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hello im alive !! if you missed the info, i got lasik surgery for my eyes last thursday and im still recovering from it ! it's healing well and my view already got better !! it's still a little blurry and working on a screen for too long is tiring but im slowly getting back to it !! 

honesly the most difficult part of this healing process is not being able to draw lmao,,, anyway ! 

here is the storyboard of the next comic page, i don't really know if showing my storyboard is really interesting since...well... it's pretty ugly,,, but it was mostly to give you guys an update hehe 

i hope you are doing great on you side ! <3 




I hope your healing process continues to go well! Take as much time as you need to get well 😊


totally agree ! please make sure to take care if yourself and try not to rush your healing ! we'll be here whenever you're ready :D