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First off ,I wanna thank you all for your ongoing support for this game, and also the feedback we got in regards to the release of Day 2!

There were some typos and bugs that were reported, and we're getting those fixed. However, there's one big thing in Day 2 that bothered me greatly, and it was the scene where Lucy comes into your room to complain about the Landlord. The scene we had was fine, but the character herself didn't appear on screen, nor did I think it was a big deal at the time.

However, I wanna add this one little fix to the scene once this piece is done and send it to Matt to add in Day 2 once we have a better update to it.




Fuboo just here taking perfection and polishing it to somehow make it more perfect


Totally no bias but this is a great idea.


wait a minute when is she supposed to come in my room?