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The translation is done and known errors fixed.

Translation files now is fully open and anyone can make corrections if you find some mistakes in the text, or to translate the game into any language by simply editing one text file.

Just use the "en.json" or "ru.json" from the root directory of the game, and then put them in the "resources" folder after editing. Don't forget to send us corrected files, or your translations, if you want us to add it in the official build.


Win x32 | Win x64 | Linux x32 | Linux x64 



Classic Edition

downloaded win x32 of the game but everytime i go to vault 15 i get white screen?????


How can i download it


i need clariflcation


где находятся сейвы к игре?


after the scene for the dream in the beginning I get a white screen and am unable to play the game. I am running version 0.2 beta x32. Any advice on how to get past this?


got infinite loading screen when going to vault 15, any advice?


language italian


No mac?

Manoah Samuel Gaddis

was looking forward to updates including eventually a skill system that may unlock new scenes or something. will occasionally check for a new update

Steven Fraser

Fantastic, glad you guys have stuck to what you said the communication continues to be great.


That's great that we can help out with translation errors! And thanks for the Linux version :)

H.P Fuckcraft

maybe it's just me but i can't seem to load my saves from the last build. can you not continue saves between each build?


thanks :)


Not typically, there tends to be variables missing between builds, especially this early on in a game's development, can't count how many times I have gone through Roundscape.


I found a little bug: when your get your sportswear in the gym, the dialogues right after it are just the word "undefined"

Kill La Kill Yourself

This is amazing! Grammar needs a bit of fixing here and there, but it's nothing overly distracting.


Curtis reward untranslated line. Toilet undefined line. A bit more hints what to do would be nice. But overall nice job. Like this game.


Is it just me or you can't do the "server library" side quest?


Is there anything to do at Shady Sands after MC says there's nothing in Vault 15?


Is there a walkthrough for the game?

Rodolfo Barajas

Is there a way to give the rope vendor a blowjob for the rope?


Something I find more funny than I should is that some of the voice clips that play during regular conversation tend to be sexy moans. Like when asked if she wants to compete with the other security personnel at the beginning, the affirmative grunting noise is a sex moan. Just something to think about in the future; adding more voice clips. Just to avoid it turning comical.


another bug was found... you cant enter the chute to fix the wiring after accepting the quest in the vault


There is no blowjob for rope. But it would be bad idea I think. Would be too simple no story nothing. Gets boring fast.


walkthrough please


Can we get the walkthrough please? It would be awsome.


emm...so what do i do after getting down to the underground 3th floor?


Alright, just got around to playing the game finally and I have the same opinion as many others. Awesome artwork, decent gameplay with lots of potential, yet the game is desperately in need of a questlog or something. Also, it would be helpful to include little notes indicating that you've reached the end of an event in that particular update. It seems that myself along with many others who played the game have been just wandering around with no idea where to go or whether they've unlocked all available content or not. But again, this is so far an awesome looking game. Natasha is a great character and the situations she finds herself in are pretty hot and some of them are pretty funny. Keep up the good work guys!


I agree with everything you said. We need a quest log or a walkthrough for what we need to do.


so is te game supposed to be entirely in Russian after leaving vault 13


Did you use the download from this post


Thanks for all your feedback. We read all your messages here and from other forums, but please don't ask to us more about the walkthrough. Yes it will be, but not immediately. Like for version 0.1 we will publish a description of all events, to make sure you didn't miss anything. But for now this is a great opportunity to us watching your independent actions and make conclusions based on it. Yes, in the future we will try to create some kind of system to make it easier to understand that all the content you've already seen. Now we can only say that all available events have already been discovered. As we wrote in a previous post - in this version a lot of time was spent on the development of new mechanics, creating maps, sprites and other visual components, so plenty of content couldn't be inserted due to this. You can still complete the event with the wires, but for this you need to stand in front of the hatch and press the "accept" button. This and other errors in the translation we already figured out and fixed, but not to release a new version with such a small patch, we want to add in the "Gamma" part of the previously scheduled events. Just give us a little time to take breath. We are really tired in the pursuit of time to complete the release in past year. Thank you.

Steven Fraser

Yeah take your time, a rushed game is nowhere near as satisfying as something polished and made with care. If you over work yourself ultimately the quality of the game suffers and that sucks for everyone. Hopefully it's a bit easier for you in coming months, holiday season probably didn't help. Shaping up to be a great game still anyway, brilliantly parodies the series!


this looks like it's made in unity, is that correct? if so, can you also make a OS X build? my (limited) understanding is that unity makes that super easy, and it would open your game to lot of new users

Wendy Thorne

It's an RPGmaker game though heavily customized. I think it is probably RPGmaker MV.

Wendy Thorne

I don't think there is. I tried exploring the map and looking for the missing girl but I think that's probably the end of the update.


Can anyone help me im stuck at the comand centre in the ruined vault and i duno what to do next


i killed everything there... found the rope inside used it got to other floor now stuck


same problem


I dont think that there is content after you cleared vault. Water recycle chip cant be found at this point anywhere. I don't think it exist in game yet. But game is only in early development. Guys developing game done a huge job. A lot of new content compared to version 0.1.


This is not a problem, you just reached the end of the main storyline, at the moment.


Is it only for pc?


If you save in 15 shelters - after loading the save the white screen. I would like to know this only from me or from everyone happens? Если сохраняешься в 15 убежище - после загрузки сохранения белый экран. Хотел бы знать это только у меня или у всех происходит? Проверил 2 раза, теперь третий раз заново начинаю игру, сохраняться там не буду больше xD


when i trying to enter shelter 15, i always got "error: cannot read property 'push' of null".


Try the run 32bit, or reinstall the game (previously copying the save, if you do not want to start again)


I have this rope(still doesen't work). I found saves, but I can only delete them


Then I can not help you. Maybe the author will read your comment and help you.


hey and sry for my bad english. Once we have searched the sector 15 in its entirety and natasha says that we would have to look around because she did not find what she wanted. At your end the update in full ?


Yes, at the moment the main quest ends here, and there is no possibility to continue search of water chip. If your question was about this.


hmm... a little spoiler of when will the ver 0.3 be released? can't wait


Автор, ты молодец это лучшая игра изо всех в которые я играл, только начало, а я в восторге, удачи тебе с продолжением


the best fallout game ever ^^ i wanted to make a video but it runs a little slow :(


Есть ли прохождение игры? Если нет, то я не знаю что делать дальше, пришел в убежище 15, поднялся в центр управления, облазил все комнаты, и ничего нет. А так игра очень затягивает)


А ничего и нет, пока это конец, весь контент в деревне, в убежище просто полазить и посражаться и все.


Guys some rough estimate when next release will be would be interesting. Or some short update what is happening. People leaving your patreon slowly since no information.

Steven Fraser

Yeah I would guess maybe they stressed themselves out too much rushing for the deadline in such a busy time of the year, hopefully that hasn't caused issues with the team. I don't think we can expect anything substantial like next week or whatever but a quick update on the situation would be nice.