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Thank you all so much for supporting my Lindybeige channel on YouTube.  Today, I discovered that some of you had written to me using the Patreon messaging system, and that your messages had been sitting there unanswered, some of them for months.  This is not good, and I apologise for my tardiness, but in truth, the Patreon messaging system is not the greatest (and neither is the YouTube one).  Probably the best way to reach me with a quick message is via the Lindybeige Facebook group, which I check quite often, or, if the message is more involved, with attachments etc., then possibly the e-mail address shown on the front page of my website (www.LloydianAspects.co.uk - the Googlemail one).

Thanks to your patronage, I have a new camera, and a new tripod, and some new software, and may soonish be getting a new computer.  Better still, there is the strong possibility that I will be able to make a series of videos about getting a suit of armour made for me.   This is something that I would never have been able to afford even to dream about were it not for you.  Already I am contacting armourers about this.  It's all rather exciting.  There is another major project in the pipeline, but I am not yet ready to announce it.

When I first set up this  Patreon account, I asked people to suggest things I could do for my patrons.  I am, as many people have remarked upon, rubbish at self-promotion.  Some of the common patron rewards to me seem to be rather feeble.  Getting to see a video a day early, for example, seems to be a bit of a cop-out.  At the moment, I do not have T-shirts, American rounders hats, or shovels with my channel's logo emblazoned upon them, and am unlikely to be producing anything like that soon.  I am known for not being a fan of emblazoning.  I am, however, aware that I should be doing more for you special people, and am receptive to ideas.  Perhaps there is video subject matter more suited to you that to others, but what might that be?  You will have to tell me.  Some people talk of 'behind the scenes footage', but behind my camera in my front room, there is a wall, which doesn't strike me as very interesting.  

You are my patrons, and he who supports the piper has a strong say in what the next tune is likely to be.  

Many thanks,




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