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2 years have passed. A lot has changed, the world has become a much less pleasant place to live, many have passed away, which I also almost did. But you... You are still here, almost a hundred people, waiting for something, asking questions, offering help, over and over again. I can't figure out if you're being overly kind, or if you've completely lost your mind, or if this is a way for you to show your respect for the work that has been done. Anyway, thank you, I really appreciate it. But that's not all. Natasha. She continues to attract all thoughts to herself, no matter what I do, it always ends with notes about what and how it would be necessary to do and improve in the project. After all, even in such an unfinished form and with all the shortcomings, what has been done causes a sense of pride. Not many things are capable of this, so I wouldn't want to lose it.

All this combined made me come back and continue working. No promises. I hope that now you are all smart enough guys to believe not in promises, but in the result. So sit down here next to me and let's see how far it all goes.

In the next few days, a post will be written about what is being worked on and in what direction, what priorities were set first, what to expect in the new update, and so on. Discord will also be resuscitated as soon as possible.

Once again, I express my gratitude to everyone who still cares about this project. Your unbearable stubbornness brought me back here.



Jack woods

Yeah I hope your doing well and back on the project

Joshua Roy

Welp to be honest I really like the game when I got to try it out on a sketchy site. Noticed you had a Patreon and I wanted to support it since it's fun. (Besides how many times I miss in combat, I dislike that but it's fun!).... Anyway, keep yourself well and happy to see your back!