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Okay, first of all, you all are AMAZING!
Since Twitter has been harassing you all about this project, the support and numbers for this game has shot up dramatically and is still climbing!
It looks like we're gonna be making 'Your Girlfriend' after all!

As a matter of fact, I didn't expect this much support coming in, and the tier rewards that I own in art work is over 100. 30+ of these I'll need to ship out and it's a lot of work for just one person.
I'm being serious, you all proved to me that this project is actually worth something, and I am very grateful! Though now i'll need to change up the rewards so I don't kill myself trying to get in what I owe you. ^__^;;;

So, starting next month I will be changing the tiers to something still rewarding, but less stressful on my wrist. XD
To those who already signed up for these tiers, you're still getting what you paid for, so no worries! We will also be announcing new tiers very soon with even better goodies~!

Again, thank you all so much for your support and hang in there. I'll try and catch up with everything very soon.

Stay safe~!





omg i so excited, I wonder how soon soon is!


With how popular the game has gotten, im not surprised by this honestly! Cant wait to see what the new tiers will be!


You do what you need to do! Take care of yourself and your wrist!


Yeah, congrats on the recent in-flood of support! This game (and your work in general) is definitely worth it (^▽^) !!! I'm interested in seeing just what the new tiers will be like ~ .


Honestly I was thinking ththe teirs were kinda low. I'm glad you see your worth


Well, to be fair, I didn't think my works were really worth it when I first started this patreon. ^__^;


Dude your works are great :D I remember your blog from my FNAF phase!