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To make it easier for you to navigate the menu, which is likely to become more complicated in the future, we decided to add an active stick that shows all possible interactions and makes it more convenient for mouse users.

Example of the mechanics with the active area.

Now, thanks to the green indicators, you will see in which direction you can interact and we do not have to add to each window meaningless scrollbars and other things.

Detailed demonstration.



When can we be looking at an update??


Im having trouble in the beta 0.2, when i get past the two elevators with the ropes i dont seem to find anything from there, i walk all around the vault and cant find anything, is there any new content past there or am i missing anything?


Scroll down a bit, we have already answered this question and given a list of events for 0.2v. It's in <strong>Garl "Death-Hand" preview</strong> post.

Ulrich Riga

Any estimate on new version release date? :)


Last 2 days for estimated release time so you guys must share somethings about it.