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Helloooooo everybody!

I got some development updates for you all, if you're curious.
So, this is what we are currently working on for YBF

-Minor bug fixes days 3-4

-Script adjustments and endings for day 4

-art assets for day 4 ending

-music and sfx for day 4

-music, sfx, and art, a lot of art XD for day 5s beginning

-script review and edits for day 5s beginning

-Animation~ drafting for final game endings! Yes, the endings are gonna be animated.

Lots going on! And the team is running at full pace to wrap up day 4 and get day 5 to you all : D

Also, this. . .




can’t wait! love this game!!


Animated endings!!! This is going to be so awesome! And in that little box there? What mysteries await us? I'm dying to find out!!!


I can't wait!!! 💕💕