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Hello, you marvellous people!

I spent all yesterday editing and publishing eleven short videos.  Most of them are scheduled to appear one per day over the next week or do, but I thought I'd send you all the addresses for the whole lot, so that you binge-watch them when you choose.

Owing to the way that 'scheduling' works on YouTube, you may find that the system locks you out before the scheduled publication date.  I don't think that there is much I can do about that.  One fix would be to make them all 'private' and then get all of you to send in your YouTube account names, and then add you in as having permission-to-view, but that would be a big faff and fraught with failure.  This is my way of letting you all know about the uploads, and making it easy for you to see them all at least once they are all made public.

There are four new Gems of Jedi wisdom in widescreen:





Perhaps you have ideas of your own for such 'gems'.

There is also a quick addendum to the puzzle-box video, in which I reveal the monogram I sought (I did this a couple of days ago):


There is a 'short' about the rudis (Roman wooden sword)


And another short which I hope you will never need, but which could prolong your life:


There are also portrait editions of the Gems of Jedi wisdom, for those of you who have trouble turning your clever telephones through ninety degrees.  These are made using different recordings of the 'gems', and so the performances are very slightly different.





And there is a message for Henry Cavill


I am not charging you for these.  I'm not sure how many shorts would justify a charge.  I reckon that it is somewhere between two and twenty-two thousand.

Soonish, I expect I'll be doing another video call to my patrons.  If you have suggestions about that, suggest away!


Bartosz Błaszkiewicz

Gems of jedi wisdom are worth at least one charge for the lot of them. That coming from one of those with PHPHP syndrome (Permanent Horozontal Phone Holding Palm).