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Sunday the 27th November, I have just decided, will be the day of my next video calls with patrons.  It will use the same format and procedure as previous times I have done this.  

I will do two: one at 11 a.m. and another at 8 p.m. GMT.  This gives my very international audience a reasonable chance that one of the two times will suit.  

Jitsi has worked fine every time so far, so I'll use it again.  It does not require you to pay anything, nor reveal personal details as many others do when they demand that you set up an account.  

I shall announce the link codes here on Patreon, shortly before each call is due to start, so to take part, you'll need to check for updates from me on Patreon.  This is not to be gratuitously mysterious or awkward, but is designed to ensure that only actual patrons take part.  It isn't perfect security, I know, but I can't afford bouncers, and you won't want too many riff-raff.

If there is anything people are especially keen for me to show/announce/discuss, then feel free to let me know in advance.

I look forward to seeing your smiling faces, or, for those with a more visually private disposition, your amusing user-names.


Sam Henderson

Yay! Looking forward to it!