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We're mainly gonna set a deadline for releasing Day 2 (A more solid release date), and talk about what else is going to be added into the game.

If there's anything you would like to bring up, just reply and I'll bring it up in the meeting tomorrow. ^__^

Also, color pallet tests of your Roommate and Landlord, Lucy and Dan~!



Emily Lemur

I mentioned this on discord a while back but in case no one saw it: When playing Day 1 and you're in the flower shop, calling BF "Cockbite" will put you in the diner and automatically on the mean route. Just a bit of a glitch there!


I‘m not sure if this isn‘t already planned, but a backlog and a save system would be a great and helpful addition. :) And option setting where you can manually and individually control the text speed as well as the volume of the music/sound effects/voiceovers would be great, too. Also, there is a small immersion breaking scene(?) at the dinner (IIRC it’s in the route where you are being rude to him twice): When you insist on calling him Peter you‘ll get the usual sulky "ugh fine if that‘s what you want...“ reaction, but immediately afterwards he says something along the lines of "yeah that sounds like a good name hehe" with an awkward smile.