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Hey all!

From Ep79. The Ambassadors of Death, we'll be using a new mix of the RoD theme that debuted last year alongside Dave Burgess' fantastic title sequence. FYI, since then, Patreon content has used a slightly reworked edit with additional sound effects, don't know if anyone's noticed?

But seeing as we're discussing a story with a totally unique sound effect present in the titles, we thought it was a good excuse to have a fiddle and tweak some elements.

The notable differences are a pairing back of some SFX elements to declutter the overall mix, running certain channels through a reverb filter to provide some depth and echo and pulling all sound effects out once the logo appears on screen, seeing as we mix straight out of the credits and into the meat of the show pretty quickly.


- RoD ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š


Rowan Thorne

Not bad Mr Martin ๐Ÿ‘€


Sounds very good! Love the idea to match the Ambassadors of Death's uniqueness!