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 A new path has been written and will be added to the full first chapter, the neutral path.

It starts after not making a decision when the timer runs out at the park. . .

"The discomforting silence only grew more as I didn't say anything, still unsure about the entire situation that was just so sudden.  

He seemed to take the hint and pulled his hand away from mine, finally looking and gave an awkward chuckle. “I-I get it if you don't want to. I just thought I'd take the chance to ask you out.”

If he was guilt tripping, he was going a terrible job. At least he was taking the hint rather than pushing it.

“Well,” I started, “It's just that I don't even know you. So. . . “
“Don't worry, I get it.” He said, not at all expressing disappointment, but more along the lines of understanding. “I suppose I'd be a little weird out too if some stranger came up and asked me out on a date.”
He was taking the rejection well. No tantrum or pressure of any sort.

Thank God.

“I better get going then. It was nice talking to you.” He said, looking back over to me and giving a smile before getting himself up off the bench and took his leave.

I watched him walk off, feeling kinda terrible for how things ended the way they did.
Maybe I'll apologize to him if I see him again. . .



Emily Lemur

He took that too well.

Laura Castrillón

I like this route better because it feels more consensual (Who knows how it will be in the future).