good, i'm slavic.


Can I post about this note? I really wanna tell them that we r serious about this


Not being included doesn't equal disrespect. I can't stand kids who think they can just do whatever they want regardless of the creator's wishes. If you're a minor playing this game, I hope you feel guilty ALL the way through knowing full well that this creator DOES NOT want you on their patreon OR playing their game.


As you should. I just hope to god minors not listening doesn’t hinder the creation of this game for the rest of us


I’ve seen ALOT of minor interact with the game on TikTok and it’s bad on there.


They really need to respect the creators wishes.


Remove this game from the 1$ tier


the least they could do is not do the playthroughs of day 2 and over


It's really disturbing how kids want to consume adult content, and also really annoying since now it might affect the actual adults here.


I've seen so many minors just blatantly say they don't care.. Like you could literally get in trouble for this and they're over on the sidelines thinking they're being funny and rebellious when in reality it makes them look really stupid. I'm sorry you have to deal with this bs.. I genuinely love your content so much and wish people could just respect you.

Izaya Orihara

I know how it feels like. The issue about minors is huge. I write wattpad stories that are for 18+ and yet I see people commenting how young they are and not caring about it. I always put warnings on triggering scenes but they do not care. I am honestly a little disappointed about their behavior.


Kids really want to find out how daring and adult like content is like and manage to get money on a card, most likely an 18+ friend or parent, pay and actually continue reading the story and their not ready for it. They might get nightmares from their own curious fault. No kid should be exposed to this kind of stuff. Kids aren't ready to face this and regret it because they see it trending on tiktok. I'd say save this game for when your mature as well as older and then you'll understand! Just know that yes it may be attractive fictionally, how 'Your Boyfriend' is psychoctically obsessive for you, how daring he is with you, etc. But do not think this is okay in real life and do not seek it out in real life please ♡ Please listen to the owner/creator!! ♡


I know a lot of people pry don't want to do it, but it might be best to ID people for their age.


I personally think that might be a bit extreme, I do feel like it should be heavily warned that it isn't intended for minors which is already very stressed by the creators and home page. Remember hunnipop, the really big hentai game that was extremely graphic? Well the creators also tried very hard on expressing that it wasn't intended for minors but like any game with warning labels; its often times ignored by the community which i believe that's literally the minors fault for ignoring. Why make a game harder to access when frankly children should just live with the consequences.


I hope they undertand for ones >:/


jesus , minors just need to calm down and realize this isnt a game for them


It is so disrespectful they don’t understand!


I'm so sorry they can't be respectful, they really don't understand that some topics are best left unseen


These kids now days think they can do anything. I understand your feelings and I support you no matter what.


I’m 22 now, and I honestly don’t know why minors brag about how old they are on a 18+ game. On all my years being online I never bragged about how young I was. But I wonder how this issue will be resolved?


Can't wait to play! I'm a Mac user so I'll be checking in every couple of days to see if it's been fixed :>


Bruh these dumbass kids always take the fun outta shit fr


I’m 20 and have ID to show, I get so mad every single time I see a minor talking about this game, it’s not for them!! So many things are but that’s not enough.


I'm always down to show my ID. I've got nothing to hide!


as others have said I will gladly show an ID if it comes down to it, it upsets me deeply that so many don't respect you like that/


Im fine w showing ID.


That's not fair for the actual adults who are part of $1 tier


This is really upsetting, minors don't understand how they are putting themselves in danger and creators too. As an NSFW artist myself I hope this gets sorted out but honestly some just really don't care.


I'm going to be honest, as much as anyone likes to call kids out for their disrespect, they will always do things they shouldn't at their age. We were all kids once, if there was a game that was to mature for us, we would want to play it. However, this is from the developer that minors do not play the game and to respect their wishes. I've seen comments on tik tok (Where I found out about this game) and I've seen exactly how disrespectful these kids are. They assume they can do whatever and no one is going to stop them from being idiots (which btw is very true), however there will always be the kids who are either extremely disrespectful or the kids who are just plain curious. Only thing we can do is warn them that the content is graphic and not suited for minors. That's all you can do to protect yourself when parents email you stating the game traumatized their kids and they would like a refund (cuz they always ask for refunds).


Ughhhh It’s always the younger Gen Z’s. I hate it here-


I think its the streamers fault kids are getting in. Looking at recent yb posts on tumblr had 3 minors with 2 saying they just watched a stream of the game and can't wait to start posting. I don't want it, but I think k wr shouldn't get day 3 but be forced to wait til the games released. I'm scared of the fandom becoming smaller because its booming rn, but how many of those are minors? Im more scared of the game getting forced stopped by legal issues.


thats really stupid. people shouldnt leak your content. but honestly? minors being in places they shouldnt be is something your always going to have to deal with. I dont think you'll face legal repercussions, since you have stated multiple times that this game is only for people 18+, and if kids ignore that, its their own fault if they see something they didnt want to.


honestly im blaming the parents for their children wanting to play an EROTIC visual novel cus its not normal for minors to consume content like that, especially 13-14 year olds


I mean, thats around when puberty has been fully started. some kids are just have more hormones than others. I blame parents for letting their children have access to it, but to me it makes perfect sense why they might want access to it ya know? not tryna be mean or anything btw


why are people just not listening.


hey, it is not your fault. You seriously said that kids are not allowed here. They should respect it, and if they dont, it is their own fault, and their parents should blame their children, not you. They should seriously wait for the sfw version...so they wont see something..they didnt want to see...


yeah..i agree with you..also, kids shouldnt even have a credit card to pay for it...


Because especially teens really don't like being told what to do.. There really should be a way to make things harder online for them, though. Like, really verifying your age, not just clicking "I am 18 or older".


Parents should check what their kids do online more often, seriously. Idk why most don't seem to care, mine also didn't back then and I found things I really didn't want to see nor did I understand them..


Im so sorry you have to put up with that, you seem like a lovely person you really don't deserve it. People will always be ignorant, it really sucks. Wishing you the best


I blame the parents for not checking what their kids are playing so if anything the parents should get in trouble :/


if you want me to show ID, i will gladly. the amount of kids that are being disrespectful (found on tiktok mainly) makes me so mad, i want to fight them for you. you're so lovely and you dont deserve this crap </3 wishing you all the best!! <3


I can show my Id if it comes to that. Minors really don't understand what they are getting into


My ID is expired due to difficulty getting to a DMV but it still shows my birthday and such to prove im 21 which I will happily show you. Im sorry your going through this you dont deserve it


As they should, so annoying how minors just dont care.


I'm sorry that minors aren't respecting that you don't want them playing the game. I've been waiting for so long to play this game and I just turned 18 on the 16th of June and the first thing I did was played this game! Cheers to you for making this incredible game. You are truly talented.


I started writing a fanfic (huge simp can't help it) and I was super happy to see it was being well received on the app but when i got on my computer and checked out the demographic of readers a large portion of them were 13-18. so now I've taken a break from writing on it and am honestly debating deleting the whole thing. they really don't care how uncomfortable they make adults feel when they get involved in this stuff. and I don't want the stuff I'm putting out there to encourage them. my friend says I'm over thinking it, but Idk, the part i was working on gets really dark and its really not something I'm okay with putting out there in front of kids.... would love some insight or a platform alternative I could upload it to.


I guess it really depends on what platform you're uploading your fic to? In all honesty, as someone who was a shitty minor that ignored rules, it's pretty much impossible to explicitly ban minors from reading adult material given a lot of them don't listen to warnings and unless your fic is placed behind a paywall (definitely an option if you're concerned, which is very fair as I have the same worries myself a lot of the time) they'll probably find ways to read it anyways. AO3 is a really good platform imo as a lot of the demographic there leans more towards adult readers and authors alike, it's not much help but it's another option. Wattpad I know has a very young audience, that's the one place i'd 100% avoid, fanfic.net i'm not too sure? It's a pretty outdated though, and I wouldn't recommend tumblr either honestly. AO3 or a paywall if you're REALLY concerned are the only options I can think of? Maybe a discord server might help, there's always ways to clarify people's ages that way & you have a way to post your fics (e.g linking to a google doc maybe in server) without compromising minors to said fic. TLDR; Again, it's very difficult and i'm sorry minors keep reading your content! AO3, a discord server, or a paywall are the only options I can think of right now! (stay away from Wattpad too lmfao)

Elise Pierce

Since I can't see the other paths in lets plays, looks like I'll have to be cruel to the golf ball man after showing him some love 🥲. I know he's a video game character but fuck I don't like being mean.


¿Y a quién le gusta ser malo con esa cosita tan dulce? Solo un sociópata le haría daño,, :c


I'm 24 and would gladly show you my I.D. if I have to, just to keep supporting your game. Someone in the comments suggested putting it behind a pay wall, which I think would be a pretty good idea. I can't say I didn't see this coming though, because the first place I saw this game getting traction was on TikTok and a lot minors in a video would comment to either agreeing to stay away from the game while others were just like "Well idgaf. The creator can't make me." They really have been taking the fun out of a lot of stuff lately, it's been draining..


A good bet might be to require ID verification maybe? Like have them send a picture to verify their identity?


If ID verification would be required, that would be completely okay with me


verifying with ID would help a lot!


This is such a huge issue EVERYWHERE too, people are not considerate of a creator’s wishes.


If they want to get in, they will ALWAYS find a way. And they are warned consistently, they are asked and pleaded with and it makes no difference. Short of being forced to show an ID like at a liquor store there’s so little that can be done and even then any form of verification can be jumped over one way or another.


It’s basically how many even found out about it. I was on YouTube and saw some playing day one, got curious, liked what I have seen so far and now here I am. A little exposure of the game is good advertising, problem is it doesn’t stop at ‘a little’ and ends up making the creator lose money to even finish the project.


Minor fr need to stop acting high and mighty, just respect the author's wishes and wait till you're 18.


minors need to realise 18+ warnings arent just for the viewer, they protect the creator! im so sorry this has happened! :(


when ur 18 but have no ID and everyone's suggesting showing IDs...


Honestly Now that I'm 18 I understand why this is such a big issue. I hope the Minors realize why it's wrong before I did (I turned 18 in july, played the game only once I was 18, I'm just saying that I used to listen to 18+ rated asmr channels and now I feel bad for it)


honestly, minors trying to access explicit content is a massive problem everywhere, minor protection would be a lot easier if minors themselves abided by its rules, like everyone here Id be happy showing my ID if it means the game is more secure in its adult audience


Yep, minors are in every fandom that is trending. This remainds me of similar issue with Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss which are 18+ shows but are filled with underage teens...


It’s the same as cashiers having to solicit the sell of alcohol. Obviously, we don’t WANT you to underage drink, but we mainly don’t want to be arrested and fined and to put your fun over our livelihood is a very shitty thing to do.


Petition to have a scene where Peter either talks about how much he hates kids, or drop kicks one😂


would be cool as a meme scene, but c!peter actually likes kids :) if i remember well


That's true, he is meant to be a good dad, but if he offhandedly mentions how he had like a 14 year old with a crush on him when he was a senior and how annoying and pathetic he found it, I think that would still be in character for him.


While I understand where they're coming from, this isn't okay. Between the US having shit sex ed and a lot of easy to access media depicts sex in an unhealthy way, minors can't really understand that while Peter is fiction and the story is fiction, what he's doing is not okay. When it comes to Yanderes, Peter is on the tame side. And I think minors should have healthy experience and correct information of a good relationship is before they play something like YB. Yes, I'm aware that everything I just said is wishful thinking. But as someone who sought out this sort of content before I was ready, I had a very skewed view of what a relationship is. When it comes to fiction, I love stuff like YB; it's a fun and safe way to experience this sort of thing. HOWEVER, I can't say I wouldn't call the cops if I met someone like Peter in real life. The safest thing is for them to wait. And I'm bracing myself to be called a Karen because I'm backing up the creator. But I genuinely don't want anyone else to go through what I went through.


No, i think you got it right. I was groomed, starting at the age of 14 and it wasnt really until i was 23 that i realized that i didnt have a healthy way of thinking when it came to relationships


Yo i completely agree! Its probably most likely not good for minors, nsfw OR sfw


peter got horny from just a kiss on the cheek after only 24 hours of properly meeting y/n, he's anything but tame LMAOO


Jeez, I hate that kids think they are something like "mature" for playing these kinds of games. It is not like it's "cool" to see something that as a child is not normal to see, because for something it's NOT.


I'm 23 and I can't get pass day 2 TTnTT I either am doing something wrong or the game I have downloaded is wrong


Maybe you extracted the files incorrectly? I did that; had to do it over again. Silly mistake… I use WinRar, makes it easier.


Just a reminder that the downloaded file is not the full game yet! The game is still in development, and we get to test play the days and content as they come out. Depending on the choices you make in the game, some routes are not complete yet and end at Day 2. Other routes can get you to Day 3, but have different stopping points. More things will be added to the game over the next few weeks :)


Not to mention the people who say you're "bullying kids about a game". Good lord.


This person did Day 2 and 3 gameplay https://youtu.be/AvDoQhG2-VA I tried telling them not to but they just did anyway


I was worried about this when I saw that access to the game is given via download once someone becomes a patron. Could you maybe change it so the game is available to play via an online portal instead? I realize that would probably be a lot of work but I feel like the problem is only going to get worse as the game gains popularity. Just some food for thought.


I hope there is a way to make this happen, I don't see any other way..


Who could be so ignorant to do such a thing? There is a very good reason why this is adult only. Children and youngsters would never have the same experience from this, because they need to learn much more about life. I'll be here for you and I will tell you every time I stumble upon what you've forbidden. Love you! <3 (And also Peter <3 ^///^)


Damn I love a dedicated creator!


Mad respect. You could easily be cashing in and say "I didn't know they were a minor!" But you put your foot down and consistently prevent leaks and keep your community as air-tight as possible. You really are fresh as fuck


Its very unfortunate that minors are ruining access to the game and It sucks, I am however very interested in Day 2 and Day 3 beta. Like many other patreon supporters have said, I too am willing to submit a form of ID. If there is any updates on what we can do to regarding the Day 2 beta I'd be willing to cooperate!


You know you cannot control minors right? It's the same with porn.