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Hey gang!

Hope you enjoyed this week's podcast - won't lie, it was a struggle coming up with in-depth talking points for a story that only has one surviving episode and a reconstruction which has no telesnaps available! But as always, we had more to say than we expected and the TARDIS Tier List was a nice way of rounding out a podcast episode that may have not been everyone's cup of tea (tends to be the case that lesser known and half-completed stories don't have the same audience as, say, a cracking 10th Doctor two-parter, but I'm sure that's not a major surprise to anyone!).

LINK TO SHOW NOTES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSFAWwRpM7lri6hH5xHXcSwHyQptj6_tvOnUNP7zz7vzzQEyEZZwRE-OQRZHFNJWGzmNH-jxauvo79-/pub 

And here's the completed Tier List!

Billy's naturally slightly gutted that 13 came last, but them's the breaks when you're dealing with a TARDIS design that looks like the interior of spiritualist shop in Glastonbury (crystals...). Oh and we ended up listing the BBC Choice Mike Tucker model set even though he threw shade on folk for suggesting it on Twitter.

Okay, update time! We haven't been too forthcoming with plans for new episodes, mainly because we don't know when new Doctor Who is coming out (as of writing this post anyway!) and we like it when the current show informs discussions on the podcast (like 'The Celestial Toymaker' for Ep60!). Plus, Johnny's availability is tricky to pin down so our previous plans to drop the Bidding Adieu Patreon commentary at the end of September have been put on hold for a few more weeks. With that said, here's the RoD schedule for Sep/Oct 2023 (as of Saturday 16 September!). *Patreon exclusive - and as always, card subject to change!

  • 21/09 | Once and Future: The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 review*
  • 25/09 | Ep61. Pickaxe Week Special (An Introduction to DW + DWM 60th Poll)
  • 05/10 | Bidding Adieu commentary (w/Johnny)*
  • 12/10 | Ep62. Timelash
  • 19/10 | RoD Patreon Q&A #11*

There's loads to cover as we head towards the 60th so expect things to shift or be double-banked with news and speculation about the Special when stuff drops!

But there's lots of cool stuff happening in and around the pod as we wrap up the Once and Future reviews, drop more commentaries (*cough*DIMENSIONS IN TIME*cough*), hopefully record another interview (with our first returning guest!), review 'An Unearthly Child' and look towards Series 14! In the Pending Ideas column, we've got a commentaries of Doctor Who Night 1999, I Was a Doctor Who Monster and The Airzone Solution. Plus, of course, we'll start turning our attention towards our James Bond and Red Dwarf content! Basically, there's a lot happening!

So, it's over to you, our amazing RoDers! How does that sound? What kind of things do you want to see? Would you be happy to get more solo content (either just Matt or Billy)? How about special guest commentators or reviewers here on the Patreon? 

Thanks again for all of your support, kind words and fun chat here, in the YouTube comments, over on Twitter and of course in the RoD Discord! You're the best!


- RoD 💜💚 




At some point, it'd be fun if you guys predicted more of the plots of the three anniversary specials (relevant sections can be spoiler alerted for listeners who might want to avoid/skip), then you can come back to your predictions post-November and compare!

Max Kennedy

Great video! I would love for you guys to watch some BBV spin offs and hear your reactions, especially “Do You Have A License to Save This Planet”. Also I would love you guys to read some Doctor Who BBC books and do Audiobooks. VNA, VMA, EDA & PDA’s.