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First off, it's unfortunate that we were unable to meet the deadline for Day 3. The script is still being edited, the folks at Black Shepard Games Got terribly sick, and there's talk of improving Day 2 by installing features that were not working originally (Including the 'Grave Harvest' runner).
That, and I started working a part time job that's been working me full time instead.
I don't get it either.

It is a bummer, but that's not stopping me from plotting Day 4. During the abusive path, despite your situation, you still have a chance to gain the upper hand by forcing YB to prove his love for you.

This scene is one of the kinds that we have warned you about, a hint of gore as YB starts pulling out his teeth. This will open others paths to more self inflicting injuries that he does for you.
But Karma is a bitch, and it will affect how things end for you.




And his beautiful smile?... I love his bites on my skin... Honey you're not going to lose your teeth, not while I'm alive!




Ooog not looking forward to doing that route 😬 hes an ass but damn


Nope, never this route, I'll do all but this one, I will not see him suffer.


l dont want to see him suffer but its a creative route not gonner lie


I really like the layers of horror in this horror game. Like, there's the first obvious layer of "murderous man is stalking you and killing people," but then there's this second layer where you can turn it around and you end up becoming HIS abuser and you yourself can be monstrous, and then there' s the third, kinda-secret layer of the antagonist being aware that he's artificial and unable to control his desires because he was literally made to love you. It's just...*chef's kiss*


(and then you add the sexy stuff and that makes it even better)


I need this


Oh my. i dont think i could ever see YB hurt without feeling awful. such a good route for the sadists out there hah

Cassidy Lawrence

No I don’t wanna hurt him if he doesn’t hurt me tho 😅


i dont know if im sick in the head but that picture is-


Whoa this is sickening :o I love it!

Gracyn VH

I wont be doing that to the boy :) only affection from me! Hope that means he will not hurt me lol


Man I hope that someone is gonna do a full playtrough and I can see all the options because NO WAY IN HELL I am hurting Peter in any way! xD


I wish to see this colored soon 😊


Hearing that Y/N have a bad ending for being abusive kind of makes me happy is that wrong?


i love it


=-=if y/n is that abusive in this path I'm glad karma hits them


I think I feel all the pain in my mouth >.<


Aww don't do that good sir T^T


°^° Please stop my darling. Your teeth are beautiful, don't harm yourself sweetie

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

Forget the teeth. This is the first time I'm really saying this. But Peter, PUT ON SOME WEIGHT. My god I knew you were skinny. And I like tall and sleek. But this guy looks TERRIBLE without clothes 😭 does he EAT??? He wants to do something for me/us???. Gain 30 lbs. We can see your ribcage!. Don't pull your pretty canine teeth out. But we know YN. Told him... It honestly makes me feel bad to see this. But when I remember he cuts our arms off it goes away ..😭😭😭. If karma sets in, He prolly gonna snap out of it a kill us. Which would genuinely make me sad... And I Might cry fr...I hate torture. But both end up doing it to each other soooo.....

Jessica Degen

no! no no no no no no no no!!! I'll take the sexual advances, I'll watch people die, get kidnapped, whatever, as long as it isnt towards him!! I WILL NOT SEE HIM HURT!!!


😱💔 Noo