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With volume 3 "Dark Hearts" coming to a close. We're kicking off Volume 4. "Royal Pain" this Monday! So with that in mind I wanted to check in and get peoples thoughts.

  • Give me your review of volume 3 as a whole.
  • Favorite chapter? 
  • Least favorite chapter? 
  • Any reason why those are your least or most favorite?
  • Thoughts you might have on all three volumes collectively. 

Be on the lookout for polls as well, as I also take the pulse on broader topics, and even test the waters for possible changes to release schedules. 

As always, thank you very much for reading and supporting. It always means the world to me. <3 




The Scorpion and Bridal Royale were up there. Can't say I have a least favorite because yeah comics vary, but they all add onto the world building, lore, or characters in some way. (Oops, didn't know that would post right away.) Scorpion just hit ya good. Scorpior gets his memory back, old frog face gets a makeover and a new outlook on life, and we see what became of the previous queen, which hits on a similar note as Lark, who is cursed to make chicken noises and also can't communicate well. Bridal Royale had a great buildup for years and left everyone in-universe flatfooted and baffled. It truly felt like a capstone and a checkmate to everyone while also building up for something greater..


Overall I loved Volume 3, it was great seeing everything from the entire volume finally come to a head in Bridal Royal, especially for all the theorizing the community went through to try and figure out how Crow was going to get out of the marriage. My favorite issue for this one was definitely No Clip, getting more lore on Sword was neat. Least favorite was probably Heartseeker...there was nothing I disliked about it, but it's the only story I had to go back and read a few pages of to remember what it was about.