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Attention: All the information below is given here in order to organize thoughts and write them down in one more place, as well as so that you have the opportunity to get acquainted with all this and express your ideas about it. Some of this has already been approved for development, and some is only at the discussion stage. This is not a list of changes for the next update, but our goals for implementation in upcoming releases.
NSFW content warning!

One of the first and most minor changes concerns the banal name of the game parameter. The value of "Health Points" will be replaced by "Endurance". This renaming will help make the events in the game that we want to create more logical. Now Natasha will not be able to die, but will simply be exhausted if you lose in battle. Technically it will still be game over, but the narrative background will change. "Treatment" with food and drinks will become more logical, while the use of medications will lose some meaning, but it will still be adequate. With this change, the game will become more harmless, although such a change may impose some restrictions on the narrative in the future.

Even the option of making this change applicable not only to the heroine, but also to opponents is being considered. It turns out that you don't kill anyone in the gameplay, you gain experience, and after the battle, an unconscious body remains from the enemy, which you can rob for loot. Then the enemies on the main maps will not disappear, and after defeating them once, after a while you will be able to come back and beat the crap out of them again. For example, the opponents in the Shelter 15 or the cave of the Shelter 13. It is even possible that the enemies, beaten several times by Natasha, will start running away from her in horror at her next appearance in this location, haha. But such changes can also entail various difficulties in the future, which are now difficult to predict. And cutting off the tails of living radscorpions and skinning with pulling out the fangs of other animals will be even much more cruel than killing. ( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ)

★  ★  ★

Undressing in battle. The combat system is currently in a pretty filler state, especially for a game of this category, so we need to fix it. We are going to give the opponents the opportunity to take off Natasha's clothes, either as an additional possible effect for any attacks, or as a unique trick that does not cause damage. Clothes in battle cannot be removed completely at once, there will be three consecutive stages during which Natasha will be able to bring her clothes back to normal by spending her turn on it. If you do not resist this, then after the last stage the enemies will steal the heroine's clothes, leaving her completely naked. After winning the battle, you will be able to return your clothes along with other loot, and if you escape from the battle, you will lose your clothes forever.

Being naked, it doesn't matter if your clothes were stolen, torn in battle or you initially entered the fight with a bare booty, Natasha can be subjected to special attacks of sexual hаrаssment. Men and women will be able to grab the heroine by different places, slap her tits or ass, fingering her mouth or kiss her, whatever. Animals, depending on the species, can rub against Natasha, lick or bite her in different places, sniff and jump on her. [for example: some coyote can stand on its hind legs and put its paws on Natasha's nipples or start licking her butt cheeks.] Such actions will reduce the endurance of the heroine, increase the scale of her lust and add a debuff "embarrassment", which will lower the combat characteristics of Natasha.

★  ★  ★

Seduction. It's not fair that only enemies can do perverted things to Natasha, she should be able to do something too! So, how to implement it? After reading her first magazine "Cat's Paw", Natasha will have the opportunity to use the ability of seduction in battle. This will completely waste her turn, Natasha will undress, turn her back to the enemies and spread her buttocks wide with her hands, showing her secret places. This ability has its own chances of success, and if Natasha fails, she will be defenseless against attacking opponents. To increase the chances of success, you will need to read more different issues of the "Cat's Paw" magazine. In addition, Natasha's chances of success in seduction against certain opponents may be increased by the fact that she has already lost to them and participated in a special event. If Natasha succeeds in seduction, then the fight will immediately end and a simple mini-game will begin.

Everything is quite primitive, and the gameplay resembles similar games. Now you are on the "other side" and control Natasha's partner, there are two scales showing the proximity to orgasm of each of them. When "you" cum the game is over. If you managed to bring Natasha to orgasm during this time, then over the next few days she will receive a "satisfied" buff, which will allow her to perform 2 actions in battle per turn with a 50% probability. If not, then there is a chance that Natasha will be upset and then she will get a "dissatisfied" debuff, which lowers all her characteristics. This mini-game has a random difficulty level, depending on how many times Natasha's partner can cum. The chances of this are as follows: 50% at one time, 30% twice and 20% three times.

★  ★  ★

Additional leather armor. If you save Jarvis in the corresponding quest, then in gratitude he will teach Natasha how to handle the leather, which will allow her to craft additional armor for the overall on her own. This armor will increase protection, as well as prevent enemies from undressing or tearing the heroine's clothes until this equipment is destroyed. This gives +15% protection to the basic armor indicator. The item is disposable and, unlike the main armor, cannot be repaired. Each damage removes one piece of armor, and when the shoulder pads, belt and knee pads are destroyed, it will disappear. This improvement can be removed at any time and put on any overall and Natasha will also be able to put it on her naked body if she is sufficiently liberated.

★  ★  ★

Reuse and expansion of ready-made visual assets. As you already know from the previous post, now a new graphics standard will appear in the game, and almost all images will become completely modular. An example can be viewed here. Thus, it will be possible to reuse drawings that were previously encountered in the game only once, which was quite wasteful. For example, a scene from a prison can be transformed into a mass handjob with a blowjob. This whole process will take some time, and such content can no longer be fully called new, but we believe that it is worth it and significantly diversifies the events in the game.

In addition to everything, such modularity already in the basic form makes it easy to animate images, so it is quite possible that in the future there will be much fewer static images at all.

That's all for today. I hope it was interesting for you to read all this.



Sin Art

And another thing: i hate minigames! Maybe there are possibilitys to skip them or something else? On the long term we are here to just have some fun ;)


It's sad to hear this, especially considering that all the locks will be opened with the help of mini-game. https://dvoikagames.github.io/lockpicking/ As for stealing clothes, this is not a quick process, and, of course, not every attack will lead to undressing. It's a matter of balance, but I doubt that it will come to the point that Natasha will be stripped naked in every fight. But it's a good idea to automatically put stolen clothes back on after winning a battle.


So glad that y'all are back! Actually was thinking of this game not to long ago! Y'all have an amazing game and even more amazing plan to even make it more amazing! Have to support again.